"... Okay, but only the dissolution of the Council. I will not resign."

"Don't know if you don't tell me properly? The council you chose has fallen and no longer trust. We won't tolerate you remaining. I think it's the last kindness not to tell you to resign directly I want you to do it? "

"Don't be playful ...! If each SS-class adventurer complains to the council and breaks down each time, you'll see the complexion of SS-class adventurers! Such a precedent cannot be made!"

"In the case of precedent, it would be a bad precedent to leave a council licked by another country, whether it is a country or an organization, because it is powerful enough to be neutral. Nobody interferes with anything because it's placed. It's broken now. That's why it's disbanded.

"The adventurer who doesn't choose the means is silver! You have an idea if you use force!"

"I don't use armed forces. I just tell adventurers on the continent that SS-class adventurers don't support the guild leader. Will that alone destroy the guild leader's position?

If all the top SS adventurers report that they do not support the guild leader, they will always be drawn down, no matter how long they remain.

To my words, Toroshin frowned.

"I mean ... I don't want to tell it to adventurers this time?"

"We have no intention of telling us. In essence, we can say that Auditor Pittman was under pressure from other countries. He took responsibility for disbanding the council and resigning from the guild. If he wanted to be reelected,"

"... What kind of wind do you blow around?"

"SS adventurers move freely. They can't decide to the top of the guild, they're all adventurers and staff, but it's a steep story. I guess it's a simple election for headquarters adventurers only. "

Now it is easy to drop Trosin completely.

However, doing so would bring the SS-class adventurers completely onto the council.

If free people gather at the top, they will be disturbed.

I'm okay now, but it can be a problem when I'm gone.

The Council should respect SS-class adventurers and follow their decisions as SS-class adventurers should be.

Therefore, the treatment of Toroshin is left to adventurers and staff.

Pitman is Trothin's waist drawer. Trocin is at a disadvantage because of the pitman's blunder. And if Trosin becomes the guild length again, it can't be helped.

"Is it okay to be the consensus of SS class adventurers ...?"

"It's okay. Silver was the one who was set up for the silly inquiry. I'll follow that decision. I think it's warm."


"I don't understand I won't ban him, but that's fine."

"does not matter"

With everyone's consent, Trosin frowned.

"Okay ... then the council broke up, I resigned from the guild, and again hold the guild election. Is that OK?"

"No problem. The details need to be decided by the new guild length."

I put my weight on the back of the chair.

He asked Toroshin while tapping the round table with his finger.

"But the guild. How are you feeling now? Didn't you think you're going to step down?"

Choose words that are inspiring.

Toroshin, on the other hand, laughed with his nose.

"It looks like you've bought Clyde a lot. The next guild leader isn't suspicious of Clyde."

"of course"

"Sweet ... how do you think I became a guild leader? Elections were made, supported by many adventurers and staff. Again in this election I win."

"Is that going well?"

"It works. Adventurers and staff with voting rights. Do you think they think as much as you do?"

"What do you mean?"

When she looked back, Troshin smiled like a stupid smile.

Fine frowned as she saw her smile.

"I'm just stupid, like adventurers. There's a lot of staff to support it. I'm burning for the ideals, living my life for ambiguous causes, such as for the people, and enduring the hard work of my day. I can only do it. "

"I'm surprised. I don't know that such words come out of the guild leader's mouth."

"I've never worked for the people, but I'm the guild leader. I guess why? Because those who vote don't have the eyes to see people. If you put your interests in front of them, they will support me.

"... Sure, adventurers are stupid. Earn daily money, melt it into alcohol and women and watch crying. I'm always wondering if I'm moving and thinking and living alive. But ... I'm such an adventurer I like

Many of the adventurers are those who can only be adventurers.

Even though he has the ability, he cannot be a knight. He is not good at keeping discipline.

If they made a mistake, they were criminals. Yet he chose to use that power for the people.

Many people have no choice. How many people have a cause in their heart for the people?

Some are reluctant to be adventurers to live.

Still, many adventurers enjoy such a way of life.

Live as you like and earn on your own.

How happy are you if you can live like that?

"When the sea dragon appeared in the Principality, the voice of the Princess reached every branch. The adventurers of the Imperial City Branch were frustrated by their inability to help. I support them, both stupid and unthinkable, on that day, listening to the voice of the princess and scattered throughout the continent, where he ran for sake Those are my ideals, whether they are guild leaders or imperial emperors-no insults. "

"Wonderful! Everyone will celebrate wonderful! But human beings cannot live with ideals alone, they are not just wonderful humans! If you dangle money, you will vote for me and hope for realistic results! I expanded my guild! Many adventurers benefited from it! No matter how stupid I am, I support me as long as I make money! Is bad! "

"Hmm, it's a bad guy."

"At all"

Egor and Linares mutter as if they were stunned.

Jack frowns with trouble, while Noname sits quietly.

Toroshin, who thought she was told, made a laugh.

"You can say whatever you like! I will be reelected again! Then the SS-class adventurers will always be under the council! Don't think you can behave as freely as ever !? unforgivable!"

"The guild chief ... you would have been a wonderful person if you were the top of the firm."

Clyde said to Trosin.

I agree with the word.

Trosin is commercial. However, their temperament is incompatible with adventurers.

"But the guild chief of the adventurer's guild is not a merchant. Taking care of his interests cannot guide the adventurers scattered throughout the continent. The role of the adventurer has been important since the Demon King appeared. We're a continental balancer, and we need a cause. To continue, we need a cause; the top of the guild must remember that cause. "

"Don't preach pretentiously! You've left me because of the strong reputation of the adventurers! But I don't need to be more than against me! I don't think I can win! After all, you can win with money and personal connections! "

Tolosin insisted.

On the other hand, Fine tries to open her mouth with the limit of patience.

But I controlled it by hand.

You don't have to say anything extra.

One thing to say to Trocin.

The SS-class adventurers told them all together.

"" "Do not lick the adventurer" ""

At that moment, I heard a rush of footsteps from outside.

And the door opens vigorously.

"Guild leader! It's hard!"

"What !? Did it even appear as a monster?"

"No! The headquarters adventurers are making a fuss to see the guild leader! Or rather, the staff are mixed in ...

"What? What is it?"

"That's ... the guild leader's words were echoing throughout the headquarters from a while ago ..."

I guess she's a subordinate of Troshin's child.

Despair was floating on his face.

That's right. Trosin himself refused his future.

Slowly Toroshin stared at me.

Seeing such Toroshin, he smiles in the mask.

"... Is it your job ...?"

"I'm sorry. With one action, you can activate the magic of carrying wind with your voice."

With that said, I hit the round table with my finger.

The reason I was provocative was to have Troshin strangle himself.

He defeated himself so interestingly.

And SS class adventurers were aware. So Egor and Linares were amazed that they were bad guys, and Jack showed trouble with his round hands.

"No, my promises are wrong! Now I know throughout the headquarters that Silver doesn't support me!"

"I promised we wouldn't tell you. I just talked about adventurer love. I guess the rest is the Guild's own words."

"Do you think such a quibble will pass !?"

"It's passing. You must have said it yourself. Not just wonderful people. That's right. To sum up the opinions around me, I don't seem to have common sense. I just do spread the words of others. Forgive me, guild leader. It was insane. "

When I said that, Troshin grimaced, sighing, SS-class adventurer, Clyde, and Fine sighed at the same time.

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