"I don't mind fighting, but I'd like to refrain now." "Why?" "I have one Miss Fine. I don't want to. "

For my reason, I nodded that the no name was enough. And of course, we walk deep into the large underground test site. Preparing what he was going to do, Noname broke the door in the back and went inside.

"Do you have the idea of opening the door ..." "It's exciting ..."

When Fine and I were amazed at the action, Noname came back with something in one hand to find what he wanted. And no name throws the object at me.

"This is ..." "A bracelet with a jewel. It's an item that has accumulated magic and can take on the burden of a mage. Do you know it?" "Of course, but ... Is the guide a valuable item? "Hadesu" You can use it. I'll give you something behind the door. I also like it. There is no efficiency in absorbing magic power unless it is a moving object. I don't need such magical tools. "

Really careless except for the magic sword. The giant armor doll, which was surely destroyed by the no name, protected many experimental objects behind the door. But interest in nonames is not there. No matter how valuable they are, if they do not help to raise the level of the magic sword, it seems that they are no different from junk. Not a bad suggestion for me. No-name cooperation is also installed, and you can get valuable magic tools. However, fighting against no names is reluctant.

"How much do you want to fight me?" "I don't want to fight you. I want to know the current position of Hades. Also, at a later date, you may escape by metastasis. You cannot be deceived by

Will you be serious with me now? That's why No Name thrust me at me. It seems that this will not be released unless you are opponent.

"Mr. Finee. Can you go back?" "But ..." "I can't fight with you" "... I understand."

Fine tries to bite, but when I hear my words she gives up and steps down. I'm sorry, but if you get injured, it's not a question. I open the transfer gate to the guild headquarters.

"... I hope we won't hurt you."

With that said, Fine entered the gate and returned to the guild headquarters. What was left was no name with me. I sigh and put on my bracelet. Good grief. I've avoided head-on collisions with SS-class adventurers so far. Couldn't this only be avoided?

"No name. Let's just say one?" "What is it?"

moment. The magic power of me and no name swelled, and the underground test site began to shake.


"to go"

That's why the no name goes into my pocket. I opposed the Heavenly God who was shaken without hesitation in multiple barriers. Hades and the barrier collide, and Hades tears the barrier like paper. Judging that it could not be accepted by the barrier, I cast magic at Hades.

≪Spout, Thunderbolt-Bloody Lightning≫

A giant blood-thinning black thunder strikes the underworld approaching me and explodes. The shock exposes the underground test site to severe shaking. It depends on whether the no name is satisfied first or the experimental site collapses. Kicking the ground in the wind pressure of the explosion, and at a distance I look at the smoke that rises in the explosion. You're probably not that scared. As expected, no name appeared slowly in the smoke. Of course intact.

"What about it? Compare it with the Holy Sword." "I can't compare it as it is now. If the brave kid holds the Holy Sword and attacks at that distance, I'll be fine." The holy sword should be scary, as expected. "

While saying, no name gathers magic power to Hadesin. He praised his mouth and said he did not intend to lose at all. In fact, the power of no name is not this much. He is called 〝Evil Death Swordsman’ because he has destroyed everything in the space just by shaking the Hades. If the no name is serious, the armor dolls at this test site will not remain. There is no doubt that the previous blow was a fairly moderate blow. I don't know the whole god, but I know its type. It doesn't change shape like Lynfia's sword or manipulate attributes like Ignat's sword. No small work. Defeat enemies with overwhelming power and magic like the Holy Sword. That is the essence of Hades. However, nonames do not release posture while collecting magical power.

"What's going on? If you take care of this place, it won't end forever?" "I'm not as good as Erna von Amsberg as a swordsman."

Completely taken behind. Did it move at a speed even faster than the surrounding barriers? Immediately I put a huge amount of magic in my right hand. He catches Hades while turning around with his right hand.

"It's really silver." "Let's just return that word. I didn't want to use this hand."

Now, most of my magic is concentrated in my right hand. That's why I can catch Hades, but this is not the way I fight. If you concentrate your magic on your right hand, your other defenses will be sparse. If I'm still a top-notch physician, no matter how much I strengthen, my senselessness will not go away. No matter how much your right hand turns into a great sword, the user remains pitiful. That's why I try to get away from the spot. No name will be thin if you do not. To control it, I cast magic without chanting. Countless light magic bullets sprung around me, heading for no name at high speed. Originally, it is a magic used for one-to-many, but this number is necessary for no name stalling. However.

"A little ...!"

As I said, I didn't get any no-names, I avoided everything and approached me. Still, the distance between me and the noname doesn't change much. It's still a no-name distance. Isn't this stopping you despite releasing countless magic? Indeed, there is nothing more than trying to surpass the holy sword. It is nothing more than a brave family. In other words, his goal is to defeat Erna.

"Let's acknowledge. Your purpose isn't a dream, but a hero is still stronger."

I play my fingers. Earlier, when I kicked the ground to get on the blast. Already a stationary barrier had been established. Its name is the light column barrier. No name was captured by a pillar of light protruding from the ground. It is a magic that has a small range and is hard to use because it is a barrier for personal use, but it can be used for strong opponents. By the way, let's take a distance. With that said, I was away from no name.

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