And return to the beginning. After finishing the conversation with Fine, I created a transfer gate and prepared for departure soon.

"Silver. Who are you going to see first?" "Only one person knows exactly where he is. Also, hit the old man first before he gets lost." All that remains is the “Kensen of the two poles”, the bow god of the wandering, and the enigmatic swordsman of the annihilation, as well as Silver. "But do you understand the story?" "It's only Egor Okina who seems to be able to talk. It's an extremely lost habit, but he's staying in one place now. That's easy."

Otherwise, you're the one who gets lost in decades, so it's the hardest to find and therefore the hardest to hear.

"What about the other three?" "I don't know if I can meet you.

I don't think they cooperate with me unconditionally. It's hard to find, but hard to persuade. I don't always listen to people.

"Huh ..." "Good luck! I'll do what I can do here!" "If you say that, you'll get a little motivated. Then you'll go." "Yes. Let's go."

With that said, Fine bowed. I was transferred to Fine and I was transferred.


I moved to the Dwarf Village, an autonomous territory in the empire. Egor should be protecting the Sonia there. Gordon using Sonia is still alive. At least until Gordon is completely neutralized, it doesn't seem to leave. I even helped me out. Egor rarely loves Sonia. With that in mind, I walk in the dwarf village. He came to the hut where Sonia lives, but there is no sign of the people there. Instead, a loud noise was heard in the center of the village.

"A festival?"

No matter how you look, you're making a fuss. Dwarves are heavy drinkers and they like festivals. If there is anything, drink alcohol and hold a festival. Surely it is. Judging that way, the closer we were to the center, the more dwarves sleeping with drinks began to sprinkle. I was wondering if I could wake up if I wasn't sleeping on the ground, but I'm sleeping comfortably, and I'm not talking about one or two people, so give up and go on. Then I heard a stupid laugh. Dwarves were drinking around a huge bonfire. That's why I've been making noise since last night. The most noisy among them is a group of dwarf men with good luck. At the center is a small dwarf old man.

"Let's look! Look at this sword sacred hand!" "Wahaha! Good! More!" "Soooo! It's really too fast!" "..."

Egor was performing at the center of the dwarves. It was naked, using two tubs, and hiding the crotch at high speed, but it is indeed invisible, as it is a sword-stirring or terrible replacement of tubs. Swordsmen all over the continent will see this sight, but the dwarves around them are laughing hungry. This is not the first time to show off in this situation. I hate that, SS-class adventurers.

"Huh ..."

Sigh, I look up to heaven. What is so sad that he must cooperate with the old man? Looking back, the mock was upgraded. The dwarves have begun to throw the fruit of a knob tree at Egor's crotch.

"Go! Break through!" "Wow!" "Sweet! I don't think I can break through my defense!"

Egor defends with a barrel. Upon seeing it, the dwarves scream sorry, and the younger claim to be a challenger. Well, what to do. Honestly, I don't want to call that group. Thinking like that, the dwarf women appeared with a tray.

"Yes, it's rice! You're dressed!" "What!

Egor murmurs unfortunately. Did you want to break through ... I don't know. Stunned and standing on the spot, Sonia, who was carrying rice with the dwarf women, came. And Sonia immediately noticed me.

"Lies ...? Why were you !? Something happened?"

After hearing Sonia's voice, the dwarfs who were finally fooling around looked at me. The faces are all red, probably because of the sake.

"Who is that gloomy guy?" "Don't you know, Majesty?

I'm tired and can't even say something. For the time being, the dwarven man called the Majesty nods several times and laughs brilliantly.

"Oh! Yeah! Yeah! It's like Egor! Came to a good place! Drink sake! Fortunately, the princess and the Duke of the eastern border have given a lot of sake! Drink as much as you like "Don't tell me that you've been drinking for many days ... please take a break."

Stunned, Sonia tells the dwarven king. It's quite familiar to dwarves. Egor came in front of me. I still don't have any clothes.

"It's good! Silver! Look at my defense!"

Egor switches the tub at high speed. What's great is great, but it makes me feel like I've done it.

"... And then?" "Your younger villagers should be your opponent! Let's do it!" "Oh! Is it a fight between SS class adventurers! Good!

The king of the dwarves seemed willing to ride, and the other dwarves cheered. And a nut is handed to my hand. In spite of seeing Sonia, Sonia responds with a bitter smile.

"I don't think it will end unless I do it." "I see ..." "It's coming from anywhere!"

Energetic Egor moves the tub at a higher speed. Once I sighed, I strengthened my body and threw a nut. The timing doesn't matter. The nut hit the tub, but penetrated the tub and struck directly into Egor's crotch.

"Wow! ??" "Wow !!" "Well done!" "It's an SS class adventurer!"

How many sighs since you came here? Egor mutters while holding her crotch and crouching.

"Well, don't you think you're going to work for the old man?" "I don't say that a person who plays in a tub is an old man. I have a talk for the time being." hand……"

Doesn't it hurt if I'm not careful? With that in mind, I sighed again.


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