The fighting tournament starts at noon. Until then, events will be held during the festival, and the climax will be a lively competition. Until the fighting tournament, the dignitaries and their princes and princesses can go outside because they have free time. However, the movements of the key figures are sluggish, probably because of the incident of the abduction of a saint the day before. The second and third targets aren't terrible. Meanwhile, some key figures are groaning in my room.

"Tsukareta" "Yes, yes.

With that said, I look for Orihime lying on the sofa. Orihime repaired the barrier between the thrones, neutralized by the Imperial Flag, overnight. At the expense of staying up all night, he seems to be quite tired. Originally I had to thank and give thanks to the Empire, and in fact there was such an offer, but Orihime refused to do so in my room. According to him, he seems to have no rest in places he is not used to. It is a secret that the word territory broke for a moment.

"I feel like I'm not grateful." "I'm grateful. Very much." "I can't feel thanks from words."

Orihime doesn't move around on the couch, as would normally be the case. I'm really tired. The throne is where the emperor lives. Rebuilding the barrier, which plays an important role in its security, was urgent. That's why we asked Orihime to do it. For Orihime, it seems to be more mentally tired to create several fine barriers than to develop a large one. Really, the empire can't get up to Orihime.

"Well, how do you get thankful?" "Hmm .... More, praise the concubine. In other words, praise it."

Now Orihime is exhausted and not always well. It is not an exaggeration to say that Orihime, who has difficulties in character, can only take good health. I'm sorry Orihime is just a great guy. I focused on the tail, thinking there was nothing to praise. It is a tail that usually expresses the emotions of Orihime in an interesting way, but is now tired and tired.

"I've been thinking for a long time ... I think it's a good tail." "Mum! Indeed Arnold! Isn't my eye looking good? The tail is one of the charm points of the concubine!" What?

I ate more than I thought. I don't know what to do if you ask me for more details.

"Where do you think it is good ?! It's a touch as a concubine, but some praise it!" "Um ... it's a shape. Or! "

If you are good at complimenting this, the world is overflowing with good praise. Maybe Orihime, who tends to take things to his advantage. Perhaps I misunderstood my rough compliments and turned them into wonderful compliments. Well, if you misunderstand, that's fine. It's better than sulking.

"I'm sorry. Al-sama, Orihime-sama." "Oh! Fine!"

Looking at Fine entering the room, Orihime jumps up. He hugged Fine and dragged himself to the sofa. In such Fine's hand there was a tray with sweets on it.

"When I'm tired, I'm limited to sweets!"

Saying that, Orihime sits on the sofa with Fine and starts eating sweets. I'm worried that it's going to make my throat clog because of the great momentum, but as expected, Orihime clogged my candy with my throat.

"Guh !?" "Yes, it's water."

Fine, who had prepared the water in advance, handed it to Orihime quickly, and Orihime also poured the water vigorously. When breathing was in place, Orihime began eating sweets again.

"I'm a little more calm down." "Nan! I need to recover a little bit here. I'll give it later!"

I'm stunned, and Fine looks at Orihime with a smile. And time flows as it is. I wanted this peaceful time to last forever, but it wasn't. As noon approached, the castle as well as the entire Imperial City began to get busy.

"I'm sorry. Your Highness, Arnold, His Excellency Orihime, Fine. What are your plans for the future?"

The guard knight on the guard asked us. Fine remains of course in the castle. Nominally, Christa is worried. Crista is at risk from the Dark Elf raid. No one will complain if he wants to be near that Christa. The problem is me and Orihime. I thought he was quiet in the room in the state of Orihime, but now he's a little better and he's ready to head to the arena. I would like to stay at the castle if possible, but if Orihime comes, I have to keep up. Because I am an entertainment. Well, in the Imperial City, even if the celestial sphere is activated, it can be transferred, and there are ways to do it. It is inevitable that the situation of the castle will be slightly delayed. After all, it is easier to hit your hands if you are there, and you have to get out in a natural way even if you get out. Because there is no Sebas, it's hard to mislead. I'd like to say that I won't go if possible.

"My concubine goes, of course." "I'm near Christa." "Okay. We have a carriage, so let me know when you're ready."

Saying that, the guard knight goes down. Well this is unavoidable.

"Well then go?"

With that said, I got up from the chair and Orihime tilted her head.

"Yeah? Only the concubine is going?" "Huh? I can't do that, right? I'm your entertainment." "You should sleep and say that. You're in front of the concubine." "Is it the Prince of the Empire?"

That was a surprising word. Orihime stares straight at me and smiles quietly.

"This city has an unpleasant smell. It's an unpleasant smell. Even if your brother goes to help the saint, this smell is getting darker rather than disappearing. You deal with it. "I guess you're going to be in the castle on your face. If you have to be in the castle to deal with it, let's go lonely but my concubine alone. If anything happens, the concubine today can't help much. To be honest, it's hard to stand up. It's enough to stretch out the barrier without moving. Does that bother you? "

That's right. I'm not sure if it's perfect, and now I'm exhausted. It is Orihime called Senhime. The barriers can be stretched, but the fatigue of the body is hard to beat. If you run out of energy and can't even stretch the barrier, your hostage will increase. This one case doesn't always end soon. To begin with, Senhime is not a warrior, unlike a brave man. I can't overdo it.

"I don't have to worry. I'll be here if it's painful." "I don't care. If you do it here, the concubine will only do it in the arena." I repaired the barrier between the thrones in a day. I can rest. This is a problem of the empire. "" Oh? Did you misunderstand your concubine? The problem of a friendly nation is synonymous with the problem of our country.Reassurance, helping once or twice is not much different. "" ... "" This is just selfishness. I want to help you, I don't want to see your sad face, and if it doesn't help, my concubine will go to the place where the concubine can help. Unfortunately, there is no hero, and until the hero returns, Instead, let the concubine protect what you cannot protect. Can't touch one finger. ''

I'm strong. There is no way to establish a barrier to it. Still, I have no choice but to accept the words of Orihime.

"Someday ... this borrow will be returned" "Um! Someday you should return!"

Orihime waved her hand and left the room with a smile. If nothing happens, I'm an unreachable person who sent the dignitaries alone, but Orihime also felt disturbed. Surely something will happen.

"... He's kind. Orihime-sama." "Oh, that's right."

Letting people from other countries do this is not enough to fail.

"I will definitely prevent it. Absolutely." "Yes!"

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