"Hmm ... you're tired" "Eh, yeah ..."

Night. Leticia and Leo walked out of the castle after exiting the party venue. Leticia was walking happily, but Leo was far from it. Leo told Al on the balcony that he didn't know how to propose, but Al returned me with no idea.

"Sorry, my brother may not have any experience ..."

Leo sighed at the pinch of his brother's life, wondering what it was. Al was a consultant for Leo since childhood. He consulted with him if he had any problems, and Al always gave a helpful answer. Al, who sees things from a different perspective than the surrounding adults, knew at that time what he needed. So Leo turned to Al. However, this time he did not answer. I didn't mean I couldn't answer. Leo knew he didn't answer. Think about it yourself. As a result of thinking, I do not know what to do. He gave me some advice at the end of the conversation, but no detailed advice. Leo wanted detailed advice. Leo follows Leticia, thinking that's not enough. The eagle lion arrived at our hut.

"Huh ... Are you doing well? Blanc"

Leticia strokes the head of a white eagle lion on her own. Behind him, he struck out his head just as a black eagle lion, who had no rider.

"Yes yes. How well was Noir?" "That ... Leticia" "Yes? What?" "Well, the eagle lion you are riding is a white eagle lion. Why is the black eagle lion brought in? "I didn't bring this child, but she did."

Leticia smiles while stroking the head of a black eagle lion called Noir. Leo expressed a suspicious look at the words that she followed. The eagle lion is a phantom beast that lives in the kingdom of Perlan. It is treated as a valuable animal, not a monster, because it does not attack humans unless harmed by humans. A wise, brave and proud eagle lion rarely recognizes a person as Lord. This is one of the reasons why the number of eagle lion knights is small. What does that eagle lion follow?

"The eagle lion, who put me first, was the mother of these children. She died of illness, but after that I was the mother of these children. Both have missed me ... especially Noir is a child who only accepts me, and it comes with me everywhere. "" Is it a mother's substitute ... "" Noir has a rough temper and I take it to other countries too much I didn't want to go, so I left it at first, but I seemed to escape after seeing the gap ... "" I see ... I'm connected ... "" Yes, this girl finds me wherever I am. She is a very good girl in front of me ... "

Leticia strokes Noir's chin. Noir then thrilled his throat. If you look at it, it looks mature. That's why Leo didn't think she would touch it. Noir's eyes on Leo were definitely eyes on his enemies. I can't really propose anything here. Then, finally, this eagle lion might bite and kill you. With that imagination, Leo suggests changing places.

"Let's Leticia. Um ... do you want to see the spectacular view?" "Is it spectacular?" "Yes.

Leo notices his mistake. Leticia riding on the back of an eagle lion running in the sky will be tired of seeing the beautiful scenery. A location overlooking the Imperial City from the castle promises the best view, but whether Leticia will be impressed by that. Leo held his head halfway. Leticia laughs at the appearance of Leo.

"The view is good, but there is something I want to go to. Please take me?" "Yes, please!" "Let's go!"

Leticia took Leo's hand and ran off.


"Wow! It's really a hidden room!"

Leticia, who said that she was frolicking, was in a hidden secret room in the castle. It was a secret room that was not generally known and existed next to a room below the castle. The entrance is a mechanism that appears by pressing a switch behind the portraits of successive emperors, a hidden room that is not usually found.

"Did you come here?" "Yes. Do you remember? Five years ago, when I was talking to Mitsuba, Prince Arnold and I went together to find a hidden room. "It was that time."

About five years ago. Al and Leo were hooked on finding a hidden room in the castle. The Imperial Sword Castle was modified by the emperors of that time, and had many unknown secret rooms and passages. Find a hidden room that even the emperor could not grasp. It was a play that tickled the boy's adventure.

"When I heard the story of them, I wanted to go too ... but I couldn't say anything from a standpoint, and I was always worried."

Leticia strolls through the secret room. The spacious room was simple but well furnished, with a large bed in the center.

"As long as my brother looked up, he made the emperor before his fifth generation. He probably used it for a meeting with his mistress." "If he was an emperor, he had a hand in the concubine?" I don't know, because I was searching in the library and my brother found an autographed letter, which I guessed from the text, that he applied to his mistress. "" What's in the letter? " Please wait in a secret room for a lover who does not come true.I was surprised because the emperor before the fifth generation was known for having no concubine for his life. "" It was not much praise ... ... I think it's wonderful. I wanted to meet even if I made a room like this. "" Sure ... I would have wanted to marry that person if everything was allowed. But I chose to live as an emperor for the empire. I "

It should be praised as a royal family. By avoiding the concubine, you can be more strongly united with the family in the room. Leo speculated that it was important to the empire at the time. However, there must have been a love that I could not give up. So I made this room. The emperor was a human.

"Somewhat sad ..." "Yes ..."

When I heard that, Leo also thought so. But Al was different. I laughed. Emperor before five generations. He's a stupid emperor.

"My brother said that the letter was sandwiched between the books by an approach from a mistress." "Approach?" "A secret letter from the emperor. Was squeezed into the book without disposing of it. My brother said that his lover would have wanted a relationship to be discovered. "

Leticia has a troubled expression. Leo had a similar expression at the time. According to Al, the mistress would have expected the Emperor's vessel to take responsibility and take it to the concubine after the relationship was discovered. However, their relationship did not come out after all. Regardless of what happened at that time, Al declared such a pre-fifth emperor a great idiot.

"Can you protect the empire without protecting your loved ones?" "Is it the word of Prince Arnold?" "Yes. My brother thoroughly abused the emperor at the time, who couldn't even have a loved one in his concubine. At that time I thought I would say that, but now I understand well. The emperor at that time was a big idiot "

The emperor gives everything to the empire. Empire first. That is natural. But at the same time, the emperor is one person. No matter how hard you try, you will not be able to. You need someone who will support you at such times. The emperor's job is to protect those who support it. It is a showcase of measure. I do not know what position the mistress was in. Maybe they were from another country. Perhaps he was a complicated person. But the emperor can manage it. If you love the emperor, if you love it, you should show her worth in the concubine. Sorry to meet sneak. How valuable is the love whispering in the secret room alone? Leo looked up straight at Leticia.

"Leticia. I have something to say to you. Can you ask me?" "Yes, what?

Leo breathed lightly. If the emperor before the fifth generation was a big idiot, Leo thought that he would be less than now. Although only a secret room, the emperor before the fifth generation announced love. But Leo is still in his chest. How valuable is whispering love in your own chest? There will be love shining in the world without saying it. But Leo's is different. You can't get it unless you put it in words. Leo remembers the conversation with Al.

"Well, I don't know ... my brother, it's terrible ..." "I guess you. Don't ask me." "But ... I might be refused ... then it's all wasted ... I can't save her, the relationship between the two countries, the relationship between me and her ... I'm broken ... I'm scared ... I bet everything and I refused ... "

Something that weighs on your back is heavy because you have a stand. It is not the same as the commoner asking the commoner to get married. But Al told in the same mood.

"It's noisy. Bet on that and say it all. If you hit it, I'll pick up the shards." "Hi, I think it's someone else ..." "We're twins, but this is another person. "Because it's the person who will stand next to you for a lifetime." "Brother ..." "But if you sink, I'm troublesome too.

With that in mind, Al finally gave his advice. Leo breathed in with the advice and told her.

"Leticia. Could you be my wife?"

Leo took courage like never before to say just that much. Leo clenches his trembling hand, thinking it was much easier to challenge the devil. I was scared and could not help. If you refuse, you lose a lot. Still lose more if you don't say it. To advance a person-to-person relationship means to abandon the current relationship. The more you try to move forward, the more you throw away. So I have courage. People are afraid to throw it away. But Leo mutters in her heart. After saying, Al said. Just think ahead. With time, there could have been a way to move forward little by little. But Leo had no time. Stay or go? With only two options, Leo's options were decided. However.

"... To save me. If I marry the prince of the empire, surely the empire and the kingdom will not be in war. Although there are many problems, the symbol of my strong kingdom is gone However, the momentum of the war in the kingdom will diminish, which is surely a good hand… but ”“ No. ”“ No.

Open eyes as if Leticia was surprised. Al finally gave advice. That was the question. Do you want to propose because you want to save, or do you want to propose because you love it? Make it clear. So Al told. Leo had a clear answer to the question. I could have it.

"Five years ago ... I've liked you since I met you. I've never forgotten you in a day, and ... I've understood it in a day today. I love you. Years, twenty years, and beyond. You're good at those who are around you, you have to be you, you can't imagine losing you. If someone takes you away-I take you away. I won't give you whoever it is. ''

The Golden Eagle Clan. The Adler family, the Imperial royalty, is sometimes called that. The Emperor's coat of arms, the golden eagle, was originally called the Adlers' family crest and was so called. The clan sometimes flew gracefully in the sky, sometimes hiding their claws, creating a huge empire in the central continent. Its nature is synonymous with hunters. The Ardler clan will not miss their prey. As natural royalty, they have been incredibly aggressive in front of their prey. Demon kings appear, and even in chaotic times, they continue to be powerful nations, and their opponents call them ridiculing those who have strengthened their lands. With a looter.

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