25th anniversary ceremony of the throne of the father. This is an event that the Empire is going to run. Each city also holds a festival for the emperor on that day, but the imperial capital is not that ratio. The festival starts three days before the ceremony, and there is a festival after the ceremony ends. And today, three days before the ceremony. This means that the Imperial City festival has started. Of course, the ceremony has not officially begun. Nevertheless, the Imperial capital will be in a festival state, and the castle will respond accordingly. My father hasn't appeared yet on the first day. Instead, dignitaries who arrived in the Imperial City as guests appeared in front of the people. But not everyone. In light of national sentiment, the key figures of the feudal nation have been turned down. Elf dignitaries also said they didn't want to be in public, and the imperial dignitaries refused to say they were not in good shape. Nevertheless, it would not hurt or hurt to be rejected by the Empire. Two people absolutely want to come out before the people. And they will almost certainly refuse.

"Look! St. Lady!" "Is the side next to the Senki-sama !?" "Saint-sama!

Leticia and Orihime were on the balcony of the castle. This is followed by Eva, Julio, and William. But there are fewer cheers than the former two. However, this is inevitable. The name of Saint Laetitia, the princess Hikarihime, roars throughout the continent. Its popularity is high even in the empire. When they are together, the others are perfectly complimented. The imperial dignitaries would have hated it. So Eva and Giulio are still fine, and William is humane. Well, in the case of William, it may not have been impossible to say that although the saint came out, I did not. Saint Leticia was active because of the war with the United Kingdom. Eleven years ago, the kingdom was at war with the Empire and managed to maintain its defenses, with the help of the Principality of Albatro. However, as a result, national power was weakened, and foreign countries centered on the United Kingdom were invaded. St. Leticia has emerged as a result of the inferiority in various places. Despite the overwhelming advantage, the United Kingdom has repeatedly defeated and has failed to gain territory on the continent following the clan. If Leticia didn't show up there, the three continents would have changed. It is no wonder that William has a rivalry in such Leticia. Well, due to the relationship between the two countries, their standing positions are far apart. In the center is Orihime and Leticia. William is on the left and Eva and Julio are on the right. Of course, the princes who are entertaining are coming because the key figures are coming out. I and Leo are a bit behind because Orihime and Leticia are at the center.

"Letitia, are you tired? After a long journey, and if you're tired, can you come back inside?"

I silently step on Leo's foot saying something extra to Leticia waving with a smile. What does Leo do! ? I look at you with such an expression, but that is this line.

"Did you listen to people?" "But you have to be careful!" "I'm saying that it's no good. We are entertainers. It's work to provide a cozy space for them. But I'm not asking you for a stern response. You must have said that? "" I heard that but ... "" If you did, practice it. What do you want to go back to? I guess you'll enjoy seeing the people no matter how you look at it. "" But maybe you're tired ... "" That's what he says. He's not a child. "I said my friend ... I met only a few days five years ago ... and she's a saint?"

It may not be worship, but there are emotions close to it. An inviolable entity that should not be approached. You may think that way.

"It doesn't matter. Do you judge people from a standpoint?" "But ..." "Why are you going to be useless in such a case?"

I move my gaze to Orihime while being amazed. Orihime is waving with both hands to see if the cheers of the people are happy and leans forward considerably.

"Orihime. I'm in danger." "Mum? Yes. If you fall, you're fine with the concubine." "It's dangerous to look at."

With that said, Orihime dropped a little. I tell Leo who was watching that.

"This is it." "It's impossible! Leticia is different from Orihime!" "Even Orihime is a Senki." "It's a different character!" "It's a messy and cumbersome guy. Let's start with the abandonment "" I can't abandon the saint !? "

Leo tries to draw a line and shakes her head. Leo seems to be Leo. In such a case, it is bad to force the distance, but Leticia himself wants and can't help.

"Let's try it because it feels like contacting Fine" "It's bad because a woman comes by. So I'm in trouble in such a case." "It doesn't matter, I don't even come from a woman." "I'm not aware. I'm guilty."

With that said, I didn't know what to do and decided to go hard. Don't feel bad. Brother.

"Saint Laetitia" "Yes?" "Do you see the large mansion there?" "Ah, yes. You see." Kane. Mainly character. "" That's right. The devil lives there! The concubine was cried many times! "

Orihime is riding on my story. And Orihime, who doesn't know the word "moderate", told a forbidden phrase.

"A saint should be able to purify. You should purify all the bad parts of that little milk demon!"

That is too much. When I thought so, I heard a loud noise from behind. Elna, who was escorting behind us, had a gun here. Looking at Erna with the expression of a system that girls can not do, Orihime shakes her tail and ears and shields me from her eyes with me as a shield.

"Don't move, Arnold! The concubine will be in sight!" "Dumb! Don't make it a shield! You're the ones that made you angry!" "Aren't you talking about Arnold?"

As we say so, we slowly leave Leticia. One is to escape from Elna's too scary gaze, and the other is to get Leo to work hard. What a light wink for Leo! ? Leo floats with an expression that just says. It is unusual for Leo to be sad. It can not be helped. Will you lend me a little help?

"Saint Laetitia. Ah, why don't you call me a saint?" "Hey, please. Feel free." You should know the Imperial Capital better than anyone. "" Is it true? Prince Leonard. What is that building? "" Oh, oh, that is ... "

That said, the conversation between Leticia and Leo began. The rest depends on Leo's efforts. In the past, I feel that we were able to provide a more friendly response. Maybe Leticia is too big in Leo. But the wall was a little broken. That's all I can do. Well, Leo would do something. The problem is me.

"Isn't there something to say?" "Arnold! That woman is laughing! Terrible! Is it a devil again?" "Do not instigate any more !? Wait! Elna! Listen "I'll hear you in the story. The 3rd Knights. I'm going to go back inside because the Highness and Your Highness are not in good shape." "What ?! My concubine wants to be praised more by the people!" Yes, because the people will be delighted if there is a saint. Let's go back to His Highness and His Highness, and let me know who is the devil. "

Listening to the cold voice of Erna, I and Orihime shook at the same time. After that, I and Orihime had to preach in Seiza. During that time, I was worried about exploring Leo and Leticia, but I couldn't say that the distance was still short. Just a little more laughter can be said to be growth.

"Al! You're listening !?" "I'm listening, I'm listening ... Now, Elna. My legs are getting numb now." "It doesn't matter! Just ask about the history of the valet! You can see how stupid it is to treat me as a devil! "" Arnold has begun to say ... "" Hey, don't blame others "" It's true! "

We ended up sitting for a while while weighing that responsibility.

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