When the leos arrived in Rostock. Further east was the Imperial Army. A unit dispatched by the Northern Border Defense Force to protect the northern border. Leading that unit was Gordon, a vice general of the defenders. The orders he received were to monitor the turtles and rescue the people as much as possible. But.

"Now ... what did you say ...?!"

At that command, Sonia stood in front of Gordon and knocked her desk. Gordon's instructions were incredible.

"Don't say it many times. No troops will be put in." "Are you not hearing reports that there are villages in that forest !?" "The monsters are revitalized because of the turtles. Sending troops there will incur significant losses. It's not time to waste a few talents."

Gordon then crosses her arms and looks at Sonia, who views her opinion. Gordon flew to the north and was cut off from his entourage. As a result, Sonia was a valuable human resource, regardless of responsibility for failure. Sonia, who had lost her will to live after thinking that she would be killed after many failures, regained her energy due to the crisis of the people, and offered to dispatch Gordon a troop, but she was rejected. Oops.

"Wastefulness ...? Isn't the role of the military to protect the people !?" "It's my role to protect the subordinates." "Is it just justifying myself! The command given to you "Save as much life as you can! Shake your own sword to help the people and their subordinates! You should do as much as you do!"

Gordon shakes his arm just out of the way. Upon seeing it, the guard grabs Sonia's arm, but Sonia gazes down at the guard with a daunting expression.

"Let's release" "Uhh ..." "... Your Highness. This is the last. You should now lead your troops to help the people. I will not do it. "

Hearing the words, Sonia sighed deeply. It was natural to help the people as throne seekers. It's a matter of trying at least. If you become an emperor, you must help all the people. That is the emperor. But Gordon does not see the people. I only think about my subordinates. That's because you will need subordinates in the battle for the throne. If you don't protect those who don't need you, you can't be emperor.

"You are not the vessel of the emperor ..." "You do not decide whether you are a vessel." "Yes, but I never recognize you as an emperor. No. You are disqualified as a prince and disqualified as a soldier. "

Gordon doesn't move against Sonia. You can pull out your sword now and behead your head, but that's just a waste. If you die, you have to help yourself at least. That's what Gordon thinks, Sonia offered to see through.

"I'll be heading the squad. I'm a volunteer only. I can handle the disturbing me and the dissatisfied molecule, and I can show you that I made a minimum effort. So what?" "Huh? Are you going to die for me?" "It's not for you ... I just do what I can."

That was what Grau was told. Do what you can. Sonia, who said that, had been thinking for a long time. What can I do? What can you do? Sonia then returned to her father's teachings. Sonia's father taught Sonia a strategy. It was for Sonia and for the people. Just as Sonia helped, Sonia's father was always a soldier working for the people. So Sonia longed for her father. However, after taking his family hostage, Sonia was far from a longing father. Sonia was always developing a fifty-fifty measure. It is a good idea to switch to either. It was a convenient and always excusable measure for Sonia. It was far from my father. What was my father doing? I guess the most important thing for the people was to move. Until now, Sonia was like a bat. That is why Grau rebuked Sonia. Sonia can't say what she did. Yet Sonia wanted to be saved. Then no one will save and no one can save. Once prepared for death, Sonia's view was clear. Just for the people. Don't be ashamed of your father who raised you so far. Even if that resulted in the death of his father.

"This tactic is for the people ... your sword should also be played for the people. There is no victory for those who have forgotten it, as I did." I'm different from you. If you don't want to die, don't die.

Sonia realizes that the words are no longer meaningful and returns. He then recruited all soldiers and recruited volunteers. Of the more than three thousand soldiers, thirty-seven decided to help the people with Sonia. It was a miraculous number for Gordon's units. With them, Sonia headed for the forest.


The Sonia who entered the forest were being attacked by a large number of monsters. Their survival instinct was stimulated by the mighty threat of the Rei Turtle, who were always aggressive and confused. While intercepting them, the Sonia were trying to escape from the forest.

"It's almost time! Don't stop running!"

The Sonias were able to find and protect villagers attacked by monsters in the forest. The number is more than fifty. The number of Sonias was too small to fight while protecting them, but Sonia still defended them with good instructions and guided them out of the forest.

"Old man. I'm sorry, do your best a little more." "No, no, I'm fine. Is my daughter OK?"

Sonia speaks to the old dwarven man she has protected with the villagers. The old man seemed to get lost in the woods and was protected by Sonia who just passed by. The old man with short gray hair wore a white cane, so Sonia was concerned about the old man, but each time he returned.

"But my daughter is kind of an elf." "Eh?" "Because I'm a dwarf, it's been a while since I've been kind to my elf's daughter. She's a nice girl." Because

Speaking of an elf, Sonia told her with a sunken look. However, the old dwarven man smiled after his eyes were rounded.

"Okay, that's okay. I'm convinced. The elf is beautiful and magical, but the closed one is a ball. The daughter has human blood in it. It's beautiful and magical, like a human. I'm doing everything good. "" Do everything good ...? "

It was a surprising answer for Sonia. I've never met a person who captures the half elf so well. And the opponent is a dwarf, a elf and a dog and monkey.

"Isn't your old man hate the elf?" "I don't like the ones who dislike it. There are some good people on the elf. The same is true for humans. It would be easy to put them all together." ...... Grandmother is kind. "" Is it kind ... I don't care. I've lived as I like. It's not like I'm kind to just act on my own, but my daughter is kind without any complaints. "" I'm not too kind. "" Tenderness. "Oh," "I'm ... a military person."

I did not formally belong to the military. Still, consciously Sonia regarded himself as a soldier. As my father was. I wanted to be a soldier protecting the people.

"It's not something that can be done in one package. Some are good soldiers, some are bad. My daughter is a good military.

The old man laughs at Sonia. And he looked straight ahead. It was the edge of the forest. Sonia vigorously passes through the forest. But jumping into it was a fierce battle between Leos and monsters. From the perspective of Sonia, the battle was unfolding diagonally right. People are frightened by battle in a nearby place.

"this is……"

For a moment, Sonia didn't know what was going on, but she quickly sorted out the situation. The knights are fighting monsters. Spread right beside. Probably fighting to keep the monsters from going back. All I needed to know was enough.

"Run straight! Don't look back!"

Sonia tells her so and tells the soldiers to spread sideways. You have to prevent monsters from coming. The fact that the line is maintained means that there is a safety zone beyond that. You have to take the people there. Sonia decided that all soldiers had bows.

"Wait for the signal! Run!"

In response to Sonia's words, the people start running with reduced fear. Meanwhile, the old man was looking across the forest.

"Grandfather is too fast!" "Well, it seems that I wanted to go there." "It's impossible now! Hurry!"

When Sonia puts an old man on the horse she was riding, Sonia runs the horse.

"Oops! Daughter! Isn't it a bit reckless?"

Sonia then attracts the monsters she notices. And at the very last moment, he gave a signal.


He himself casts out the magic of the fire and attacks the monsters that are approaching. Monsters are scared by the salvo. Meanwhile, Sonia issued further instructions.

"Retreat ten steps!"

Increase the distance and prepare for the next shot. It was an effective way to earn time. But this is not a breakthrough. It was a measure that cut off its own safety. Still, Sonia chose the solution. Nobody can save with a half-hearted plan that doesn't matter where you fall. Now, the security of the people is first. If you still have the power after clearing it, you can do everything you can to break through the danger.

"I'm persistent today ...!"

Sonia repeatedly intercepts and attracts monsters towards themselves. In return, most of the monsters turned their attention to Sonia. The free-fighting Leos have been released to protect the people run by Sonia. Lynfia made a surprising voice in that.

"Grandpa?" "Oh! When is your gentle daughter? Are you fine?"

Lynfia is confused by the dwarf old man who speaks so loudly that he does not seem to have been chased by monsters. A lost man who once met in the south. Why is it here?

"Why are you here?" "I'm thinking of ending up my little leftover job. "Which one week? Why don't you give directions? ..." "There aren't many gentle people. If you were in trouble, then your daughter there helped you."

The old man points to Sonia surrounded by monsters. Leo reacts when seeing the figure.

"She ... surely." "Is it an acquaintance? Prince Leonard?" Have you been able to run a very good country recently? "" Oh, yes, yes. I'm fine ... "" I don't know how many countries grieve. The less is better. "

The old man slowly descends from the horse and looks a little forward with a white cane. At the glance, the Sonia were surrounded by monsters. It is no longer possible to escape. Meanwhile, the old man slowly twists the white cane. Pulling the white cane, a sword appeared from inside. The old man mutters holding it.

"Don't notice him. I didn't want to shake too much ... but those who wait for my help will not be abandoned."

The old man wields his sword casually. No, it just looked like that, and in fact he was waving his sword many times at a speed comparable to the speed of God. And the slashes that came out of it accurately and ruthlessly cut off the monsters surrounding Sonia. Sonia sees the monsters in front of her fall down in an instant, and Sonia looks surprised at the slashing. An old dwarven man stood quietly there.

"You're ...?" "My name is Egor. I'm Egor, an SS-class adventurer. People call me" The Lost Sword Saint. "

Egor, an old dwarf man, laughed happily.

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