"Yuke! Enter!" "Chupy!"

So with high tension, Orihime throws a small ball and lets enter enter. The penguin's clever entertainer picks up the ball skillfully and takes him to Orihime. Orihime is very excited.

"Oh! Good boy! Enter! Great! Great!" "Chuppy!"

Honest. Well, it's not something that has begun now, but it's good, but the problem is.

"I have something I want to hear" "Hmm? What?" "What? Rather, why are you in my room?" "Because you are there?"

Orihime answers what seems to be a matter of course. But that is not at all obvious.

"Your room isn't here! Are you not aware that you're unofficial ?!" "What, that kind of thing. Don't worry. You've got permission." "... I'm the prime minister. I'm always tired of the same room, so I asked him to go to Arnold's room." "Is it allowed? ..." "Of course, it's not unconditional. It is a condition that a barrier is set up around the building. A barrier is set up properly and a strong defense barrier is set in front of the door. "I can't open the door. So it's okay!" "Nothing is okay ... but it's a fuss if you notice that the Prince's room is closed at the barrier ..." In the meantime, the concubine pulls out of the window using the barrier as a foothold "Perfect!" "What about the fuss?" "I don't know.

I'm sorry ... Well, don't be so bohemian. Excuse me.

"Huh ..." "Don't sigh while you're with the concubine. Isn't it boring to be with the concubine?" "It's not boring, I'm tired ..." "It's inevitable. You're an entertainment for your concubine! "

Saying that, Orihime floated his face. I meant to be tired, but ... Orihime is free anyway. Play if you want to play, sleep if you want to sleep. I do what I have to do right away, and it's as soon as I get angry. Even though she's a princess, if she respects her and she takes her distance, she says she'll do it. I feel like I'm no longer a cat or a dog. Speaking of anger. When thinking of such a thing and pointing his stunned gaze at Orihime, he resumes playing with the ball. Throw the ball and let enter enter to get it. When enter is brought, he exaggerates and strokes it. I have no idea what is fun. What does it mean to do it in my room in the first place? I'm thinking about things I don't care about. I realized that it was more stupid to think that there was a reason for Orihime's behavior.

"Hmm? What's wrong? Arnold" "No, nothing else" "Hmm? Oh!

He seems to have noticed something when he had a headache and was holding his head down. Perhaps no doubt. It's a short relationship, but I've come to understand.

"If you think you're going to see it today, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. The concubine was insensitive." "Well. That's the agreement." "But I've noticed! You also want to join a friend. "I guess it's pretty cute that I can't say it!" "No, it's not at all!" But not! "

Saying that, Orihime crossed her arms and stood up with a swell. How can we confidently say this wrong thing? I'm sorry.

"No, so ..." "Don't be shy!"

While saying so, Orihime shows me the ball. Behind it, the tail is shaking, and the eyes are shining as expected. That's it. Do you want me to play?

“……” “Hello! Fun!”

Orihime encourages me to play the ball. But I don't know what's fun, I go through no reaction. Then Orihime drops his ears and makes his expression dark as he sees it.

"... I can't help it if I don't want to do it. I won't force it. Let's do the concubine with Enter ..."

Showing a deep depression, Orihime returns to playing with Enter, but the throwing ball has no momentum and only strokes a little when Enter is picked up. When I look at the completely depressed Orihime, I feel like I'm bad though nothing is bad.

"Ok, okay ... I guess I should do it. I'll do it." "Is it true?

Orihime gladly handed me the ball. And waving my tail, waiting for me to move.

"I'm throwing?" "Um! You throw. The concubine takes as much of it before it gets to the floor! That's it!"

Saying that, Orihime hurries to throw it early. I don't understand what's fun, but if I reluctantly throw it properly, Orihime responds instantly to the ball's landing point.

"I can't enjoy this kind of loose throwing."

It's like a carnivore. Moved in an instant. Well, it's a beast, and it's not surprising, but it's surprising to use that movement in play. Orihime calls for a faster throw and throws the ball at me. As expected, I have to do it properly. This time he throws the ball at the wall seriously. This will bounce and won't work. I was caught easily before hitting the wall.

"Um! It was so good now!" "... hey" "Did you not tongue out now !?" "No. It's because of your mind." I thought ... "

Orihime throws the ball while tilting his head. As expected, I touched the pride. Even though I threw it seriously, I caught it easily ... It's probably inherited from my father, but I can't help but think of the insidious guy without a shot. If you want to have so much fun, I'll entertain you. I hope you can't get it. look! This is my best pitch! While thinking so I throw the ball in the direction of the day after tomorrow. It's not a ball to throw in the room. It's like throwing outside. However, Orihime showed it very easily. My best.

"Um! That's how it works!" "What is ...?!"

I was shocked while Orihime returned. No matter how fast Orihime is, you can take it now. It's more like the body is reacting than looking at it. Damn. Waving a great tail. The expression is fun and can't be helped. I wanted to eat a cup, but I was doing my best now! This is not the end. If you no longer follow the ball with your instinct, until you use it. If you can't press it, pull it. If you can't go far, just use nearby. Don't lick, Orihime. I'm not the type of person who takes the initiative in hateful opponents, but I'm a genius man. Let me know that.

"Let's go!" "You should come!"

I raise my foot to Orihime to make the best possible pitch. Looking at it, Orihime was ready. But I immediately drop my feet and throw the ball in front of me.

"I saw this!

Orihime caught my feint for a moment, but showed an animal response and rushed towards me. And when the ball caught before it hit the floor, it rolled around with it, engulfing me. I was overthrown by Orihime and held my back on my back. He hit his back when he fell.

"It hurts ... it's heavy!" "Huh! How about! I took it!"

When I looked at it, I was riding a horse riding Orihime. The one that appears on that face is today's worst face. Showing off the ball that was caught wonderfully.

"What if I get injured ... I am" "Oh! I didn't take that into account! I'm sorry! But you're bad. That's it. "

After saying so, Orihime turns his head towards me. Orihime said with a full smile, wondering what he was imitating.

"I've taken the concubine brilliantly! Praise it!" "Ah ..." "Praise it! Praise it!"

From the top, it's a cat or a dog waiting for you to shake your tail and stroke your head. Moving his ears, Orihime urges me to stroke. Anyway, if I refuse here, it's evident that I'll be urged persistently, so I stroke my head with Orihime with my right hand.

"Yes, I did well" "Um! I should praise more!" "More ..."

What do you want to do? When I thought like that, suddenly the sound of the broken glass sounded. It is a sound that can be understood only by those who are good at handling magic power. It is a sound that destroyed the barrier, which even ordinary humans cannot hear. And the door opens slowly.

"Already! Al! What ?! In addition to the barriers to avoid human beings, there is a barrier to the doors! And it's hard and useless!

Elna was behind the door. You must have struggled to break the barrier, as the word suggests. She is holding her sword and breathing on her shoulder. However, when I see Orihime riding on me, his expression turns into something steep. At the same time, my body was getting cold and sweaty. Thus, at the worst timing, contradictions and contradictions were encountered.

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