"I'm sorry yesterday. I didn't study enough. He should have been told that he did not come? "

Utz hangs in my words. But he doesn't seem to leave. It's better to be persistent than to give up.

"Huh ... Which is the most harmless noble in the Hakuoh coalition?" "Damian von Becker, the son of Baron Becker. "It's just a stance that I just entered." "Hmm ... I've been studying, but that's the information until yesterday."

I showed Utz a few pieces of paper. There was a long apology sentence under which a signature was written. Of course there is also the name of Damian.

"This is ...?" "A few nobles who seem to be harmless have already left. Damien is one of them." "How did you do so quickly ...?" At the center are those who can actually be Fine's fiancé candidates, but those at the end are dreams, many of whom are hanging out with friends and somehow, and they are usually wealthy. Not so, looking for a record of the debts, I repaid all my debts, that is, their debt was turned to me. "" Effective means ... from where to get that money? " I don't spend any money, I leave it to Sebas, for a long time, and meanwhile, Sebas has been smart enough to make money. "

It is a fact. We left it to Sebas to manage our assets, and Sebas used it successfully to make it grow dozens of times. That said, we don't get suspicious when we spend money, and our real source of money is our income as silver. Perhaps I'm one of the best empires in personal assets.

"Is that kind of thing ... but that ..." "Why did you use a harmless person to break away with money?" "Yes, that's right." Then follow the instructions of Sebas. Sebas, "Hah, here."

Utz opens his eyes to Sebas, who appears out of nowhere. Well usually it's amazing. Despite such Utz, I hand the list to Sebas.

"This is a pretty expensive expense, isn't it?" "It's okay. You can use it as much as you can. It's a good idea to tell a silly gathering about the Hakuoh coalition. Which is up and which is down." In other words, is it thorough? "" Yes. Show me to the nobles in the Imperial City. How do you spend money? "

He then bowed gracefully and left the room with Utz. Now, let's leave that preparation to the two. A new guest came to the room thinking that way.

"His Highness of Arnold. Alois von Simmel has arrived." "Welcome, Earl of Simmel. I'm sorry to call you in this situation."

There is no lie on Alois's face. She seems to be studying in various ways, but that alone feels like she is free. I smile at such Alois grinning.

"That's fine. I want you to do a little work?" "It depends on the content, Your Highness.

Alois insures that. It's pretty good. It seems that you are studying such places. it's a good thing.

"Silver bought you?" "!?" "Should you say grout?"

That's what only Silver and Alois can know. But there are still people to know.

"I asked Silver for me, because I didn't want Leo to get in the way." "Would you ... let Grau go?"

Alois stepped down quietly and sat down on the spot.

"What happened?" "Thank you to my Highness. Thanks to you for saving my lord's life ..." "I am not the one who protected me. You and Silver. ―I still want you to lend me your strength if you feel it's good. ”“ Huh, somehow. I ’ll hit with the whole spirit. ”“ It's exaggerated. I just want you to talk to me. ” ! Let me take care of that!"

Alois makes her face bright. But I shake my head to it.

"Eh?" "The other way around. I want you to send bad rumors. Please rumors that I am a scary person with a disgusting expression." "Well, why not make the situation worse?" I also talked to Silver, and don't worry because it's a strategy based on it, it's not my idea. "

I give silver to Alois who is worried. Alois was still skeptical, but reluctantly nodded at my request.

"Your Highness, please promise one." "What is it?" "If this situation calms down, please give me permission to correct it. If you look down on your benefactor, you have no face to match the territory." I can't promise. "" Such ... "

Seeing Alois with a hurt expression makes me feel like I'm doing something bad. Well, I'm doing bad things. it can not be helped. If Alois doesn't accept the request, it may fail.

"Ok, okay. Let's like yours." "Is it true? Thank you!"

Alois bowed vigorously. Well, even if Alois corrects it, it is because there are two ways to be judged as a man who performs impression operation using children or a man who performs impression operation using children. Speaking of both, it's the same.

"That's the only thing. Can you ask me?" "Yes! Please leave it!"

Alois responds cheerfully. It stops Alois from leaving the room. There was something I wanted to check.

"County Simmel, no, Alois" "Yes?" "Ah, no ... that ... are you seeing any other royal family?" Unfortunately, there is no point of contact with others. "

Upon hearing that I sigh in my heart. His father left Alois in the castle because it meant learning and was considered a candidate for Christa. That was my father. Christa will not be married to other countries. Then the nobles of the empire become opponents. Eventually, if you go to your wife, the person you think is good. I think that's what I'm thinking, but I'm still wondering if I haven't had the opportunity to meet.

"Don't stop using it as soon as your daughter goes ..." "Yes?" "This is the story. Then how about eating next time? I want to introduce some acquaintances." "Is it true? so!"

Alois laughs innocently. Alois is a boy ahead. The size of the vessel has been proven in the previous civil war. He is the first of Christa's son-in-law. But in the end it's up to them. For the time being, let's just meet. With that in mind, I forego Alois. Then, Fine came over with Alois. His face was severely depressed.

"What happened? I don't look like you. It's a dark face." "Sorry ... because of me ..."

With that said, Fine appeared to sink further. Apparently this is my fault. That's a silly story

"It's not your fault. Half is because of the stupid aristocrat and half because of my father." "But ... because I'm with Al-sama ..." "Don't misunderstand. I went back to my territory a long time ago, and if I didn't do that, I would have you by my side.

With a strong tone, Fene nods with a slightly surprised expression. With a bitter smile at Fine, I asked Fine for tea as usual.

"Okay. Can you get some tea? It's better if it's dark." "Yes, yes! I'll prepare soon! Oh, that ... Al ..." "Hmm?" "There are some sweets ... … ”“ Of course I get it. I ’ll ask you. ”“ Yes, it ’s fine!

Saying so, Fine starts preparing with a humming. That is the usual sight. It's natural everyday. Some are trying to break it. Someone who was trying to destroy my modest everyday life as a minion.

"I will not forgive ..."

Yeah, I'm so determined that I can't hear Fine. I felt calm and angry from the bottom of my heart at the same time as that word, and I calmed myself. At least I want to smile in front of Fine. Surely, if you look scary, Fine will be bothered.

"Entered! Please, Al-sama!" "Oh, thank you."

When I drank the tea, it was delicious as usual.

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