With Lancelot's decision, the Great Alexandros Empire is preparing to depart from the Imperial City. The Imperial Knights and the Imperial Corps are undergoing more rigorous training than ever before, which has spread to the army. As the knights and the troops became tense, the generals of the army also felt something extraordinary.

The sense of danger to the decisive battle finally brought the military's consciousness together. That's a good trend for the empire.

On the other hand, the search for Wonderland Mercenaries did not produce any results. There is no trace of these sightings, by the time they are confirmed. It was witnessed in a completely different place at that time, and following it would not catch up. Even if you set up a search net and wait to hang there, there is no sign that it will hang at all. The month of January passed quickly.

Each administration is sent a messenger to the border fort. This is an order to bring forces to the Imperial City. It will take several months for the entire army to be ready. Until then, the training of the army, the search for mercenaries in Wonderland, and the study of operational plans for the decisive battle would continue.

Meanwhile, Maria was completely outside the bed net. The command of the army has been transferred to Lionel, the Imperial Corps Commander, in a form of delegation and is not involved in discipline.

Regarding the operation plan, the commander of the Knights of Balls and the Commander of Lionel are the main players, and there is no room for any mention.

I haven't attended any meetings since I wasn't interested in domestic affairs.

It's completely drawn from the front. There's Lancelot's intent, so I can't complain loudly.

"What's going on after all?"

In this situation, Bordeaux's Prime Minister is suffering the most. Every time she is called by Maria, she is asked to explain her current situation.

"... What is it about?"

"I thought a lot, but I don't know why everyone is so impatient."

"... I don't know?"

Maria's words surprised Bordeaux. Maria is not stupid, on the contrary, her second grade in school. Why Bordeaux cannot understand why he cannot understand the current situation.

"The number of soldiers is overwhelming here. There are also guns and cannons. Will you fight against Matmo and lose?"

"... I'm impatient because guns and cannons don't work."

"It doesn't work, it's a problem that can be solved if you devise a way of fighting. You should start by thinking about it."

"Is it ingenuity ..."

Not a wrong opinion. The power of guns and artillery has been proven many times. Just because you didn't pass a few times doesn't mean everything is denied.

"You just have to think about avoiding fire and water. These improvements will make things evolve."

"... I'll think about that."

For the time being, Bordeaux promises to consider it. Let me actually consider it. But we don't know if we'll be in time for the decisive battle.

"If it can be achieved, it will be easy. Is this my achievement?"

"It's a story after it's realized."

What actually thinks is the firearms production managers. Achievement is usually attributed to those who have achieved it.

"... After all, you have to get results in battle."

As expected, Maria knew that she was saying nothing.

"Isn't it okay now? Leave the battle to your ministry, and Mary is the Empress of the Empire-"

"I'm not kidding! Do you want me to go back in?"

Maria shouted at the words of Bordeaux. Maria cannot tolerate the disappearance of state affairs and military affairs. If you are not the protagonist, you can not help.

"But His Majesty wants that too."

"... Lancelot just wants to take my possession. Isn't that personal?"

"that is……"

Bordeaux is stuck in a reply.

Maria is Lancelot's wife. The status of women in this world is low, and even if they are empress, they have no official authority. Nothing is wrong with Lancelot's action against Mary, even if it comes from her own personality.

"Isn't Bordeaux a problem, too? If I go to the back, I won't be able to meet you like this?"

Maria approaches her, uttering words that seem to resemble her. Bordeaux hastened the distance.

“What's wrong?

Nothing seems to offend Maria. After seeing it, Bordeaux felt that his attitude was not a temptation but a threat.

"... What will the troops do if they go into battle?"

"Gather members of the former SS"

"But they are heading the executive army."

Bordeaux knows that Maria refers to the former SS, including herself, of her involvement in the school.

"I don't want to let another person do it. Should I keep it with Lionel?"

"……I will think about it"

"Oh, tell them to pull out those who could be used by the executive army. Because we're going to build a new SS. I want 5,000."


Anyway, make your unit the strongest. This is Maria's hope. It doesn't matter what else happens.

"We also have infantry units. If you put the bombs in an iron box, are you okay? Just put them out of the box just before they explode."

Maria is speaking, assuming that infantry soldiers die. If you explode immediately out of the box, it's a self-destruction. The depressing Minister of Bordeaux once again realized Maria's misery.

"What do you need afterwards?"

"... What kind of troops are you thinking of?"

Forcibly build a squad and what are you going to do with it? If it doesn't make any sense, you'll be wasting soldiers in decisive battles.

"A unit capable of killing Rion. Defeating Rion is the best achievement, right?"

"Yes, but too dangerous."

Defeat Lion, the Wonderland Mercenaries. This is something that has always been considered by the Imperial Army. However, there is still no such measure.

"Only I can beat him."

"Certainly Maria is strong, but Rion is ..."

When it comes to Maria or Leon, whoever knows them will all answer Lion. In fact, Maria has never beat Rion. In achievements and in the few real battles.

"He can't beat me. Nobody in this world can beat me."

"... I'm sorry, but it's true."

"Because I'm a hero in another world? I'm the hero of this world. I'm the last one to win. So it's better for Bordeaux to follow me."

"... Maria, there is absolutely nothing to do."

Maria's words were to let the Bordeaux follow, or to let go. Bordeaux does not know that this is the world of games and that Maria was originally the main character. I've received Maria's belief that it's extraordinary.

"I know that, but if I, the hero, die here, the story will end."

The story of Maria as the main character has already ended. Maria does not understand that.

"Even if they did not die, the empire could be destroyed."

It's a shame, but Prime Minister Bordeaux chose this word to admonish Maria's optimism.

"So, let me win."

"Can you really win? The Empire is being driven more than Maria thinks. The production of firearms and ammunition that has built up the status of the Empire is now completely stopped. "


This is the information that Maria first hears. Bordeaux did not report, thinking that speaking would be a hassle.

"The mercenaries have not stopped working. The western factories are almost completely destroyed, but the gun and artillery manufacturing factories are still there, but the steelworks have been wiped out. Now, we're moving to snatching manufactured steel and destroying shells. ''

"Why don't you stop it !?"

"It's too many. It's a mercenary corps, but there are a lot of groups that seem to be just bandits, and it's not unusual to be attacked in several places at the same time. That's where this is happening.

"Because I'm mimicking the army in the center."

"Maria already knows what would happen if I didn't do that."

If the army is kept dispersed, each one will be destroyed and the province will fall into the hands of the Grand Fram. In that case, the center will be isolated and the goods will not reach. The result is the same. Still, it can only be said that there is an army left.

"... I don't leave it as good as it is. You won't really lose, right?"

Listening to Bordeaux's story, Maria seems to have finally felt a sense of crisis.

"I'm squeezing my wisdom so hard to lose."


In other words, we haven't found any way to win. Maria's anxiety grew stronger.

"Now it's time to work together and deal with the situation. I'm glad if Maria can act for the sake of the country as well."

Don't think about yourself. This is the words of Bordeaux's Prime Minister.

"... What will happen if I lose?"

"It's up to the Grand Flam Kingdom"

"What about normal? I wonder if the queen of the losing country will be the concubine of the king of the winning country?"

"There are examples, but it was an act of degrading the king and, in many cases, it was often a source of distress later. If Arnold was wise ... not"

Bordeaux noticed his speech. Maria thinks it's good if she loses and becomes Arnold's concubine. If you think so, you should have been calm. However, Bordeaux has strongly indicated the possibility of execution.

"... I'm not bad, I just followed Lancelot."

"Yes, and I think generosity is waiting."

What Maria says is that Detarame is also good. But Bordeaux affirmed it. I wish Maria would be quiet.

"How do you feel to prove it?"

However, Maria's malice goes diagonally above Bordeaux's thinking.


"How to prove my innocence. Is there any proof that Lancelot and his minions have done everything?"

It's a measure of trying to save yourself by guilty of guilt in Lancelot.

"... There is no such thing."

"If you don't have it, you have to make it. If you don't, you'll have trouble with Bordeaux. You're the prime minister, so you're sure to get involved."

It was Maria's evil that Bordeaux was involved. Again, Maria is trying to involve Bordeaux in a new evil. With the threat of dying otherwise.

For the first time, Bordeaux's heart was murdered against Maria. You don't have to worry about doing it, because if you try to do it, you know you will be killed.

"... I don't think I can do it"

"I have to try it as much as I can. I'll try to figure out if anyone can rely on it."

In addition, Maria is trying to make her own ally on the Grand Flam Kingdom. To get your own begging. Bordeaux knows that he has such a mentor.

"... I'll think about it."

Eventually, Bordeaux ends without leaving Maria. There is something in Maria that makes you think. It's just something that only the SS members have spent a long time with Maria.


Rion, who is looking for the Great Alexandros Empire's blood, is in Kyot, the imperial capital of the Empire. It seems that the darkness under the lighthouse is realized as it is.

"... you're really a villain. I've been a little sympathetic to the empire."

Alice is amazed and talking to Rion. Alice had no idea why Rion reached out too far.

I had a lot of time to spend time at the inn after a long time, so I was listening to various stories.

"The empire is a villain. I am closer to helping people."

"The aristocracy's daughter is still good, but I don't call it a nourishment to feed bandits. It's useful, but at other times I'm just doing the thief?"

Assaults on storage facilities such as iron, firearms, and shells use bandits. A group of thieves who resisted the thieves that had been rampaging in the north with brute force. Because of this, Leon is the only one who has never seen his face.

"If you sell the stolen iron, you'll get a good deal of money. So maybe some of you might wash your feet?"

"It's a stolen thing, buy it cheaper than the market, sell it high, and sell it to the empire of the opponent. What is this not a villain?"

The bandits buy firearms and shells robbed, melt them back into iron, sell them to the empire, pretending to be merchants from other countries.

"There are a lot of people who need to be nourished. I'm spending a lot on this, so I have to get it back somewhere."

"... If so, can I sell it to the empire?"

"Manufacturing takes time. Without gunpowder, making guns and cannons is just ironwork."

Rion wasn't limited to steelworks and manufacturing plants. Gunpowder factories, their material warehouses, and material extraction sites are also being attacked. The harvesting yard was the favourite, and the factory raid was aimed at finding the most secretive quarry in the empire.

"It's really bad"

"It's bad to keep making like a fool without checking the entire inventory."

This kind of fine control is not available in the empire. In this regard, the shortage of human resources had an effect.

"Yes, but it's not the only villain."

"What? What? 以外 Other than that, is it a normal strategy?"

"Guiding the army to the center and hitting the moving enemy. Operation that can only be thought of by villains?"

If scattered in various places, each one will be destroyed. It was Leon's plan to make the Great Alexandros Empire think like this. If you drop one base at a time, you won't know when it will end. And it's easier to hit a moving enemy squad than a base capture.

"It's an overwhelming disadvantage in number, so it's the result of trying hard to manage it."

Rion considers the number of troops based on the strength of the Wonderland Mercenaries. It's unusual at the time of thinking of trying to manage an imperial army with thousands of troops and a total of 100,000.

"I feel sorry for the empire that makes you the enemy you come up with."

"What, suddenly you're a good guy? Alice was a pretty bad villain?"

"……that's right, but"

Alice's expression suddenly darkens. It's common recently.

"It's almost time, but are you resting at the inn?"

"Well, suddenly you're a good person. I didn't hate me originally."

"that's right, but……"

Now it's time for Lion to darken his look.

"... you know?"

Looking at Rion's reaction, Alice asked with a sad expression.

"... well, thinly"

Rion responds with an awkward look.

"After all ... when did you notice?"

"A long time ago, when did you start working for the Union?"

"So long ago?-Why did you understand?"

Rion's answer seems to have been Alice's unexpected. Surprising, sad expression, a little faded.

"The color of my hair. When I first met, it turned white, but it came back little by little. I wondered what it meant and arrived at one hypothesis."

"... a testimony to my contract. Rion would lose her magic and die without me."

"I guess. The reason for the different sense of magic was that's why I thought so."

Each human power has its own characteristics. Rion, who had trained his magical control considerably, knew his sense of magic.

"You are terrible after all. I just notice that. And I may disappear someday."

"... As the color of my hair dyed, my magical power increased, and from someday it changed into a feeling that I could take my magical power. For Alice, magical power is myself? I wonder if something's weakening. ''

"It's different from magical power, but it's almost there. For me in the world to have a substance, I have to do it as much as possible."

Alice who was in this world is the element of the world. A spirit of fire and water, a source of magical power. It needed the magic of Rion to keep it.

Even so, there are limits. Alice was originally a useless person after finishing his role in the world.

"Is it true that it's about time to be honest?"

I suddenly started talking about the fact that I had been hiding. Rion feels as though he is dying.

"I don't know. It may be right now or a year later. At first, I didn't think I would keep it this way."


Either way, one day, Alice will disappear from this world. That is no doubt.


"As expected, I'll be with you all this time. I'm saying, I don't hate Alice anymore."

"... So, do you like it?"

With a slight smile, Alice asks Rion.

"Huh? Do you hear that?"

Sorry to Alice, but she was told that she was shy and couldn't answer honestly.

"... Because it may be gone tomorrow. Finally, I want to know Rion's true feelings ..."

Rion's attitude and Alice's expression suddenly darken.

"... Well, do you like it? It's next to Airiel."

Looking at her expression, Rion said she thought she was really bad, or she was shy and liked it. It was a shame that gave Eariel his name.

"... The words after are superfluous, but I liked it."

"Well, well."

"Well, do you like me? Well, because I'm cute. It's impossible to say I like you, right?"

The sad atmosphere up to this point has disappeared cleanly.

"... You cheated !?"

I did not deceive. It is true that Alice disappears. Knowing that, Rion dares to look angry. Alice thought she wanted this.

"I see. At last, Leon is my attraction."

In addition, the explosion sound blocked Alice's words trying to make fun of Lion.

"It seems like it has started"

Rion knows what the explosion sound is. Of course, this is something that Lions set up.

"... I was disturbed"

Alice is dissatisfied with her disturbed where she thought she could have fun with Rion.

"... Would you try climbing on the roof? Maybe you can see it?"


"Even if I don't instruct me, I'll do it properly."

"... Let's go!"

Once you decide to go, it's fast. When he jumps out of the window and grabs on the edge of the building, he lifts his body lightly as if he has no weight and jumps on the roof. Rion is similar.

"... is that over there?"

Almost at the same time as Leon pointed at the end of the darkness, a red spark fluttered in the distance. A little later, the explosion sounds.

"Next is over there."

Rion also points in a different direction. Similarly, at a distance, the flame illuminated the surroundings.

"Next is two places!"

Rion points to a different place with both hands. A continuous explosion sound arrived.

"... It's beautiful"

Hands of fire rise from everywhere in the city. The flames that dance in the darkness look like fireworks when viewed from a distance. The site will be in chaos.

"It looks like fireworks when you look this way, because gunpowder is gunpowder."

Exploding are artillery and ammunition reservoirs installed throughout the city. In the darkness of the night, Leon's subordinates are attacking.

"Similar to fireworks, but like Lion's magic."

When Rion points, the flames soar. It seems to be doing magic.

"There are seeds and tricks, so it's magic."

I don't remember the order of the explosions. It's just pointing out the direction of the fire spirits. However, this can be done only by Alice except for Rion.

"... I can feel such a distant spirit, so after all you are loved by the world."

"Alice loves me?"

"... Idiot. After all, you ..."

Alice didn't say anything further. He hugged Rion, buried his face in his chest and stayed still.

"... Are you crying?"

"I'm not a human ... I can't cry ..."


Rion's arm wraps Alice's body.

Alice, who she just met, pretended to be an artificial feeling. Even with a smile, it was somehow inorganic and did not seem very enjoyable. The time when it looks like an ordinary girl will increase.

Thereby, as Rion's feelings approach, Alice's feelings also become richer. And again, Rion's feelings snuggle up with Alice.

The two have spent these years. Only the two know, while leaving memories.

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