Lions are heading to Kamark from the morning. To receive the request of the Grand Flam Kingdom.

Alice told Arnold she would consider and reply, but she had been decided to accept the request from the start. Otherwise, you don't need to appear in Bandeau. The postponement of the reply was Alice's harassment, an excuse to make Lion's memory loss as credible as possible.

When things start to happen, I want to take a formal request and take immediate action. Rion decided to take the mercenaries to Kamark. Mercenaries stationed in several villages are gathering under orders. That number was already close to two thousand.

"... I'm sorry to be afraid."

Rion, who is at the head of the march, is talking to Alice, who is heading next door, but still facing Soppo.

"I'm not in a bad mood"

"Isn't it in a bad mood? You're always looking in the opposite direction of Eriel."

Aeriel is on the other side of Alice. Charlotte is the same. If you see this situation, it is Bale Bale that the memory loss is a lie, but Leon does not care much. Amnesia can only be used as an excuse to refuse to act as minister or royal. He intends to push it through with brute force, whether or not he is out.

"No, I don't hate Airiel."


I can't do that. Alice had always said she wouldn't want to hear Airiel's name. Considering the reason for Alice's change of heart, Leon has only one idea.

"What did you talk about yesterday?"

Eriel followed Alice, saying she would listen directly. Rion hadn't heard what they were talking about.



Rejected by Alice, Leon turned his eyes on Eriel, who was on the other side.

"I and Alice, two secrets, I can't tell Leon."

Aeriel's attitude toward Alice is also clearly softening. I'm very worried about what was said, but it's hard to tell because Eriel can't teach.

"... So what are you angry about?"

Leon also turned the question to Alice.

`` I'm angry at a man crying and laughing at another while she is crying. ''

In other words, he is angry with Lion. The story is quite different.

"... I don't have milk."

"So what are you doing?"

"I just talked a bit."

"A liar! Even though I want to make an adult girl an adult girl!"

Charlotte, who was called the maiden, is looking down on the other side. If you say it, it is still so.

"It's so rude to Charlotte. And I'm not doing that at all. Don't be careless."

Leon catches Alice while catching Charlotte in his eyes.

"How is it?"

"Ah. Mr. Charlotte is a married woman, though only in form."


"That's not the case. If someone listens to Alice and if you are infidelity, you'll be punished?-Be careful with your remarks."

And even though it's a concubine, he is the wife of King Grand Fulham. If you are unfaithful, you will end up with a felony that can be fatal.

"Huh. I'm sorry, but suddenly I turned into a Harlem man."

Alice has no meaning if Rion denies his relationship with Charlotte. I don't like the rise of women around Rion, whether or not they have a physical relationship.

"... I'm not like that."

The same thing that Harlem hates is Rion.

"It's not about you, but about reality, right?"

"It's ... you were originally speaking"

In the second half, Rion whispers so as not to be heard by Charlotte. Originally, it was because Charlotte was forced to move to protect Aeriel and Frau.

"I'm not me, because Rion tells me to do that."

"that's right, but……"

As Alice says. It is Rion who let Alice use her former world power to protect Aeriel and Frau. But that's not what we wanted. But now it is.

"Hey. There's another Harlem candidate, and that's a pretty good candidate."

"What's that?"

Aeriel responds to Alice's words. I know Rion is a woman, but she has a purpose, not a real one. So he could forgive Airiel. But Alice's words now have a distinctly different meaning.

"No. Lisa is just working as a maid."

"... Lisa?"

In a familiar name, Aeriel explores his memory. But this is unnecessary. Soon he knew who he was.

"Lion. Thank you for waiting."

Lisa, dressed as a maid, greets Rion. Looking at Lisa's elegance, which she could not imagine as a maid, Eriel knew who she was. Charlotte too.

"Lisa Stoke?"

The one who first spoke was Charlotte.

"Well! Charlotte, Airiel, it's been a long time!"

Lisa was also a student at the Imperial Academy. Looking at them, they look nostalgic.

"Um, Lisa. Why are you dressed as a maid?"

"I have a relationship and serve Rion. And Charlotte, now I'm a maid. No honorifics are needed."

"No, Lisa is a longing senior for me."

Lisa is one year senior at Charlotte. If that were all, Charlotte, the daughter of the Hou Family, would have a higher rank, but where he had nothing to do with the title, Lisa was special.

Lisa, whose appearance, behavior, intellect, and personality are all undisputed, was an admiration for female students who have a reputation for being called a flower in the social world in the future.

"I'm glad you say that, but I think the master-slave relationship should be proper."

"Don't worry. I'm not good at that. If you're an old friend except in public, you can treat him as an old friend."

Rion was interrupting the story from the side. Rion believes that even public and private beddings need to be firm.

"And then Rion-sama's instructions"

Lisa bows gracefully toward Rion. After all it does not look like a maid. Speaking of a maid, it is the atmosphere of a maid who is one of the best in maids and is assigned to the depths of the castle.

"Lion's instructor. Isn't that disgusting, isn't it? He has a very strong attitude and language, but it's strange and sexy."

"Yes, it smells dangerous."

Alice says rudely to Lisa, and Aeriel agrees. She seems to have recognized Lisa as a common enemy.

"... Somehow, they look like sisters."

"What?" "What?"

Lisa is said to be a sister, but they look disgusting with each other. The struggle of the two went bankrupt before it took shape. It's not just serious, but a glimpse of Lisa.

"Don't stop marching too much. Thank you for listening to my selfishness this time."

"I don't need to worry. I'm an orphan. I'm glad Lisa wants to save the war-orphaned orphans, but I'm the one who makes the war-orphaned orphans, so it's not hypocritical."

Lisa came to the battleground to protect the war orphans. Despite the reckless actions, Lisa's enthusiasm allowed Rion to forgive this.

"No, it's much better than not doing anything. I'm delighted to be able to serve Rion."

"Too much praise. Be careful not to leave before you leave. Don't overdo it just because you have an escort."

"Yes. Thank you. Rion is safe. I wish you good luck."

After saying this and bowing deeply, Lisa returned to the carriage she was riding.

"... I didn't think I was even working on Lisa Stoke."

As Lisa left, Eriel mumbled as if impressed. Half are hateful of Rion.

"I don't have any hands. I just got a little closer."

"Is that Lisa Stoke ?? Is it pure and innocent better ?? Anyway, how did you get close to Lisa Stoke, who was even called a holy girl, who didn't give any chance for boys to approach? "

"... Aeriel, have you changed anything?"

Rion is a little confused by Eriel, who speaks with excitement.

"I'm surprised!"

Lisa at the time of the Imperial Academy was so far away from Rion that Eriel was surprised and upset.

"Yeah. How did you get to know Lisa? ほ と ん ど She wouldn't have talked to boys in the atmosphere of Takamine flowers."

Charlotte is also curious about the relationship between Rion and Lisa. It's not about burning yakimote.

"No matter how you say, I got to know each other at the library, exchange greetings, and started talking about the contents of the books I read."

"Did Rion teach Lisa to study?"

Charlotte doesn't really know about Rion's life in school. Ron, a former orphans and servant who was a servant, was surprised to hear that Lisa, who had performed well, was studying.

"Rion was studying more than a student. He would have been pretty high if he had taken the school exam."

Of course, Aeriel knows Leon well.

"Was it so"

Listening to Airiel, Charlotte was convinced, but there was some misunderstanding.

"No, I don't. I don't teach me to study. I just exchanged opinions about the books I read."

"... What's the book you read?"

"Lisa had a lot of poetry collections. Even though they were poetry collections, they liked the surprisingly satirical content and expressed their mutual opinions on the interpretation of poetry."

The content that cannot be professed is written as a poem using abstract expressions. It is the wisdom of one of the few critics in this world where dissatisfaction with the world has led to criticism of the nation and conviction of sin.

Most of them wrote, however, nobles, and their abstract and sarcastic expressions were recognized in the aristocracy as a proof of intellect and became a culture.

"... Can Rion-kun interpret poetry?"

"It's an exaggeration. I just talked about what I was thinking. So I got up with Lisa-san ... and thinking like this, I spent a lot of time together."

Rion was in the library most of the daytime. A servant who is eager to study more than students who go to the library every day. That's why Lisa got interested.

Furthermore, unlike other schoolboys, he felt sincere with Rion who had no interest in himself, and released his vigilance. I hate the point of sincerity.

"When I was in the library outside of class, Lisa was usually there. She was serious since then."

"... I see, it's a strong enemy."

Rion, who doesn't know the woman's heart, doesn't know what even Charlotte can do. Because there is Lion, it is decided that Lisa was also there.

"Hey, Leon. Are there any other acquaintances in school?

When this happens, Eriel is concerned about more competitors. There are many other women that Leon did during her school days.

"If you're on the side besides Lisa, there's nothing."

"Isn't it ...?"

It is not Eriel that is deceived by the nuances of Rion's subtle words.

"There are so many"

"What's that?"

"Oh, but it's subtle to know someone."

"... what is it?"

"It's not just the orphans that are protecting us. Well, we'll see you soon .... I guess I'll see you soon. He goes back down and enters the castle, as expected, and he doesn't know, he's too stupid to be with him. "

As Mark came closer, Mercury's command sounded. In response to the command, the Wonderland Mercenaries rearrange their ranks and prepare to enter Kamark.

The army has expanded to three thousand. It is not a number that can be dismissed as an army hired for money. And in more than a few qualities, the Wonderland Mercenaries are the best troops.


Army approaching Kamark. The figure became clearly visible. There are about 3,000 troops. Too many for bandits and too few for the Great Alexandros. In the first place, neither can be in Bandu territory right now.

Suddenly, information on the army appears, and the kingdom of Granfram is ready for war. The quickness of the movement around here is truly Arnold.

"... Which flag is it?"

Arnold, staring at the approaching forces from above the outer wall, asks Commander Knight Marcus.

A military flag standing in the ranks. So I'm trying to figure out who I am, but that's impossible. No one in the Kingdom of Granfram knows, such as the flag of the Wonderland Mercenaries.

"I've never seen a military flag. The armor is black and red. I don't think it's the Kingdom of Merica."

"It's neither Ochs nor Hashiu. What was the possibility of the Eastern Union, which we talked about?"

"That is possible, but if so, three thousand are too few."

Arnold and Commander Knight Marcus continue a misguided conversation.

"I think it's a mercenary corps."

Sol, who had no idea, taught the identity of the army. It is completely different from what Sol knows, but it can be seen from afar in the distance that it is Lion's Guard Knight Corps.

"... Yeah, yes, but how do you feed the 3,000 troops?"

If it is not another country's army, there is only a wonderland mercenary corps. In the first place, it is strange to think that it is a force of another country. Arnold was also serious and did not think he was an army of another country.

"Isn't that the high reward?-Two thousand coins and three thousand ...

"I know you can't pay without doing the calculations.

After appearing at Kamark, he is willing to accept a request. That's good, but Arnold, who realized he hadn't paid, was thinking about what to do.

Basically, I want to fall in love with serious Arnold.

"I think we can't afford to pay because we have hired both the United Kingdom and the Eastern Union,"

"That's what I want you to do. It looks like we've gotten a head start. If you know that you're a mercenary, let the castle enter. Immediately begin the army. Gather the chiefs in the army room."


I'm about to start preparing for the army, saying that I can confirm. Arnold is a little out of hand. This is inevitable. After all, he only meets Rion when he becomes king. It's not about nostalgia. It's fun and frightening to see what kind of reaction Rion will have at the military seat. In other words, I am nervous.


A conference room dedicated to the military. At that location, the Grand Flam kingdoms gather. Tension colors can be seen on every face. This time Rion appears. I'm nervous about that.

The sound of hitting the door. The tense atmosphere of the conference room has become even stronger.

"I took you to the Wonderland Mercenaries!"

There are several mercenaries from the words of the knights who have guided me. The likelihood of Rion was increasing.

"... pass through!"

Lambert responds with a slightly nervous voice.


The door opened in response. Seeing the people standing there, moans leaked from everyone in the conference room.

A black-haired man wearing a black cloak on a black knight uniform. A man with fiery red eyes, not odd eyes, was unmistakably Rion.

"Is it OK to enter?"

Rion calls out to Lambert, who is stunned by the door.

"Oh, please. Please sit in a vacant seat."

"Do you get it"

Leon looked at the meeting room, picked an available seat, and slowly walked towards it. Alice and others follow.

At the seat, Rion did not immediately sit down, standing, and opened his mouth to Lambert.

"Why should I introduce myself first?"

"……Yes, please"

Lambert could not say it was unnecessary. I was starting to wonder if the atmosphere of Rion was different from before.

"I'm the Deputy Commander of the Wonderland Mercenary Corps ... King. I don't need to introduce Alice. Next to it is Spade, the general of the Black Cavalry Corps."

"……nice to meet you"

Mercury greets him in an awkward manner. His gaze turned to the keel, staring at himself, stunned from the moment he entered the meeting room.


In response to Mercury's voice, Keel returns to her voice.

"Are you acquainted?"

Arnold immediately asked Kiel's reaction.

"... I'm my son, Mercury, if it's not my memory."

"What did you say?"

"Well, don't you remember that you're calling yourself a spade?"

If you don't remember, Mercury won't care about you. Kiel's question, knowing that it was not amnesia.

"... Fortunately, I have a clear memory."

"I see ... why did you leave Bandeau?"

"Do you need chains to keep them?"

Mercury's obedience was a good answer. I know it's to keep Leon, but I don't know where to keep it. It also sounds to regain the memory of Leon.

"... I see. I understand. I'm sorry to interrupt the meeting. Please proceed."

"Well, next to it is Heart, Red Cavalry Corps Corps."

In response to Keel's words, Rion continues to introduce.

"nice to meet you"

Hart was introduced by Ares, the son of the Red Party Cassis. Keel nodded in response to Arnold.

"In the background is Ross General of the Mobile Infantry Corps.

The man referred to as Ross ended his greeting with a light bow. Arnold also gave a lookout, but Keel shook his head.

Ross is not from Bandeau. After Leon left Bandeau, he was a subordinate.

"Do you need to introduce yourself?"

Arnold asked, as Rion finished his introduction.

"I don't need it. I don't need to remember it. I haven't signed up yet."

"... is it a reward?"

"We also need to decide on conditions other than rewards. The request is now to recapture the Great Alexandros Empire, Tokio. Is this correct?"

"Oh, yes."

Rion goes on without giving Arnold any time to question his refusal to introduce himself. I don't want to ask questions that can be searched. It's not just because it's crazy, it's just annoying.

"I want you to tell me what recovery means."


"Get it without damaging the royal capital. I refuse this because it is impossible. Eject the Great Alexandros Imperial Army. This is possible. There are many ways to recapture."

"... Driving the Great Alexandros Imperial Army. However, I don't want to lose the royal capital. I will use the royal capital as a royal capital."

"Can't lose it ... I can't help it. Let's drink it."

Rion gives a reckless answer to Arnold's half-joking words. Arnold had no idea whether this answer was a joke. I want it to be a joke.

"And the reward?"

"There are still conditions. There should be a plan for that. If we are not convinced, we will act on our own. We want you to stay in the way."

"……What did you say?"

"Oh, I might ask for a little help. Then I'd like you to follow this strategy, but that's the right condition."

"... I wish I could regain the royal capital."

"If you can't recover it, you can't call it an operation."

"... It would be good."

"Your Majesty !?"

Commander Marcus Knight screamed unbearably. Leon's power is acknowledged by Commander Marcus Knights, but he is not convinced that Leon will take control. The Commander Marcus Knight is under the Kingdom and serves Arnold.

"If there's a problem with this strategy, right?"

"Of course, the only remaining condition is reward."

"... What is the reward amount?"

"I won't be able to pay for the amount, so I'll get a territory. I'll reward you for this land of Bandhu and further south."

"... what?"

"South is an extension of the border between the kingdoms of Ochs and the United Kingdom, and west is a river flowing from the mountainous area in southern Bandhu. Was it the Sakami?"

"... why do you need to go south?"

"Why? The larger the territory, the higher the tax revenue, because the shorter the time it takes to get back the rewards."

"Sakami river ..."

Arnold understands the significance of asking Bandu for rewards. Again, Leon's amnesia is a lie, only trying to regain his former territory.

But I don't know why he wants to go further south of Bandhu. Arnold considers what is in southern Bandhu.

"Would you like an answer?"

But Leon does not give Arnold time to think. I immediately asked for a response.

"What if I refuse?"

I do not want to refuse. I'm just saying it to make time for thinking.

"We will ask for equal rewards based on the current reward terms. Without it, the negotiations will be broken."

"A substitute reward ..."

In response to Rion's words, Arnold's thinking shifts to thinking about alternative rewards.

"If you can't reach a conclusion, let's negotiate tomorrow. Is that OK?"

Then, Lion will propose further postponement of the negotiations.

"... Oh, please do that."

Arnold completely lost his intent. Still, I decided to postpone negotiations if I had time to think carefully.

"That's right. Oh, I just don't want to waste time. The hand gives me permission to cross the border."

"Across borders?"

"In order to fight you need to know the enemy and the battlefield. That's why we send in some units, all of which require permission."

"... Okay, let's get it out."

After all, the negotiations for this day are over. The Wonderland Mercenaries once left Kamark. Not just mercenaries. Some fly to the Great Alexandros Empire. Naturally, it includes Lisa.

Regardless of how the Grand Flam Kingdom came out, the Wonderland Mercenaries were moving.

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