The Great Alexandros Empire's messenger appears in the Grand Flam Kingdom. I know the business without hearing. The messenger of the surrender recommendation.

While some argued that they could turn it back, Arnold decided to listen only. This does not mean that there is room to accept the surrender recommendation. He simply accepted the messenger as a diplomatic ritual.

But Arnold regretted this decision.

"No matter how hard you try, Grand Flam can't beat Japan. Why don't you acknowledge it and bow down?"

The ambassador of the Great Alexandros Empire was a rude man who spoke loudly to King Arnold. Even if you are the messenger of the surrender recommendation, it is more of a diplomatic courtesy to stand lower and stand up against you, but I do not know such common sense.

"I won't know if I can't win without fighting."

"Let's be strong.

"I don't mean to bow to your country, even if you can't win."

Arnold has no intention of following the Great Alexandros Empire. This has already told the messenger many times. But even with a clear statement, the messenger did not try to leave.

"If you're a king of a country, why not give up on yourself and act for the country?"

"It's not the personal situation, the consensus of the country."

"Before telling it, you should listen to the public."

"While listening?-At least the people of Kamark have clearly stated they will not follow the Great Alexandros Empire."

"That's not the case. You want to be a citizen of the Great Alexandros Empire."

"... Why do you think so?"

Arnold felt uncomfortable with the confident words of the messenger.

"I'm determined because Japan is excellent."

"No. Why can't we say that our people want to be people of your country?"

"that is……"

The ambassadors of the Great Alexandros Empire appear not only to be polite, but also unable to negotiate. Arnold's question is choked. It's like confessing that there's something you want to do.

"I see. Your country is good at manipulating information, but it seems to have failed."

"... I don't do that because I don't have to."

Upsets appear on his face, despite denying his mouth.

"Is there a need? っ て も After all, your country is even deceiving its own people."

"What did you say?"

"What happened to the people of the kingdom of Fathira?

"Such a thing ..."

Arnold wonders at the reaction of the messenger. This messenger has not been informed of the events in the kingdom of Fatiras. Why did you send such a person as a messenger? I do not know the intention of the Great Alexandros Empire.

"I promise to the people that if they contribute to the country, they will be graded.


This is another fact that the messengers do not know. The development of the Great Alexandros Empire is supported by the workforce of fifth-class people. But hard work will surely reduce the number of fifth-class citizens. The reduced amount must be replaced. As long as the invasion of other nations does not progress, the only option is to drop and replenish the upper class.

"Do you know you will be enslaved and why do you want to be your people?"

"In any case, you will eventually become a citizen of the Empire. It is better to get a grade earlier."

"That's why it's overwhelmingly lower than raising."


The negotiations are completely broken. As expected, the messenger should know, but he will not give up. The messenger's attitude seems to be a bit confusing to Arnold.

"I want to ask one. Who decided to make a surrender recommendation?"

"It's up to your Majesty."

That's right. The ultimate sanction is the power of Emperor Lancelot. That's not what Arnold is hearing.

"There must be someone who advised. Who is it?"

"... I don't know it, but I was appointed directly by His Majesty and became a messenger."

So the messenger seems to believe that the surrender advisory also wants the emperor Lancelot, but Arnold thought the opposite. Lancelot had sent such a messenger to break the negotiations.

Arnold feels that this is not a mistake. Arnold believes that the settlement with Lancelot is not negotiable.

"In any case, our country will never surrender to you. If that is the case, it would be better to subjugate to the Kingdom of Merica."

"... the Merika Kingdom will soon be the territory of the Empire."

"What did you say?"

The messengers provided information unknown to the Kingdom of Granfram. After all, it is not a person who works like an messenger.

"It's too late to regret then"

"... I don't regret. The negotiations are over. I'm going back to my country."

"Such ..."

A messenger who drops his shoulders. Failure to negotiate leads to relegation of one's own. This is why the messengers were persistent.

If so, I'd better do it, but I was chosen to be Lancelot's messenger because she couldn't do that.

A messenger going out between audiences, prompted by the Guard Knight. Arnold spoke to Prime Minister Seid before his complete disappearance.

`` Send alliance messengers to the Kingdom of Merica ''

"Yes. But will the Kingdom of the United States accept?"

"I can't help thinking about that, but if Alexandros were to attack, the possibilities would be much higher than before."

The enemy of the enemy may be an ally. There is no doubt that the Great Alexandros Empire is more of a threat to the Kingdom of Merica, at least in the Kingdom of Granfram and the Great Alexandros Empire.

"I know, but what about the terms of the alliance? If you are in the Kingdom of the United States, you should ask for reinforcements."

"Reinforcement ..."

It's clear why Prime Minister Sade has shown a negative response to the alliance talks. There is no room to send reinforcements to the Kingdom of Merika. The alliance ties up because it benefits. If the kingdom of Granfram cannot provide benefits to the kingdom of negotiations, negotiations will not be successful.

"There is nothing we can offer to the Kingdom of Merica. I think it would have been better to be in the opposite situation."

"What is the opposite?"

"If Brittalia has attacked our country, we only need to sue the threat to the Kingdom of Merica. Once our territory is in Britannia, we can attack the Kingdom of Ox and the Kingdom of Merica from here. It is a situation that can not be left for us. ''

"Do you mean to send reinforcements to Japan for that reason?"

"Yes. If you have 20,000 more troops, you can attack Brittalia from here."

Ten thousand troops have been allocated just to protect the three borders in the north-southwest. Furthermore, if it were to be attacked, that would not have been enough, and 10,000 were placed at Kamark in the center as reinforcements. This is all the army of the Grand Flam Kingdom.

There are other armies of aristocrats, but they are all located in the defensive territory of Band ド ゥ and are not very army to rely on.

The Grand Flam Kingdom was stuck in response to the threat of the Great Alexandros Empire. At the very least, maintaining the status quo would not allow the reconstruction of the Grand Flam Kingdom.

"I don't have the option of not sending it.

"I've acknowledged"

"Oh, send me the messengers first to the kingdoms of Ochs and Hashiu, and let me know of your alliance offer to the kingdom of Merica."


The two nations used to be servants, but now they have to be very careful. Not just military. Currently, the only way to obtain supplies is through bilateral trade. If it can be stopped, the kingdom of Granfram will not go.

"If war begins in the Kingdom of Merica, it will be difficult to procure supplies."

The border between Ox and Merica is also near the border with the Great Alexandros Empire. If it becomes a battlefield, merchant traffic is likely to be cut off.

"Yes. You'll rely on the Eastern Union, but ... what happened to the fight against the Kingdom of Merica?"

Procurement becomes even more difficult if the Eastern Union is at war.

"Is no information included?"

"I can't afford to extend my hand as expected. If it is still going on, the kingdom of Merica will be in a very difficult situation."

"It's a two-way war."

One of them is the Great Alexandros Empire. I don't think the Kingdom of Merica can stand.

"... I may have to reinforce even if I can't do it a little."

If the United Kingdom loses, there is no country that can resist the Great Alexandros Empire. This is not the case with the Silent Kingdom watching it.

"Yeah. Tell me you're ready to send reinforcements if you want. No, shouldn't you hit the south instead of reinforcements? Marcus! 作 Plan your strategy immediately! The southern invasion of the Old Fatiras Kingdom"


Even if there is an overwhelming difference in power, if you do not move now, you will lose the opportunity to reverse. Arnold is ready for another decisive battle with the Great Alexandros Empire.


The Merika Kingdom, of course, was at the highest level of vigilance against the Great Alexandros Empire invasion and defended itself. However, the border fort fell only by shelling, and was easily breached.

Despite knowing about the new weapons of the Great Alexandros Empire, it is the first time they have been attacked. He had completely measured the power of the cannon and made a mistake.

The Great Alexandros, who had invaded the territory, began to march into the fortified city of Bekas, one of the main bases of the Second Line of Defense. They chose a city with strong defenses to serve as a base for invasion.

Fortunately for the Kingdom of the United States, its advance was slow. Lack of mobility is a disadvantage of artillery.

The Merika Kingdom, which formed the interceptor, chose a field battle to defend Vegas. He launched an attack against the invading Imperial invaders. As a result, the Kingdom Intercept was able to stop the advance of the Imperial invasion forces.

However, the subsequent battles have continued to be difficult on the kingdom side. Even if you attack the Imperial invasion army that has built up your camp, you will only be hit by guns and cannons. It just increased the sacrifice.

"Stand up!"

The command is heard from the Royal Army that is marching towards the empire's position. In response, a soldier in the front row stopped and held a large shield. A little later, you hear a metallic sound. The sound of the empire shooting a shield.

"Go forward! Hurry!"

The front row soldier holding a shield runs forward. And again, the voice of the command of the shield was heard. By repeating this, the British Army uses the gap between the shootings to reduce the distance from the Imperial base.

"Avant-garde! Open!"

After some distance, a different command was issued. The Royal Army that splits left and right. Meanwhile, the cavalry ran through with tremendous momentum.


The knight at the head issues a command. It's the voice of Princess Olivia. According to the orders, the cavalry squad breaks down and spreads greatly. At the same time, a plosive sound echoes from the front. Several knights were shot on horses and rolled down to the ground.

"Assault! 突 Enter the enemy line at full speed!"

Regardless, Princess Olivia shouts the next order. I don't have time to be jerky. Soon, the next shot will be fired from the Imperial Army. I want to somehow reach the enemy line before that.

It doesn't come true, and the knight falls to the ground after being shot. There are considerably more than before.

"... Withdraw! Turn back!"

Recognizing the failure of the charge, Princess Olivia ordered her withdrawal. He has failed three more times. At first it was too far. The next step was to advance the infantry considerably, but the enemy's bombardment, which had shifted its range towards the front, collapsed the infantry before the cavalry was launched. And it doesn't arrive this time either.

The empire team is really well thought out and finds no way to attack. This will drop the fortified city, and if you are stuck there, you may not be able to get your hands or feet.

In any case, the kingdom of the United States was a field battle and intended to defeat the Imperial invasion forces.

"Fail! I will rework the strategy again!"

Returning to Honjin, Princess Olivia entered the meeting room tent, despite the frustration of a failed operation. However, looking at a person who should not be there, such annoyance blows away.

"What is your order for a mercenary?"

The other party called out to Princess Olivia with a smile.


"I'm a deputy commander of the Wonderland Mercenary Corps ... what? Jabawak, no, Bandersnatch?"

Rion didn't even remember the pseudonym he didn't like.

"... Isn't it a white rabbit?"

Princess Olivia remembers the name of the Vice Commander of the Wonderland Mercenaries.

"Oh, that"

"... Rion, right?"

The man in front of her is just a different color of her hair and eyes, and she looks like Lion.

"No, it's a white snake."


"Oh, that"

"... Is it a trick?"

"I can't remember my pseudonym"

In other words, the trick. Even without doing this, Princess Olivia knew that Lion was the deputy commander of the Wonderland Mercenaries.

"Why are you here? Did you come to kill me?"

Princess Olivia and Leon are enemies. I don't know why Rion is in his army. I don't think I've been killed. If so, Leon should have done it and gone away.

"First of all, please listen to the explanation from your country. So a little stupid Konoe will calm down."

"... Stop Yuri, do you want to die?"

Yuri, who had to come in later, suddenly drew his sword and stood behind Rion. Princess Olivia knows that if she cuts it, she will only return.

"... Huh"

In response to Princess Olivia's words, Yuri returned her sword to the sheath and left Lion.

"Let me explain. First of all, please introduce yourself."

He invites a man dressed as a civilian sitting next to Rion to start explaining with a playful tone.

"You don't need to introduce yourself. Rice is the Foreign Minister of Japan. There is no reason I don't know. Rice, could you explain the situation?"

"Yes. Japan and the Eastern Union have recently signed a truce."

"Yes. That was good."

At the same time, it is impossible to deal with the Eastern Union and Great Alexandros at the same time. Princess Olivia is very pleased that her father, King Merica, made this decision.

"However, there is a condition for a truce. I went to see if the conditions could be fulfilled."

"What are those conditions?"

"That's ... His Highness Princess staying in the Eastern Union."

"... Is that so?"

The condition of the truce is to be yourself hostage. Princess Olivia understood so.

"Slightly wrong explanation"

However, Leon has pointed out that Foreign Minister Rice's explanation was incorrect.

"Is that so?"

"Yes. I'm not going to get the right consent right now. I'll explain the conditions, probably because it's hard to say to my princess."

"... Yes, please."

I don't have a good feeling when I say it is a difficult condition.

"First, we have Princess Olivia marry Yuri Stewart, the stupid Konoe there."


Princess Olivia was not immediately able to understand what Lyon said in an unexpected word.

"It's a resignation, and then Yuri Stewart comes to the Union of Eastern Nations. It's a hostage of friendship messengers."


"Because she is a wife, of course she will accompany me, right?"

"... I don't understand well. Why is that happening?"

Lion's explanation does not seem to Princess Olivia as a condition of a truce. The impact of marriage is too strong.

"Now, the situation behind us is that the Princess of Olivia will not be allowed to be taken hostage, but the face of the Merika Kingdom will not allow it.

"... So I lost my princess' status and went to the Eastern Alliance as a companion."

"Yes. The hostage is just one guard knight. And even if she is no longer a princess, the popularity of the people will not change. Olivia is well worth the hostage."

It seems certain that the two countries are satisfied, but I don't know why we had to get married.

"By the way, who thought this?"

"Only one person thinks about such stupid conditions."



The kingdom of Merica cannot come up with. Even if it is not the Kingdom of the United States, it is an idea that cannot be born with a normal sense.

"My goal is?"

"Friendship between the two countries"

Then there is no need to force marriage. Princess Olivia concluded that Lyon's words were false.

"……My goal is?"

"Rescue of a late princess"

In a subsequent question, Rion acknowledged that he was modest, using diplomacy.

"... What if I take extra care?"

"I say a liar."

Princess Olivia wants to marry Yuri. This is Rion's answer. The fact that Princess Olivia's face was slightly reddish proved to be the case.

"... Why did you do this?"

"I knew. I don't want to see anyone suffering from a misplaced romance. I was like that."

Rion and Aeriel also have a relationship between a servant who was once an orphan in the favela and a daughter of a lord. Originally, they were never tied together.

"Yeah. Even so ... Did you persuade my father well?"

"It is a difficult person as a king, but as a human being, he is a good father with a daughter."

This word of Rion denies the story so far. This is not just for Princess Olivia. It turned the difficult negotiations with the great king of the United States into a form of persuading one father who opposed his daughter's marriage.

"... I mean, do you know your father well?"

"It's important to know the person because of the important person. I also knew the feelings of Her Highness."

Then, a strategy using a person for the person is made. This is the basis for both conspiracy and tactics for Leon. Princess Olivia also knows the horror of Leon.

"Well, now that you understand the situation, will you give me an answer. You have Yuri Stewart as your husband and you will love and honor this when you are healthy, when you are sick, when you are joyful, when you are sad, Do you pledge to comfort this, help this, and do your best to live as long as it is? "

"……what is that?"

The first words heard by Princess Olivia. But for some reason, it was a moving word.

"Oath words. Is there anything like this?"

"I don't have it ... but it's a good word?"

"Do you swear?"

"... Yes, I swear."

Despite the slight shyness, Princess Olivia clearly uttered her vow. Again, Princess Olivia did not understand Leon's true intentions.

I was really wondering if I had done this for myself.

"Now, the truce has been signed."

Rion declares that the agreement has been formed without any notice that Princess Olivia is in the middle.

"Come, wait a minute."

The groom is completely out of the way.

"You don't have a choice, don't you say you don't like it?"

"... I'm a man like me, and I don't think my princess's husband will work."

"Are you stupid? You're not a princess, you're a woman, Olivia. And I'm not a man like you, you're good. "

The latter part of the line resembles what Eriel had once said.

"Rion says, Yuri, I want to be your wife. Can you forgive me?"

"... Yes, I'm happy."

In the deadly place of the battlefield, the feelings that had been kept secret were rewarded. Just a short while ago, they wouldn't have thought that this would happen.

"Well, now I'm done, but I'm going to work free of charge instead of celebrating my marriage. Do you have any requests from the Wonderland Mercenaries?"

"Are you good?"

"Of course, but only if it is feasible."

"... How to get rid of the Great Alexandros Empire?"

"Okay, let's get to work right now. Please watch it carefully. I'll show you one way to fight the Imperial Army."

"……I understand"

Princess Olivia has found that Wonderland Mercenaries are willing to fight the Great Alexandros Empire. And that is natural. Princess Olivia knows that Leon has left behind in the Grand Flam Kingdom.

The Great Alexandros Empire's invasion of the Merika Kingdom was devastated in subsequent battles, losing most of its combat capabilities. During the withdrawal, almost all armies collapsed due to persistent pursuit by the Royal Army of the United Kingdom. The invasion of the United Kingdom ended with the defeat of the Great Alexandros Empire.

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