"What is the possibility of a trap?"

I answer that Zeke's question. When Sikh and Sebas heard the answer, they looked sad, but Leo, who had been called to me, was not.

"Is that child ... you can trust from your brother?"

No matter how much you can trust as an individual, you may be divided into enemy or friend depending on your position. Jurgen worked with Erik until he couldn't keep up. No matter how good people are, if they are different, they will be enemies. But Sonia is with Rebecca. I didn't feel a lie in those words, and I didn't feel the advantage of telling a lie. When I lure me and Leo, there is no benefit to any power. I can't raid, and if I reach out to Leo, I'll definitely get my father's remorse. Then I don't doubt that Sonia is with Rebecca.

"I'm definitely Rebecca's ally, so I'm not sure I've decided to leave Rebecca to us. There's a limit to getting away, and we'll be the most courteous. "Is it intentional to make contact with my brother?" "It's a coincidence. It looks like I'm trusted."

As expected, I don't know the true meaning of Sonia. You have to go to the designated place to find it.

"From today's sightings, we can't determine your location. You have to go."

I look at the map spread out on my desk. Eyewitness information for the last few days has been marked. It seems to be scattered appropriately, but when I look at it, I feel that there are some hints or rules. But I don't know what it is. You should now trust Sonia's words, a clear clue.

"Ok, I'll follow you." "If you decide so, do you want to move?" "Aren't all of your brothers aware of the scary people? You're definitely on watch. You'll be hindered if you go out together?" "I know, but there is no way to go."

Zandra and his followers are desperately searching for Rebecca. Definitely we keep our guards on. If we come out, it is safe to say that we will be hindered. At the moment, only Sieg and Sebas can fight against the assassins at night. Even if you take a soldier poorly, it only increases the corpses. There is no doubt that it is dangerous. But now is an important time. There is a difference between getting mud and getting Rebecca here. If he had to go, Sonia said he would use his back. I don't know what it was, but I didn't want to use it. It will also lead to abandoning Sonia's earned credit.

"I don't have any ambush. I'm wary of being out of place. I'm almost out of time. It's hard to read in the direction I'm going to go and I can't wait outside." "Shouldn't you be out early?" "If you think only of us, but if you put it on early you could end up pulling the enemy. We're like landmarks At worst, Rebecca will flee if they are late, and that's okay. I'll try to get to the clock tower as short as possible. "" Okay. Let's get ready. "" Yes. Do they ask for an escort? "

That's when Leo and me start moving. Sieg and Sebas sighed at the same time and followed.



I run while tongue tapping. A little more to the clock tower. There are more enemies than expected. What is this much? Sieg and Sebas defeat the enemy, and Leo covers me around. But there is no time. Twelve o'clock has passed. The rest is a few minutes. Whether you can run and make it. Meanwhile, the enemy appeared again. Intermittent reinforcements come in, so you can stop every time.

"Brother! Go ahead!" "Take yours and talk !?" "Keep it somehow!"

Leo pushes my back. At the same time, an assassin attacks Leo, who pulls out his sword and repels it. There are both Sebas and Sieg and are you OK? With a little worried, I leave the place and aim for the clock tower. When I came close, the hands of the clock tower were past 12:05.

"Huh huh ..."

Look around while breathless. Don't you say it's on the clock tower? Sonia emerged from behind when she was thinking about such a thing.

"Sonia ...!" "I finally came."

That's why a brown-haired girl near orange appears from behind Sonia. Similar to caricature. Probably she is Rebecca. Rebecca looks at me suspiciously and asks Sonia.

"Is this person Prince Arnold?" "Yeah, you've never been alone?" "Leo is stranded. Wait for it to come." "I want to do that, but I don't have time here either." Yeah. "

That's how Sonia approaches. And I glanced at my eyes. The red-purple eyes kept staring at me as if looking into my heart. Eventually, Sonia smiles and turns her gaze.

"It's not an ambush. After all, Al is kind." "If you place troops in advance, you'll fall into other powers.

Explaining that, Sonia nods many times. Rebecca still seems to be on his guard, but it should be something that Leo will do. Leo excels at being trusted by others. If we managed to trust Rebecca, we would win. I thought so. At that moment, Sonia said something like his back spinning.

"I haven't won ... I don't think I won. Al-kun" "What ...?"

So Sonia pushed Rebecca's back and thrust me away. In a hurry, I catch Rebecca. Rebecca seems to be surprised at Sonia's sudden actions at Rebecca.

"Sonia! What are you up to?"

At that moment, the men dressed in unified black clothes appeared. Surprisingly, they were equipped with state-of-the-art dreadnoughts just adopted by the military. These guys ...

"A secret unit under Gordon ..." "Yes, that's right.

Sonia raised the hand of a leader named Major, and the other men moved away from me and Rebecca. And Sonia takes out a letter. Seeing that, Rebecca rushed out of her pocket. It is the same without change.

"It's a fake. Rebecca." "Lie ... I betrayed !?" "I'm not betrayed. I was originally on this side. Actually I wanted to hand over Rebecca before the majors came. However, as long as the Majors came, souvenirs are needed.

Sonia then looked down. His face looked really disappointing. That is probably not acting. Perhaps Sonia tried to fulfill Rebecca's wishes as far as she could. The time given on it is 5 minutes. We could not save those five minutes. That's how it is. Slightly later, Sebas, Sieg, and Leo appeared. The three do not know the situation, but I control it by hand. There is no intention to attack beyond. I can't imagine Sonia doing a stupid imitation of fighting here in the first place. The first thing to do is get the information.

"Sonia ... Who are you?" "... I'm Sonia Laspade, a half elf who was invited by Prince Gordon Lakes Adler as a servant." "Gordon's servant ...?" I wasn't tied to that position until then, so I played Rebecca's side, but it wasn't much more than the Majors appeared here. It was the last chance I gave to Al. "

Sonia stares at me sadly. I have regrets. I wish I had done that, I should have done this. Any regret will come out. But now I was full of sorry. Perhaps Sonia did not immediately hand over Rebecca to Gordon because he did not seem to be able to handle Rebecca. Sonia was working with Rebecca first. Otherwise, I won't do such a trick. Sonia also called Gordon's stealth unit. I can help if I can't escape forever. At the same time, I used to meet Leo and I met by chance. At least only Rebecca is to give it to us. Should I use metastasis? Or should I just blow it away with magic? There is no answer. All that can be said is that nothing can be done anymore.

"I can hand the letter over, but ... Gordon will not be convinced, and above all, Zandra will keep aiming at you. The letter and Rebecca. If you consider the security of both, you should split up. I think? "

You can take it with force, but you will lose. It's like that. And I agree. The night's imperial capital is now filled with assassins and organizational followers under Zandra. If they get here while fighting here, we face the risk of falling together. In that case, it's still better to split into two and withdraw. If we encountered and withdrew without incident, we would follow up with Sonia. It is clear that there was some negotiation between us.

"... What's your request?" "It's coming again. I'm going to apply for negotiations here.

That word is not comfort. Even if there is no direct harm to us, it's evident that once Gordon has taken the initiative, it's no good. But I got the key over there. Rebecca alone is not enough evidence. We had to negotiate with Gordon. Sonia demonstrated his ability and obtained the desired result. He protected Rebecca in the best places and had a positive effect on his camp.

"I wonder if he was rolled in the palm ..." "I'm sorry. I thought this was the best .... Alright. Al-kun.

Sonia returns with a heel. And disappeared into the darkness with stealthy units. His back looked somewhat sad. But nothing can be done. I ruined the preparatory setting.

"Arnold-sama ... We'll leave, too."

We leave while answering Sebas's words. On this day, we did not declare defeat for the first time in the fight for the throne. The soldier who painted it went under Gordon. And the letter passed to Gordon's hands, and the initiative became Gordon's future. In this way, the power map of the Empire battle changed completely.

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