Looking at the black voice recorder that kept repeating the previous conversation, the company's face was full of stunned and unbelievable.

Carefully putting the recorder in his pocket, Yu raised the corners of his mouth, and a wicked smile appeared on his face.

"With this 'evidence', according to the past routine of the gendarmerie. The lightest thing is that the couple is not in a relationship, and they will mediate it in private. The most serious case, I will be sentenced to whoring || prostitutes, detained for 15 days, and Miss Enterprise you , it is to assist communication, the same fifteen days of detention..."

At the end, You Hehe smiled, his expression full of treacherous and cunning.

Looking at Yu's wicked smile, it was the first time in the company's life that there was a real 'killing urge'.

But at this moment, the door suddenly opened.

Chapter 108 What are you doing?

(The picture above is York City in N!)

In front of the door of Room 702 of the hotel, a squadron of 6 people is standing around the door with a serious look, surrounding the room faintly.

Due to the early hours, there were very few people in the corridors.

Occasionally, one or two guests who were planning to have breakfast pushed open the door and came to the corridor. After seeing this group of black-clothed and fully armed shipgirls at first glance, they immediately returned to their room in panic and locked it. He opened the door, with a posture that he did not intend to join in.

For nothing else, just because the ship girls in uniform suits and skirts have a common name on the sea - military police!

Although it is said that the military police, who are in charge of the admiral's discipline, basically have no right to govern these ordinary people.

However, the privilege called "legal killing power" held by the gendarmerie still makes many people terrified.

After all, in the face of a 'gendarmes' who can legally kill people, as long as they cherish their lives, they will not want to have any relationship with the other party.

The door was locked with a few clicks.

After the idlers closed the door, only six members of the gendarmerie with indifferent expressions were left in the corridor, surrounding the figure in Room 702.

Although the hotel room was heavily blocked, judging from the motionless behavior of these gendarmerie members, it seemed that they had no intention of breaking in.

And at the forefront, a ship girl who was suspected of being the leader, from the moment she watched the elevator door, it could be inferred that this military police team seemed to be waiting for someone to arrive.


With a soft sound, the elevator door slowly opened under the automatic device, revealing two tall figures inside.

When the door was completely opened, the two people in the elevator walked out quickly.

The captain of the team directly ignored the female waiter walking in front with a bunch of key rings in her hand, and cast her awe-inspiring eyes on the woman behind her.

It was a woman with long hair as beautiful as hoarfrost.

The woman's graceful and graceful drive is simply wearing a knee-length dress with a white background and a black edge, and a black leather jacket over it, which makes the girl look very fashionable while keeping warm.

However, due to the cold in the morning, the woman's delicate and gentle face was still slightly red from the cold, which made the captain of the team feel a little distressed.

Her pace was a little anxious.

The pair of long legs covered with black silk, full of mystery and temptation, kept striding forward, surpassing the hotel waiter in front of them in just a few steps, and hurried to the front of the members of the gendarmerie.

Although the person's hair was a little messy due to his hurried behavior. However, the messy hair did not affect her beauty in the slightest. On the contrary, it made the white-haired beauty always exude a strange messy beauty.

Even if she was also a woman, the captain of the team was lost for a moment because of the beauty of the woman.||

However, when the woman stood in front of her, she came back to her senses and saluted the woman immediately. "Captain Yorktown!"

"Good morning, Mary." The girl's melodious voice like a yellow warbler rang softly in the corridor.

With a simple greeting, York City's gentle and delicate face was a little anxious, as if she was worried about something.

However, her blue eyes remained calm and calm.

Glancing at the door, York City asked Mary next to her with a slightly solemn tone, "How is the situation here?"

Hearing the sound, Mary's eyes narrowed and she turned her head to look at the doorway.

"Captain York City, there is no change in the room. The first floor of the hotel has been blocked. Through heat source induction, it has been determined that the prisoner is inside."

At the end of the speech, there was a hint of pity and hostility on the face of the gendarmerie girl.

According to the order she received, 'Go to the Mamiya Hotel and arrest the admiral who violated the ship's mother', plus the two heat sources detected on the previous sensing device.

The two inside are undoubtedly the poor 'victim' and 'prisoner'.

As a member of the gendarmerie, I feel a little angry and indisputable about these "ship girls who dare not fight back against the admiral, and even dare not resist".

As for those 'dung admirals', the young gendarmes expressed their determination to 'cannonball' each other.

After all, admiral dung, who acted indiscriminately on the basis of those lovely ship girls' goodwill towards the admiral, in the eyes of the military police, is simply scum among scum, sending him a shell is considered light, let alone anything else.

However, although she was very angry, Mary at the moment was quite confused.

After all, it stands to reason that, as the commander-in-chief of the gendarmerie in the Qingdao waters, York City should sit in the office and wait for the results of their subordinates.

However, at this moment, the slightly anxious expression on her own official's face made her confused.

For a 'disciplinary violation case' that happened every three or five times, York City, as the military police captain, just came in person, and he was so anxious, what was the situation.

"Is that so?"

The mayor of York City sighed, turned his head, and nodded slightly to the waitress who had been wiping cold sweat behind him.

"Then, please open the door."

"No trouble, no trouble." The waitress turned over the key ring and smiled awkwardly while looking for the spare key.

Facing a bunch of gendarmes who were rumored to be ferocious, the newly arrived waitress was a little flustered at the moment, and made several mistakes in finding the key.

While waiting for the waitress to open the door, York City turned around and swept her worried gaze to the door in front of her.

When she received the company's communication earlier, the cold and ruthless tone of the other party really scared her as a big sister.

She is also a prototype ship, and she has been with each other for many years, and she naturally knows her sister's character well.

York City, who had never been treated in that tone by her sister, was a little flustered immediately after listening to the company's instructions.

After dispatching a team of military police according to the company's instructions, worried about what happened to her sister, she decided to go into battle in person and came to the Mamiya Hotel to find out the reason.

"I found it." Looking at the key in her fingertips, the waitress had a look of relief on her face.

Hearing the sound, Mary on the side glanced at York City, and after seeing that the other party did not give instructions, she made a set of gestures towards the subordinate behind her.

The other five military police immediately leaned their backs against the wall and filled their firearms with narcotic bombs.

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