Chapter 91 Lust is better than a machine!

Da da da-!

The sound of the small speedboat's engines reverberated in the open sea.

Snow-white waves splashed around the stern of the ship, the speedboat galloped fast, and the speedometer even exceeded the 40-knot mark at one point.

Under the driving of CV-16, on the distant sea level, a touch of emerald green, which is completely different from the blue sea, was printed into everyone's eyes.

On a yacht with a load of four people, whether it is the three ship girls, or Yuu's eyesight is far superior to ordinary people, so it is natural to discover the distant island at the first time.

After tens of minutes, after avoiding some reefs, the small speedboat stopped in an area 30 meters away from the island's beach.


A sharp eagle cry rang out, and over the distant island, a black shadow shot out like a sharp sword. After more than ten seconds, it flew over the small yacht.

Essex, who was in the co-pilot seat of the speedboat, glanced at Bell McCann above, then lowered his head and said.

"Commander, Bell's investigation is over."

As a ship girl and carrier-based aircraft, mental communication is a basic ability shared by an aircraft carrier, so Essex and Bell McCann exchanged the exploration situation just by looking at each other.

He raised his head melodiously, and gave the bald eagle in the sky a look of 'you know your physiognomy'.

Bell McCann, who was frightened by Yu's previous posture of preparing "Kitty Stewed Mushrooms", was extremely honest at this moment. He was still young and didn't want to be eaten alive.

How much can see that what Yu wants is to 'communicate' with Essex, pitting the master, without the slightest burden.

Therefore, even if he didn't want to say more, Essex, who was assigned the task of investigating the situation, could only speak up when Bell McCann refused to communicate.

"Dumpling, how is the situation?" Yu lowered his head and said towards Essex in the front passenger seat.

'...The commander calls me dumplings again, obviously I don't like eating that. ’

Essex thought silently in her heart, but she had let Bell McCann protest, but she was severely suppressed, so she could only reluctantly accept that nickname.

Although he was protesting in his heart, on the surface, Essex still adhered to a rigorous style and spoke in an ethereal and soft voice.

"According to Bell's exploration, the total area of ​​the island is about 1,500 square kilometers, and the coastline is about 270 kilometers."

"No volcanoes have been found, the sand is below the threshold, and the species should be mainland islands. Due to the tropical rainforest coverage on the islands, detailed investigations cannot be carried out."

"But judging by the seals on the beach, it should be an uninhabited island."

It seems that he hasn't spoken for a long time, and Essex speaks very slowly, and it took 2 minutes to finish all the results of the investigation.

At this moment, Lexington, who was holding a small biological computer, also opened his blue eyes and said with joy.

"The map of the Kongkai area does not mark this island, and it can be completely confirmed that it is an uninhabited island."

As soon as he finished speaking, CV-16 turned around in Essex and looked at Yuu with a slightly happy look.

As ship mothers, they know very well that according to the laws promulgated by the Governor's Office, all the uninhabited islands discovered in the process of opening the route belong to the guarding mansion who discovered it.

And these rules are universal.

In other words, the ownership of the 1,500-square-kilometer island in front of him now belongs to Yuu.

As long as Lexington uploads the data, the island is legally reserved for the Hong Kong Island garrison.

Although it is said that the economic value of an island is very huge, what makes Lexington and others more happy is the leap-forward development of the guard house.

Because in the rating of the garrison, islands are only popular among those 'colonel-level' admirals.

Among the evaluation criteria of the general-level regional governors, the total number of islands and sea area held by the custodian government accounted for the largest proportion.

Therefore, Lexington and others clearly understood that as long as the information found on the island was reported, the captain's rank on Yu's shoulders could be moved up one or two ranks.

In the eyes of these shipgirls, there is nothing that makes them happier than the promotion of the Admiral. After all, after signing the contract, the two of them have a relationship of prosperity and loss.

"Commander, do you want to report it?" Lexington said with a smile to Yu beside him.

However, their focus with Yuu is not destined to be on the same channel.

"It's a nice voice, Dumpling! Why don't you like talking?"

The shallow smile on Essex's face froze suddenly, and the next second, the girl's face flushed slightly, and Zhu Mu glared at Yu with a little anger. "commander!!"

Although Essex was very happy to say that her commander praised her for her beautiful voice, but this was a business discussion, why did she only pay attention to her voice?

Looking at Essex's slightly flushed face, You laughed and apologized insincerely. "Sorry, sorry, Essex is the one to blame. Your voice is so charming."

Hearing the slightly teasing words, the white-haired girl who didn't speak much blushed and turned her head angrily, looking like she didn't want to continue the conversation.

"Commander, it's time for business!!" Lexington shook his head helplessly, and glanced at Yu, who was indifferent to him, his face full of helplessness.

"What's the matter? It's just a trivial matter. You can handle it yourself, Lexington. Report it when it's time for it."

Yu shrugged and said nonchalantly. In his opinion, islands and molesting Essex are of course the priority behind.

After all, it's just an island. For Yu, as long as you are willing to do it and control the movement of the earth's crust, you can create one hundred and eighty. It's not surprising.

If it weren't for the novelty of discovering uninhabited islands and the freshness of sailing adventures, Yoo would not be too lazy to go all the way.

However, after navigating the sea for dozens of minutes, Yuto had already seen all the sights of the islands in front of her with just her eyes.

Even the 'happy' animals hiding in the forest were seen by him throughout the process.

The freshness disappeared without a trace.

Even because the island was uninhabited for a long time and there were so many wild beasts, the island was full of beast excrement, and the smell made Yulian not in the mood to go to the island.

Looking at the expression of indifference and even a little disgust, Lexington sighed softly.

Apart from flirting with girls or when things involve them, she can still feel that Yu has ordinary feelings.

At other times, Yuna's indifference to everything made Lexington feel a little panic inexplicably.

Especially just now, after feeling the bright eyes overlooking the plaything, Lexington's unease became stronger and stronger.

The girl was afraid that Yuxiang would completely lose her human emotions just like those eyes.

In fact, Bismarck and others who had felt that gaze also thought the same way.

Even the reason why Yukikaze allows Yuu to bully has this aspect.

After all, a lecherous admiral is more acceptable to ship girls than an emotionless admiral.

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