Hongsaka Zhuyin scratched her head and messed up her already messy hair. She understood the world, but facing her peers, she didn't think it was necessary. When she wanted to come, writers still rely on their works to speak. As for the others, may be considered as appropriate.

As soon as his thoughts moved, Kosaka Zhuyin couldn't help but put his hand into his pocket and took out the lady's cigarette.

"This is a non-smoking area!" Machida Yuanko, who was lying on the table, raised her head and reminded.

"Don't be so big on it, you must know that cigarettes are second only to doing and loving to me. If I quit this, I will die." Hongsaka Zhuyin shook the cigarette pack and popped out a cigarette. Holding it in his mouth, he said nonchalantly.

"Hey, there are still children here!" Machida Yuanzi was stunned for a while, then glanced at Kasumigaoka Shiyu, blushing slightly, grabbed a handful of diced fruit, and threw it directly towards Hongsaka Zhuyin.

"Hey~ I can't hit~" Akihito Zhuyin turned her head sideways, avoided the projectiles, laughed heartlessly, then lifted her right foot onto the chair, turned her head sideways, and looked at the person beside her with a playful look. Xiazhiqiu Shiyu said. "Oh, I'm still a child~"

Hongsaka Zhuyin gave Xiazhiqiu Shiyu an ambiguous look, and then whispered, "This is really strange."

To be stared at by someone like Yu and still be able to maintain a perfect beauty is quite a miracle in Hongsaka Zhuyin's opinion. After all, in her opinion, a woman like Kasumigaoka Shiyu who pays great attention to her appearance and always wears black stockings to attract people's attention, There should be no shortage of 'life experience' at all.

Thinking of this, Hongsaka Zhuyin squinted, looked at the ponytail of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu hanging behind her head, and reached out to fiddle a few times. "Rare, I heard people say that Xia Shizi, you have always had long hair, but today you have a single ponytail? It's refreshing, right?"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu couldn't help turning her head away, avoiding Kasaka Zhuyin's restless right hand, she couldn't help shaking her legs, and said with a slightly irritable face. "Miss Kosaka is still as bad as she was before! Do you like touching other people's things so much?"

Hey, hey, that guy, Yu, wouldn't he play me with his front foot and showdown with this woman with his back foot?After listening to Kasumigaoka Shiyu's words, Hongsaka Zhuyin's heart jumped first, and then her face involuntarily flushed with rouge.

However, after seeing Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's calm and ironic smile, she immediately refuted her guess, thought about the reason why Xiazhiqiu Shiyu said such words, and then said.

"If you're talking about the last time you poached people, please spare me. I've been taught a bad lesson by your family, and I've been so miserable. ."

Kosaka Zhuyin took out the lighter, lit the cigarette, took a sip, and laughed heartlessly.It's almost the same, but she didn't lose money.

From the way you look, why do I feel like the person being taught is Yuu?Xiazhiqiu Shiyu murmured a few times in his heart, then raised his right leg and said with a slightly sarcastic expression:

"I said how did I meet Ms. Kosaka here? It turns out that she was reduced from the president of the company to being dependent on others? Do you need me to help you prepare a celebration banquet for promotion and salary increase?"

Hongsaka Zhuyin opened her mouth and looked at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu with a slightly surprised expression. She said that she should not pursue it, but this woman is still pushing her nose on her face?Didn't I hurt you a few words last time?As for such a stalker!

"Your family... Forget it, there's no need to bother with you."

Hongsaka Zhuyin opened her mouth, thought for a moment, and gave up fighting back.In normal times, Hongsaka Zhuyin would definitely return to the past, but a bunch of bad things have consumed her too much energy recently, and if she quarreled with Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, she would really die suddenly.

Machida Yuanzi, who was on the side, just wanted to make a sound of being a peacemaker, but she was stunned to find that Hongsaka Zhuyin had a rare choice to back down. She was surprised for a while, and suddenly remembered the other party's recent situation, and then she said.

"Speaking of which, Xiaoqian, your animation production company seems to be reorganizing recently? What, have you encountered a problem? Can you say it to make me happy?"

"Unfortunately, there are no problems, so I can't make you happy. I've only been having a headache these days! Although the financing of the Saya Palace Bank and the Xingming chaebol has made the club a lot of money, it is not the same as the previous ones. There was a copyright dispute over the works of the partner company, and some people wanted the full copyright when they opened their mouths, and as a result, I couldn’t sleep for a few days, and I was cooperating with lawyers to fight.”

Kasaka Zhuyin tugged at her hair irritably, took a heavy puff of cigarette, and said with an extremely irritable face.

Some people...Xiazhiqiu Shiyu listened, and showed a strange expression. If she guessed correctly, some people in Hongsaka Zhuyin's mouth, referring to Yule, Zhangkou will cooperate with the copyright of the company?It really fits his temperament.

"I've been really annoying recently, oh right." Hongsaka Zhuyin rubbed her face, then turned her head and looked at Kasumi Hill Shiyu: "Before ten o'clock at night, I want to see the basic plot of the love metronome. Materials and character creation ideas, you can hurry up, I still have things to deal with here."

Before ten o'clock at night? ! !Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's eyes widened suddenly, and looked at Hongsaka Zhuyin with an incredible look, even saying that some people's mouths were opened, and their subordinates broke their legs?Aren't you just opening your mouth and wanting her to die?

Seeing Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's mouth wide open in surprise, Hongsaka Zhuyin raised her eyebrows in surprise, and suddenly realized. "Oh, you probably haven't seen such an ample amount of time, so let's hand in the first draft to me before eight o'clock."

Plenty of time?So give me another two hours... Kasumigaoka Shiyu was stunned for a while, and then he said in anger. "This time is really plenty, enough to allow me to eat lunch, take a nap, and then burst out of inspiration in my dreamland, and perfectly complete the work that Miss Hongsaka explained!"

"...Xiao Shi, you can just say that you are dreaming, there is no need to be so yin and yang." Machida Yuanzi said with a bit of tears and laughter.Sure enough, Hongsaka Zhuyin is still the same Hongsaka Zhuyin, even if it doesn't cause trouble, just one request can kill Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu half to death.

"Hey, don't you have a love metronome outline and character design? And you don't even have something written for yourself like a rough outline?" Hongsaka Zhuyin drank a cigarette, narrowed her eyes, and tightened her grip. Staring at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's face, he said with a strange expression.

Being told the truth, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu opened his mouth, subconsciously tilted his head, and did not dare to look directly into the eyes of Hongsaka Zhuyin.

"No wonder your love metronome is a mess. Although I had guessed it when I read it before, I didn't expect it to be really guessed by me. Now it's troublesome, I don't even have a basic outline, it's all up to the author's personal level. Is it a talent-based work? The workload has suddenly tripled!"

Kosaka Zhuyin threw the cigarette on the ground, stepped on it, and sighed.

"In this case, I will give you three days to re-organize a copy of your own work, and by the way, I will list the basic characters for me, and even write down the follow-up ideas. Don't worry, I will sign a non-disclosure agreement, don't worry about the content leaking. ."

It seems that he has quite a lot of experience in dealing with this situation... Kasumigaoka Shiyu glanced at Aksaka Zhuyin a few times, but did not choose to answer, but responded to the request of Aksaka Zhuyin with a tacit attitude.

"Okay, the cooperation has been negotiated. Next, I have to think about where to get some investment funds." Seeing Kasumigaoka Shiyu's acquiescence, Hongsaka Zhuyin immediately got up, scratched her hair, and walked towards the door.

Funds... Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was stunned, then turned around and said with a surprised expression. "If I heard correctly just now, Sister Yuan seems to have mentioned the capital injection of the resurrection club? Shouldn't the funds be abundant?"

"What can I do with that money? Throw it into the sea and listen to the sound! The production funds are far from enough. Of course, if it is shoddy, it is enough." .

Suddenly, she narrowed her eyes and turned to stare at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's face, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

"Ah, I almost forgot. If you want to invest, you, the original author, will take the lead!

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's heart panicked when he saw it, and an ominous feeling in his heart gushed out like a flood when the embankment burst.

Chapter 458 The Dark Operation of the Industry

I always feel that this person seems to be thinking about something quite bad... Kasumigaoka Shiyu suppressed the panic in his heart, and forced his face to remain stable to prevent showing timidity in front of Kakasaka Zhuyin.

At this time, Hongsaka Zhuyin quickly turned around, and before Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu didn't respond, he quickly stepped forward, pressed her shoulders, and said with a smile.

"Now the entire manufacturing committee needs your support! Kasumi Shiko-sensei!!"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was being held down, wanted to get up and struggle subconsciously, but she forcibly restrained her. She tilted her head slightly back to prevent her from getting too close to the face of Kasaka Zhuyin, and at the same time, she also implicitly expressed her dissatisfaction.She narrowed her eyes and said coldly.

"I don't think I can do anything to help you."

"No, you have it, and you have the ability to play a decisive role." Aware of the resistance of Kasumigaoka Shiyu, Kasaka Zhuyin withdrew her hand, pulled the plastic chair beside her, sat down, and tilted it up. legs.

"I should have said just now that there is a certain gap in funding here in the production committee."

You said it, but what does this have to do with me, can I make money and invest in animation production?If I have money, I will definitely invest!Xiazhiqiu Shiyu murmured in his heart, and at the same time felt a little irritated by Hongsaka Zhuyin's self-governing behavior. This woman seems to have never cared about other people's thoughts.

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