The Strongest Beast Tamer

9 Stuarts Well Roadhouse *

The small Black Taipan stared at us, before deciding we're a waste of its time and slithered back into the forest.

Completely terrified Chloe decided to get as far away as she can from the large trees. Another hour goes by and they've escaped the forest, after doing so the road seemed to be in better shape, a couple cracks here and there but no roots piercing through.

After getting out into the open they can see lots of fights going on around them, scorpions fight snakes, kangaroos fight snakes, lizards devouring smaller insects. It looked horrible, animal body parts scattered everywhere, not to mention the stench was unbearable.

Unfortunately, it was getting dark, the evolution happened at 6:00 pm and it's already been two hours.

Lachlan's read quite a few books, they always seemed to talk about how horrible night-time was in comparison to daytime. As if only the worst creatures wander the lands at night, but, with all he's seen it probably wouldn't be much different.

Seeing the sun go down caused Chloe to frown, "Looks like we'll need to stop at the next petrol station, stock up, refuel and sleep," she stated.

Hearing that caused Jack and Adam to quiver, as they had managed to see what happened at the previous petrol station. They hoped it would be different, wishing luck was on their side.

They finally reached it, in front of the Roadhouse were a few cars, which can mean two things, everyone owning those cars is dead, or they're all alive and hiding in the Roadhouse.

When they parked out front blood could be seen splattered across the windows, certainly not a good sign. However, they needed a place to stay.

When they got outside of the car Jack did something which caused them to recoil back, shocked by what they saw.


Jack was constantly hearing a voice inside his head throughout the entire journey, 'Summon Me! Summon Me! Summon Me!' causing him a great headache.

When he finally got outside the car he finally tried it out, grabbing onto his left arm he shouted, 'Summon Rocky".

His left arm glowed extremely brightly making it hard to see what's happening before quickly disappearing. In front of Jack was the Lizard.


Lachlan couldn't help but get curious, the lizard looked slightly different stronger and fiercer.



Name: Rocky (Giant Iron-Spiked Lizard)

Age: Adult

Attribute: Iron/Rock

Level: 1

STR: 37,AGI: 27,VIT: 35

INT: 16,PER: 23,WIL: 18

Weakness: Blunt force to the head

Strengths: Strong skin, teeth, and claws.


Lachlan was happy to see such an increase, at least this meant they could partially protect themselves. However, it seemed that it added Jack's base stats to its own, suppose this is what they get in return for getting tamed by humans.


Chloe seeing such a thing happen bolted to Jack and grab onto his left arm.

"What did you do? When could you do this? Are you hurt," she questioned.

"It's alright mum, I've summoned Rocky who seems completely obedient to me. I've been able to summon him ever since I tamed him, it was just never the right opportunity to, and no this doesn't hurt," Jack responded with.

Chloe signed, "At least with this, we'll be able to defend ourselves for the night"

Jack nodded, himself and Rocky were in the front leading their way into the Roadhouse, what they saw was gruesome. Human corpses scattered around the place, some of them were ripped in half, others only had the head missing.


That was when they noticed it, far in the back corner was a giant spider, its body alone was 3 metres big, it was completely black and covered with little hairs. In front of the spider was the body of a large man, the spider was currently crunching down on his head, swallowing it whole.

Taking a closer look around them, they noticed everyone had some sort of weapon in hand, some had bats, others had beer bottles. They most likely fought the spider and ended up getting decimated.

However, taking a closer look at the spider it seemed six of the eight legs had been snapped. There was broken bottles and shards of glass in its eyes, green blood dripping from all its cuts.

Taking the opportunity Lachlan analysed it.


Name: Skull-Face Spider

Age: Adult

Attribute: Darkness

Level: 6

STR: 15(+7),AGI: 20(+5),VIT: 3(+2)

INT: 10(+10),PER: 20(+1),WIL: 19(+5)

Weakness: Losing its eyes

Strengths: Fast attacking speeds, and a strong poison


Noticing its vitality, he realised it's almost dead, he quickly yanked on Jack's shirt causing him to turn around in fright.

"Ah. You scared me, what do you want?" Jack whispered.

"Attack now, extremely weak," Lachlan said.

Jack was confused as to why Lachlan would say that, however, after getting a closer look at the body of the spider he realised it was badly damaged.

Jack seemed to be able to communicate with Rocky telepathically, telling him to attack.

Rocky quickly opened his mouth, his tongue shot out towards the snake at some extreme speeds.

The tongue had managed to hit the spiders head, pulling his tongue back the spider's body came flying across the room with it. After Rocky pulled his tongue in he managed to get the spider's head in his mouth, biting down Rocky completely beheaded the beast and swallowed that head whole. The spider's lifeless body collapsed in front of them, green blood flowed out and the stench was unbearable.

The family finally couldn't take it, they began to throw up, it took them some insane effort to hold it until now but the stench and close up corpse was the breaking point.

After they had thrown up Jack tried getting Rocky to eat all the corpses, which it happily did. After the clean-up it was already pitch black outside, Jack and Chloe quickly grabbed the tables and chairs to barricade the doors and as much of the windows as they can.

Finally, they could go to sleep. Lachlan however, wanted to confirm whether the information from his eyes was reliable or not.


Name: Jack Wilson (Human)

Age: 13 (Teenager)

Soul Contracts: 1/5

Compatibility: Reptiles (High)

Level: 4

STR: 12(+5), AGI: 12(+4), VIT: 10(+5)

INT: 11(+1), PER: 13(+3), WIL: 12(1)

Weakness: Illusions

Strengths: Strong skin, teeth, and claws.


Confirming its reliability Lachlan decided to always use it for whenever they come across any new beast.

Laying down alongside his family, he slowly drifted to sleep.

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