Lachlan continued to walk towards the salamander, it began hissing, getting louder and louder as Lachlan got closer. It bent its legs slightly, raising its tail high as well.

As he continued to walk Lachlan suddenly launched himself forward, straight towards the salamander. His fist was already pulled back in front of its face, a grin went from ear to ear. The salamander's pupils constricted, the human it was facing was too fast for it.

As he stomped on the ground his fist went upwards towards the salamander's chin, he wants to punch it away from its eggs without getting them damaged.

As his first connect the sound of a thousand crack sounded through the area, the salamander's chin almost shattered completely from that one strike. Its body was lifted from the ground and crashed into the side of its dome, making a hole through it.

Outside Zhang and Sarah were listening in, that felt a shock go through their bodies when the bones cracking sounded. They then saw the side of the nest break apart with a large figure bursting through it.

The salamander quickly got back up, it stared towards the hole it made as if its life depended on it.

"Don't focus too hard, I'm already here," Lachlan was right next to it, slightly above it as he was on a tree branch.

Panicked, the salamander quickly swung its tail towards Lachlan.

Lachlan, on the other hand, wanted to see how much damage this attack could do. He crossed his arms, shielding his face from the attack. The tail connected and snap the branch beneath him, sending him flying across the river.

Lachlan quickly used his control over water to create a stable footing on the river. He jumped off the river to the shore to get a more stable footing. Looking up Lachlan saw the salamander was about to make a break for it, it had already rushed back into its nest to grab its eggs.

Lachlan sprinted across the water, almost splitting it in half. He went straight through the dome's side and rushed towards the salamander, it already had a few of its eggs in its mouth.

"Oh no you don't!" Lachlan decided to stop playing around and finish it. He leaped above its head and axe kicked it, the salamander's head broke in half but so did the eggs.

Seeing what he did cause Lachlan's heart to leap out of his chest. He grabbed the salamander and threw it to the side, the eggs that were in its mouth were obviously crushed but there were still 6 eggs that were left untouched.

"Sigh" It was a sigh of relief.

Walking through the hole he made previously he gestured towards Zhang and Sarah to come over. They made their way over on Temp. Walking through the hole gave them the same reaction as Lachlan first had, stunned.

They then noticed the salamander's corpse on the side and 6 eggs at the centre. Lachlan had already rushed towards the eggs and waved for Sarah to hurry up. She jogged over to the eggs while Zhang stayed on the side, making sure nothing interrupts them.

After getting a closer look she realised the eggs were rather large, each being 2 feet tall they were almost taller than her.

"What you're going to do might hurt a bit, but it's natural and the rewards are worth it," Lachlan had brought a small blade with him, he knew they were going to need it for this, so he made sure to be prepared.

Sarah already knew what to do, she had heard about it through the adult's stories and even Flynn's Ent. Although they tried to make sure the kids didn't see there were always ways and the balcony was one of them.

She grabbed onto the knife and was about to make a big wound on her hand like Flynn did before she was stopped by Lachlan, "You only need that much blood of seeds, for eggs you only really need a small drop".

"Oh," Sarah felt embarrassed. After seeing what Flynn did, she had assumed that's just what you do.

She then cut a tiny bit of the tip of her finger and pushed out a drop of blood. It landed on the egg and disappeared. Getting absorbed by the egg. Sarah got closer to see what was happening. A small appeared in front of her eyes, it slowly extended around the whole egg before a small head popped out.

Sarah's eyes twinkled when she saw it. It looked so adorable and derpy at the same time. The large face and wide mouth that covered it caused Sarah to squeal in delight and grab it, pulling it closer.

The baby salamander was light blue, its skin looked shiny and slippery. Its head was roughly the same size as Sarah's, making it look even cuter.

"Do you want to join me? Do you? Do you? Do you?" She asked excitedly.

The baby salamander stuck out its tongue and licked Sarah across the face. A light then enveloped them, a bright blue light. Lachlan and Zhang looked away because it was really bright, especially with their heightened senses.

"Ouch," Sarah said as she looked towards her arm. She noticed the tattoo on there, it seemed to be a tail, a salamander tail. It was a simple tattoo, as the tail seemed to look like an armband as it wrapped around it all.

Lachlan was stunned she wasn't on the ground screaming in pain, he could only come up with one solution as to why it would be, 'Hybrids might not feel much pain from taming, maybe they can tame much higher beasts then normal humans'.

While Sarah was busy staring at the tail Lachlan reminded her, "You can tame the others remember". He wanted to find out if it would stay the same or if things would change.

A jolt of joy ran through Sarah's body as she snapped her gaze towards the other eggs. She quickly went to each on dropping blood on them before waiting for them to hatch. They all hatched at roughly the same time, as the heads popped out from their shell.

Sarah tamed them as fast as possible and experienced no pain whatsoever. This confirmed Lachlan's theory, this also meant that hybrids were much better suited to tame beasts.

No long after she tamed five of them a problem appeared, not too big but still rather problematic. When she tried to tame the 6th salamander it didn't work, nothing happened even though the salamander seemed to happily accept the tame.

Sarah was panicking when she saw it didn't work, she thought she had done something wrong and that there was a problem with her. Lachlan quickly calmed her down and thought about the situation.

'Although this can't be confirmed from one try, there might be a chance that there's a limit to the number of beasts one can tame' Although Lachlan was annoyed to only find out now, it was still rather valuable information to have.

"Don't worry, since it sees you as its parent we could just take it back, maybe let another kid tame it," Lachlan's words made Sarah happy again. If she could let a friend tame it then it would be great.

Sarah looked rather disappointed that she couldn't tame it but was happy they could keep it.

"Now, we'll move that one away while we make your salamanders grow up," Lachlan said. While was fine with keeping the spare salamander, they couldn't have it grow up so fast otherwise they might not be able to find a person to tame it.

The spare salamander moved away, and Lachlan grabbed parent's head and waited for Sarah to summon out her salamanders.

"Come, my friends!" She shouted while holding her arm out. The five tails that wrapped around her arm lit up and in front of them were the baby salamanders. They waddled up to Sarah and rested their heads against her legs.

Lachlan quickly held up his hand and sliced it down, cutting the salamander's head right off, causing a shower of blood to fall on her sister.

"Ah!" She screamed and sprinted out of the blood rain, her suit soaked in blood, giving it an even more bloody look.

The salamander began to evolve, their bodies morphing as they grew their back legs and the size of them grew much more. They grew too rough 3.5 metres long and 0.5 metres wide, they still had a rather nice blue silky skin.



Name: River Salamander

Age: Adolescence (3 Years till Adult)

Attribute: Water

Level: 0

STR: 30, AGI: 20, VIT: 50

INT: 10, PER: 15, WIL: 10

Weakness: Scared of fighting and lightning, slow at moving its legs

Strengths: Water Control (Level 6), tough and slippery skin and thick bones

Description: A salamander that lives within the river, attacking anything that puts its life in danger. It would usually try to avoid any danger but during mating season it gets aggressive and hunts for food that its children can eat when they hatch.


They quickly head back to the house. Lachlan made sure to take a limb from the adult salamander, so they could grow the spare salamander whenever someone tames it. He carried the spare salamander in his arms during the ride back.

Once the got home they spent the rest of the day relaxing. Lachlan got Sarah to do a bit of training with the salamanders, including their special move. His past experiences have told him the effects would be relatively big, so the went back to the nest and tried it there.

Turns out, the salamander's special move wasn't an offensive attack, but rather a defensive one. When the salamanders did it a giant dome of water formed around them, an almost impenetrable wall.Lachlan tried out a few moves and realised the dome worked rather special. Whenever an attack hit it with too much force it would swirl, in an attempt to dissipate or reduce the power.

After thinking about it he realised that there one thing that could determine a beasts special ability. Their strengths and weaknesses, along with their personality.

The salamander is a relatively docile beast that is scared to fight. Since its scared of fighting what better way to avoid it then creating an impenetrable barrier.

'Maybe I could get a beast similar to that' Lachlan had actually almost forgotten about the special moves. All that training on the island made him forget the new things he learned, even if it was extremely important information.

Now he realised he should probably tell the others. He never told them, so how would they know that their beasts have special abilities. Back during the Sydney attack, they might have just thought that the Rocs have control over lighting, which isn't wrong, but not quite right.

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