The next day he decided to get something his sister will remember him for, something that she'll have protect her and become her friend, a beast.

Amphibians weren't rare, but he would have to search for a good one, he wasn't going to give his sister something someone could find anywhere in the wild. No, he wanted to get her something that's extremely rare.

He talked to the others about it and they didn't mind, they got Maddie and Flynn to take care of the children in Lachlan's stead. As for Sarah, Lachlan and she had a long discussion about what she wants.

Although it took a while to narrow it down they finally got there. She wanted it to be either be cute or beautiful, she didn't want to accept anything else. She wanted to stun her friends when she summons it, something that could have a grand entrance.

This is where it troubled Lachlan though. Most beasts had turned vicious through the evolution, and any that hadn't have such a change is either dead, too strong for her to tame or just far to difficult to find. They might have gotten an evolution where their abilities at steal heavily increase, meaning they won't be able to find it unless they comb through one area after another.

Lachlan asked the others for advice, asking where he would be able to find amphibians or at least where he could start to search for them.

They all suggested lakes or rivers near the edges of Australia, so Lachlan decided to go for that. He had already looked through the lake next to their house, but it didn't have anything rare, he determined the beasts in the lake were all common as can be. While the ones that were rare had long since fled once they got there.

Lachlan brought Sarah along with him for this small journey, it would be some good family bonding time which is something Lachlan and Sarah needed more of.

They first went around the coasts of Victoria, checking any small or big lakes. Although they found some rather strong and promising beasts they were all too hideous, to the point where Sarah almost vomited after seeing one.

It was called a spitting toad and just as its name entails, it likes to spit. There was only one of them in the lake, so Lachlan thought it was rare and wanted Sarah to tame it, but Sarah hated that it likes to spit and refused to tame such a thing.

It was a shame though, Lachlan thought it had some good potential being a ranged shooter.

He continued his journey with his sister and stopped by the coasts in South Australia. They always had the maps open as to avoid running into intelligent beasts. Although Lachlan was confident he could defeat or at least run away from them, protecting his sister at the same time would prove difficult.

At mid-day they were near the edge of South Australia and Western Australia, sitting at an abandoned restaurant eating some meat Lachlan quickly hunted on their way over. It was a rather large rabbit that he killed, but its meat tasted delicious.

They searched half the coasts of Western Australia only to be disappointed time and time again, coming across the countless beasts they could have tamed, only for it not to work because they're too ugly or too strong.

They were near the top left corner of Western Australia when they decided to head back home across the massive outback. But that's when their worries finally stop, they somehow managed to find a beast in the middle of Australia that fit Sarah's requirements, kind of.

It was a salamander. As they were flying past they almost didn't notice it, they were flying high in the air and the salamander blended with its surroundings.

Lachlan got closer to inspect it better.

The salamander's body was 10 metres long but only 2 metres wide. It almost looked like a snake due to its tiny limbs, which is also why Lachlan almost missed it. The body of the salamander was a light brown – red, making it blend with the ground. It didn't have any fancy patterns across its body, just the one colour.

As for the reason why this fit Sarah's requirements, it's because of the salamander's head, which was relatively large. It looked both cute and stupid at the same time, making Sarah want it more. Of course, although it supposedly 'fits' Sarah's requirements. That's because those requirements have long since dropped after searching all day.

However, there is one problem they'll face with the salamander.


Name: Desert Salamander

Age: Adult

Attribute: Fire/Earth

Level: 31

STR: 32(+136), AGI: 21(+119), VIT: 50(+116)

INT: 19(+10), PER: 24(+25), WIL: 17(+7)

Weakness: Scared of Fighting, slow moving

Strengths: Fire Control (Level 10), Earth Control (Level 6), tough skin and thick bones

Description: A salamander that was thrown into the desert and forced to survive by adapting its body to the environment. This adaption made it stronger, toughening it up to survive against the predators of the harsh landscape.


The problem was that it was too strong for Sarah to tame. Its level and Sarah's were too far apart for her to tame it. Although they could try since it might be different for hybrids, Lachlan was rather afraid of causing his sister pain.

So, he hatched another plan. To wait and see if it has children, then he'd go down, beat the Salamander up and get Sarah to tame the child. After that, the usual thing will happen. Lachlan will cut the Salamander and drench the baby in its parent's blood.

Yes, it sounds like a horrible thing to do. But, it's survival of the fittest now and Lachlan wants to make sure Sarah can protect herself.

Later that even when the sun was beginning to go down the Salamander began moving in a straight direction. Lachlan was excited, it could be going to its eggs or babies.

Lachlan followed above it for half n hour, waiting to see what it does. It did go back to its home alright, but there was nothing there. Lachlan got so annoyed he sliced and diced the salamander up right then and there and stormed out the cave.

When he returned to Temp his sister was on top looking rather sad that they couldn't tame it.

"Don't worry, we'll find you something tomorrow, there's still plenty of Australia to search," Lachlan patted Sarah's head and talked to her nicely.

Sarah nodded and laid down in Lachlan's lap. This was one of the first big trips for her, as such, it was rather draining on her body, so she fell asleep. Of course, Lachlan kept hold of her and made the ride home as gentle and calm as possible.

Once they made it back Lachlan carried Sarah in his arms back to her bed and laid her down before putting the bedsheets over her. She didn't wake up throughout the whole trip back or the transition, which was a little accomplishment for Lachlan.

Lachlan went to bed peacefully after having a nice hot shower to wash the dirt that covers him. He went to his balcony and relaxed out there, the cold breeze gently laying him to sleep.


Lachlan woke up abruptly to the sound of fighting outside their house. The fighting was happening in front of him above the lake. The fight was between Zhang and a rather large water beast, one that looked rather familiar.

"Wait just a minute," Lachlan was shocked and happy when he saw what it was. It was a salamander, and this one looked rather majestic and derpy at the same time. His sister would love to tame it, as long as they can find its babies Lachlan would be through the roof.

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