"Lachlan why are you so angry?" A voice sounded next to Lachlan, it was jack. He was still stunned at what just happened.

"Outside of the city roughly 1k away inside a cave, there's a pile of corpses all belonging to children, tell me, why would I not be angry?" Lachlan was still annoyed. Although this was the first time he killed someone, he didn't feel guilty but good instead, like he got rid of a plague.

Unfortunately, just like cancer, it's likely to come back.

"Those aren't normal children Lachlan, they're beasts," Jack tried to reason with him, but that isn't something Lachlan wanted to hear.

Lachlan's bloodlust spiked again, this time being directed at Jack. Jack felt an overwhelming pressure over him, trying to bury him alive.

He suddenly felt someone wrap around his throat, looking down he saw Lachlan staring straight at his eyes. A chill ran through his body, it was like he was completely seen naked in front of those eyes.

"So you're saying my sister is a beast?" Lachlan grip slowly tighter, veins were popping out of his neck and head, blood was struggling to pass through.

"No of course that isn't what I'm saying, it's just that those children weren't normal," Jack's voice was faint.

"So that gives you the right to slaughter them, what about their parents? What about their friends? Did you ever consider that?" Lachlan scolded Jack with questions, ones that caused Jack to freeze up.

"Of course not. Hurry up and get him off me!" Jack shouted the loudest he could.

Lachlan looked around and realised all the soldiers were carrying weapons, harpoons. They were fired and pierced Lachlan's skin, fortunately, his defence was strong, but the harpoons were strong enough to at least get a grip on to him.

The soldiers all pulled him off, each harpoon had 2 soldiers, there were three in each arm and leg. Lachlan's balance was quickly pulled from under him and he was then hanging. Lachlan didn't have anything to grab or get a hold of, so he was incapacitated.

"Come, my beasts!" Lachlan shouted.

The soldiers also summoned their beasts, there was a large variety of them. Spiders, kangaroos, lizards, crocodiles, birds and more surrounding them.

"Burn them to the ground Temp!" Lachlan ordered.


Temp inhaled then spewed a large ball of flames that just spread across the battlefield. Soldiers and their beasts were quickly falling. Lachlan made sure Temp didn't make the flames hot enough to kill them but at least cause them to stand down in fear.

Lachlan's mind still didn't like accepting the idea of slaughtering everyone.

Jack was on the ground in front of Lachlan, scared shitless.

"Hey now, we're friends aren't we, no need to kill me, right?" Jack's voice was quivering, the tone was changing.

"What else have you done?" Lachlan asked. The harpoons were still in his arms and legs, blood was dripping down them making him look scarier.

"Nothing, we haven't done anything else," Jack replied in a rush.

"You better make sure I don't find anything else," Lachlan said threateningly. He decided it would be best to become a separate entity from the military, hopefully, become stronger than them. So much stronger everyone would have to accept the help they give.

Lachlan began walking off, but a voice sounded behind him.

"Don't you think you should compensate us?!" It was Jack. Lachlan had to give it to him, he had guts. Unfortunately, that wasn't a useful trait in this situation.

"Have you compensated the parents that lost their children? If you haven't then you got no right to talk about compensation," Lachlan said.

He jumped on a Roc and shot off into the sky, his other beasts following behind him. The scene caused a commotion, people began to panic after they saw their only protection being decimated by a single beast.

On his flight, Lachlan pulled the harpoons out of him and swallowed a VIT berry. Although Lachlan wasn't sure if it could be used multiple times, he didn't want his only life-saving hope being placed on the possibility that it might heal him fully. When looking back at the description Lachlan realised how risky it was to completely rely on it. There was a slight chance he wouldn't be healed at all.

As it dissolved in his stomach Lachlan felt a warm feeling spread throughout his body, the wounded areas felt it the most. Lachlan could visibly see the wounds heal, but unfortunately, there were scars left over and bruises.

But at least the others won't begin to worry too much.

He rode Calamity back to the cave, with his other beasts next to and behind him. As he descended he made sure to check everywhere, trying to find a threat. Once he noticed there weren't any enemies he relaxed.

The others came out of the cave when they heard the sound of wings flapping, they were certain it was Lachlan.

Lachlan jumped off Calamity and walked over, then some of the children came over a hugged him, saying things like, "Welcome back", it made Lachlan feel good.

Chloe immediately noticed something though, the scars were still visible.

"Lachlan, what did you do?" Chloe asked.

"Take care of business, don't worry, I only killed one person," Lachlan said.

"That's still not alright, but I suppose we can't turn back time, just, please don't do it again," Chloe said.

"I'll try, but sometimes the situation calls for it," Lachlan said.

"Now, where should we go?" Lachlan asked in an attempt to change the subject.

"Either Mildura in Victoria, or Griffith in New South Wales. Both have been abandoned, and both have a moderate number of houses," Flynn explained the choices.

"Let's go Mildura, it's closer to Adelaide where there is a slight possibility of more unique children, who knows, maybe there are more people like you, Flynn, we could bring them over to help out," Lachlan said.

"Alright, Mildura it is," Chloe said enthusiastically.

"Come on, get onto Temp and get comfortable," Lachlan said.

Temp leaned to the wise with its wings becoming a ramp, everyone walked on it and sat in a nice arrangement. Chloe, Flynn and the older children were at the back while Lachlan, Dylan and the younger children were at the front.

"Let's go!" Lachlan shouted.


Temp screeched with joy before taking off.

The people from the city could see the Griffin slowly fly into the distance which calmed them down. However, seeing the state that the Navy was in made them worried. Although only one person died, the others were badly injured.

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