The Strongest Beast Tamer

65 One More Member *

Lachlan and the group enjoyed a nice meal at a café, where they had egg and bacon muffins and a cold iced tea.

They then got back to the open area, Lachlan summoned Temp and they were now ready to go. Shooting off through the sky Lachlan decided to speed things up, which meant the children couldn't fully enjoy the ride but had to hold on for dear life.

It took hours to get back to Brisbane and when they finally arrived the kids were amazed by how much Brisbane was flourishing. They could see people walking around everywhere, enjoying their day.

At the port, all the Warships were still there. It looked rather intimidating, just a row of Warships across the port, some being highly advanced, others being slightly outdated.

Lachlan flew over and landed Temp at the Helicopter landing pad. There were a few soldiers there that had already seen the Griffin fly off before, making it much easier to convince them that they weren't enemies.

Some soldiers from the Warships also explained, which cleared things up quickly.

"Where's Fleet Admiral James?" Lachlan asked a nearby soldier.

"Over there," The soldier said, pointing towards a rather large building near the port.

They walked over, passing by many soldiers that stared at them in confusing, as there was Lachlan who is still a kid, leading a group of younger kids around a military base.

When they entered the building Lachlan saw it was bustling with people. There were computers everywhere, each monitoring a part of the city or surrounding area. And that's why they're flourishing and have rather carefree people. There's nothing to fear if no beasts can even get to them.

Lachlan thought that mentality was bad, but he couldn't blame them. Being on edge for the past 2 years certainly would make anything slightly less stressful feel like a vacation.

Lachlan made his way through the halls, the children and Dylan following closely behind. It didn't take long before they reached a door. It didn't have any names on it, but that was because James wasn't exactly stationed at Brisbane.


"Come in"

Opening the door Lachlan was greeted by a room filled with different people. It was a conference room, they were all sitting down at the table.

"Lachlan, I thought you went to go be with your family," James said. He was setting at the end of the table.

"Not much family left to see," Lachlan said.

The atmosphere in the room changed, it went rather silent.

"I'm sorry for your loss, there isn't much we can do about," James sighed.

"Yeah, I already know you knew about the attack, no need to hide it," Lachlan said.

James stiffened, then sat up straight, "I felt it would be improper for me to be the one to tell you, in addition, you still would have gone anyway, in desperation to find anything. And look, you found something".

"Suppose so, anyway, where are the others?" Lachlan asked.

"All of them went to check on their families, if there were any left anyway. I do believe most of them are still in town, checking everything out, after all, you isolated yourselves from the world for two years," James said.

Lachlan walked back out, everyone followed right behind him. They didn't like that room, especially the people. They were staring them down, they were especially staring at Sarah, Jackson, and Bradley which slightly ticked Lachlan off. Which is why he left in such a hurry.

They walked through and out the base, entering the city. Lachlan's sense of smell has heightened, and after spending so long with the others he's now able to lock onto their scent. Especially since they all haven't cleaned themselves properly in two years, they were rather stinky.

Lachlan weaved his way through the city, the children were covered by a cloak, helping them hide.

As they continued walking they made their way to a small apartment complex, it was rather fancy. Lachlan walked in and made his way to the front desk, where he asked for some keys to use the elevator. Security shot through the roof, now almost everything needed a key. The people at the front desk were kind enough to give Lachlan a key, after all, in their eyes, he was just a lost kid.

Lachlan followed the scent, trying out different floors before he got the right one. Floor 22 was where they ended up.

Walking through the hall Lachlan sniffed every door, until he reached it, room 264.


The door opened, and it was Chloe.

"Oh, Lachlan, what can I do for you," Chloe said, gesturing for them to come in.

She was a bit surprised and confused by the number of children following Lachlan, but that'll be a question she asks later.

"Mummy," A small child ran through the hall and hugged Chloe. She only managed to reach Chloe's thighs, had blonde hair and green eyes.

Lachlan very quickly noticed it, the child was a hybrid. Although Chloe seemed to have tried her best covering it up, the child had gills on the side of her neck.



Name: Sophie Wart (human Hybrid)

Age: 6 (Child)

Soul Contracts: 0/5

Compatibility: Shark (Perfect)

Level: 1

STR: 7, AGI: 9, VIT: 20

INT: 4, PER: 4, WIL: 2

Weakness: Everything

Strengths: None.

Due to their bodies being too undeveloped during the evolution their cells were corrupted by what they are most compatible with. Changes usually occur around the age of five. However, they are still human, as such, they still have the ability to tame and have the WIS stat.


'Just as I suspected' Lachlan gestured for Chloe to come over to him.

When she did Lachlan stood on his toes and whispers in her ear, "I know the child is different, she isn't the only one".

Chloe froze, but the second part slightly relieved her as she looked towards the group of children, noticing a few among them were in the same situation as her daughter.

"Since it doesn't seem like I really need to explain much, I'm just going to ask, will you join me?" Lachlan asked as he sat down.

Chloe quickly connected the dots. Since Lachlan came in with so many children, some of which were different like her daughter, there's only one thing he should be asking. If she wants to join him as they go help out the children.

"Sure," Chloe answered.

"Great, is your husband here?" Lachlan asked.

"Not currently, but he should be here in an hour, and yes he'll probably want to join as well," Chloe said.

"That's even better, the more people I have helping the easier it'll be to take care of all of them," Lachlan said.

"Right, so you don't care who joins, as long as they're willing to help?" Chloe asked.

"Yup," Lachlan replied.

"Anyway, as we wait for my husband do any of you want something to drink?" Chloe asked as she made her way to her kitchen.

The children all said they wanted fruit juice. Chloe lined up the options, apple, orange and mango. Most of them chose apple, Dylan chose orange and Lachlan got himself a class of mango. They all sat down and turned on the television and changed to the news channel.

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