The Strongest Beast Tamer

55 Life in the Cave? *

6 months passed in the blink of an eye, with everyone on the island going back to training harder than ever.

The World Navy continues to solve problems and fight beasts along their travels to Australia.

In another place, a couple hundreds of metres away from the water source was Lachlan, holding weights, staring at the sky.

'I haven't really done much in such a long time, once I get to this water source I'll leave the island, maybe with the others if they haven't left yet,' Lachlan thought.

After finishing the training he climbed the highest tree in his vicinity, reaching the top where he got the best view on the island.

He looked towards the large tree at the centre, there was still another 9 kilometres before he reaches it, which was a little disheartening. But looking back he could see how far away from the shore he was.

Lachlan always loved to climb to the top of the trees, give him a reminder of his goal. He would also constantly think about his loved ones, further motivating him to move forward.

He climbed down the tree and walked back towards the water source, he believes that he should finally be able to walk in that cave.

Staring at it slighting disturbed Lachlan, as it was just a dark abyss, he couldn't see an end to it. Fortunately, he brought some large sticks to light on fire and although the visibility they give is low, it'll be better than nothing.

He stepped forward, placing his foot within the cave. The pressure on his foot spiked up, really crushing down on it. But this time, it didn't destroy it.

'Hur Hur, it seems I've gotten much stronger,' Lachlan thought.

Lachlan then put the rest of the body within the cave, giving his whole body a try of the pressure. It was different the outside, it was as if the cave was pushing everything downwards but in an odd angle.

Like there was a bunch of people pushing all across his body, which certainly increased the pressure more.

After a few minutes of letting his body adapt to the gravity, Lachlan continued forward, with a slow but steady pace. Whenever Lachlan felt it was too much he would stop, letting his body both rest and adapt before taking another step.

He held the tree branch down low near his feet, making sure he doesn't misstep.

Lachlan continued to follow the stream for half an hour. Looking back he couldn't see the entrance anymore, which confused Lachlan as he hadn't thought they moved in a curve at any time.

After another half an hour he could see a bright light ahead of him like it was an exit.

Getting closer and closer Lachlan could see what seemed to be shrubbery.

'This couldn't be some type of illusion could it,' Lachlan thought.

He was now five metres away from the exit and could tell it was different. The water stream continued forward instead of going downhill like the entrance.


'What! I don't remember calling out the Rocs,' Lachlan couldn't help but move forward faster.

He quickly realised the pressure was decreasing, but not to be similar pressure to the entrance, it was literally disappearing.

It was like he was back in normal gravity, except he was much stronger than before.

Walking out the cave he was greeted with a mystical view.

In front of him was a large flat grass plane, filled with different bushes full of fruits. Lachlan looked up and could see a ceiling, 1-kilometre high which further filled Lachlan's mind with doubts.

'This is still on the island, right?' Lachlan questioned himself.


Staring at the source Lachlan could see an extremely large bird, covered in blue and red feathers, but it was no normal bird as it had the body of a lion. It seemed to be circling a structure, a large piece of ice. But for some reason it was encasing a fire, giving it a beautiful appearance.

The water stream came from it, which sort of made sense in Lachlan's mind.



Name: Temperature Griffon

Age: Elder

Attribute: Fire/Ice/Wind

Level: 1

STR:400, AGI: 500, VIT: 1000

INT: 150, PER: 200, WIL: 90

Weakness: None

Strengths: Absolute Control over water, fire and wind, extreme gripping strength, and fast speeds.

Description: A mythical creature with the sole duty of protecting its territory it was born in. Forever protecting it until it is no longer needed or is tasked by its master to protect something else.


'Does it already have a master, no it can't be, there is no one else here,' Lachlan thought, looking around trying to detect anything.

The stats of the Griffin made Lachlan both happy and sad, happy for himself and sad for the Griffin.

As from his previous observation of the area, Lachlan could determine that there are no other living creatures here, limiting the Griffin's growth.

If it had been let loose outside at the start it would have been crazy strong, but that description further set it back. Sticking to one area was alright, but only for a small amount of time.


The Griffin noticed him. A grin flashed across his face, he's been waiting for something to fight and it seems it was now has his first opponent.

Lachlan quickly got into a fighting stance, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

The Griffin shot towards him at the speed of sound, its front two talons were in front of Lachlan's face. He smiled.

Reaching out Lachlan grabbed onto them, before slamming the Griffin on the ground. That had already hurt it heavily, but it didn't kill it.

The Griffin stared at Lachlan and opened its mouth.

Lachlan was confused for a second before he quickly protected his face.


The Griffin could breathe fire and Lachlan was blasted by it, completely burning his clothes and charring his skin.

But it didn't end there, the Griffin then shot an ice beam towards him. This time Lachlan was prepared and dodged, unfortunately, not fast enough.

The beam grazed his hand, freezing it shut.

'Suppose I can't go easy on it,' Lachlan thought.

He disappeared and reappeared in front of the Griffin before it could react.

Lachlan lifted up the frozen hand and smashed downwards onto the Griffins head, knocking it out cold. The Griffin just laid there unconscious.

'Oh well, I'll pick it up later. Since it is half bird I should be able to tame it," Lachlan thought.

He then stared towards the massive piece of ice, 'But first I'm going to take a closer look at that'.

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