The Strongest Beast Tamer

50 Fighting a Deity *

Lachlan and the rest were back and ready to tear the beasts apart.

Looking around the battlefield left Lachlan disheartened, seeing so many dead soldiers scattered across the ground, of course, the others felt the same. They thought they could be the heroes, coming in and saving everyone. But they knew that's not how the real world works.

Gazing up, they saw all the beasts surrounding them, in a formation as well. Lachlan already knew this was the work of some intelligent beast, but he didn't think they were that intelligent.

Lachlan attempted to search for the beast, in hopes of getting its information.

Looking at the back of the beast horde he saw it, staring right back at their group.



Name: Sobek

Age: Elder

Compatibility: Reptiles (Perfect)

Level: 47

STR: 150(+384), AGI: 100(+312), VIT: 1000(+371)

INT: 50(+181), PER: 100(+197), WIL: 30(+114)

Weakness: None

Strengths: Absolute Control over water, and able to force all reptiles to obey it.

Descript: A fragment of the god that rules over the crocodiles, granting him unimaginable wisdom and strength. Leading the reptiles under his command he kills and enslaves the humans, conquering land as he marches on with his army.


'Wha-," Lachlan was in disarray, just its natural stats were incredibly high, not to mention its bonus stats.

He took out his knife, although blunt, would still serve as a better weapon than his fists.

Lachlan was bending his knees, facing his body towards the beast.


He disappeared from its spot.

"Guh!' A sound was heard from next to him.

Looking to his side Lachlan saw the beast, standing 5 metres tall in front of Chloe with a fist at her stomach, causing her body to arch.

She flew back into a large metal container, smashing into it, only her legs could be seen from there. Lachlan was the first to react, throwing a punch towards the beast's face. Only for him to dodge by sidestepping. Although Lachlan thought it might dodge, it was the first time he fought against something equal if not stronger then him.

He disappeared and reappeared next to Zoe, smashing her with its tail, causing her to end up just like Chloe.

The group finally realised the seriousness of the situation. They gathered together and got into a circle, in hopes that someone might be able to defend against him.

This time he walked towards Phoebe, everyone could already tell he knew who the weak amongst the group were.

He was within metres from them, Lachlan brought at his knife and was ready to pounce.

Before they realised it, a large tail was in front of Phoebe, and due to her low agility, she couldn't react in time.

Lachlan pounced at the tail, knife in hand, ready to cut it off.

He swung with everything he had towards the tail, putting so much concentration into the attack, he didn't notice the Sobek smiling.

Lachlan saw the tail move away from him, although he didn't hit it, he thought he managed to scare it away. He suddenly felt something hit his back.

"Guh!" Blood shot out from Lachlan's mouth, looking to his side he finally saw it was a feint. The Sobek had spun its body and roundhouse kicked his back. The shock caused him to drop his knife.

He flew away, but unlike the others, he managed to stick his legs into the ground. His body still moved a could of metres, causing the ground to break. He wiped the blood from his mouth.

Lachlan lunged from his position, hoping he could at least restrict a body part.

The Sobek swung its tail towards Lachlan from above. Just like he planned, Lachlan reached out and grabbed it. But the force from the impact caused the ground beneath him to break apart, but he still held on.

"Go!" Lachlan shouted.

The rest of the group began their attack, unfortunately, its tail wasn't the only thing it could attack with. Just like it boxer it threw fast punches, of course, due to Lachlan restriction it couldn't use its full power.

Getting annoyed it lifted its tail, lifting Lachlan with it. Seeing what it had done caused it to grin, before it swung its tail around, smashing against the ground.

The rest of the group attacked it during this time, but its instincts were too high. Although Simon had managed to get a hit in, however, it didn't do enough damage to stop it.

Lachlan felt it was too much, so he had to let go.

He quickly stood up and pounced again, this time going for a punch.

The Sobek grinned the idea. While it continued to defend and attack with its fists, it used its tail to attack Lachlan.

This time Lachlan smiled, he quickly opened his hands and grabbed onto the tail. During the time he was getting beat by the tail he came up with an idea, 'Why don't I just do that same to him'.

The first time Lachlan grabbed the tail he noticed the weight of the Sobek was incredibly heavy, but just like all things, it had a centre of balance, and the tail was a crucial part of it.

Grabbing the tail he tugged it towards him, but while he did that he stepped forwards and got low towards the ground, kicking full force with his legs.

The Sobek was slightly stunned, its legs were kicked from under it, causing it to begin to fall.

Everyone took this opportunity to attack, Lachlan aimed for the back around where the ribcage was with an upwards kick, the rest aimed for either the head or stomach.

With Lachlan's full force behind his kick and everyone targeting either the head or stomach, the beasts back completely turned into a η shape around Lachlan's leg.


They already knew what this sound meant, its back had snapped in half. Lachlan wasn't done there, with such a high vitality stat he wasn't sure what the Sobek could come back from.

He grabbed onto the head and twisted hard, snapping its neck. He then placed a leg onto the shoulder and pulled, but while he did that he also kicked, pulling the head right off.

"Analyse," He muttered.

Nothing showed up, it was finally dead.

The beasts near them began to pull back in fear, especially the reptiles, causing their formation to slightly collapse as they had just lost their main tanks.

Inside the commander room, they all shouted.


"I was worried for a second there".

"Same, that almost got me".

"Everyone prepare the retreat!" A young woman commanded. It was the same one that talked to James.

"Why?" Everyone asked in confusion.

"That was just one, they won't be able to handle the other four intelligent beasts attacking together," What she said was a cold bucket poured over them.

"Get ready to retreat, give the order to all soldiers, get someone to tell them we're going to retreat now".

"Yes, Vice-Admiral May!"

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