The Strongest Beast Tamer

48 Allies and Friends *

At the base, the navy was pushing the beasts back, although slowly, it still improved the morale of the soldiers tremendously.

James was joining in every now and then, but he mainly sat back and gave orders, to both the soldiers and his sharks.


Looking back James noticed a Warrant officer behind him, "What?"

"The intelligent beasts are beginning to send the main force Fleet Admiral!"

"How many?" James asked, concerned for everyone's safety.

"150 birds and 1500 grounded beasts, sir!"

"How much longer do we have?"

"They've been estimated to arrive in 20 minutes, sir".

"Bring out the Warships, get them targeting the grounded beasts first!" James ordered.

"Yes, sir!" The officer began running towards the ports, where a large number of navy soldiers could be seen running around with boxes filled with ammunition.

James was getting more and more nervous, 'Damnit, when are they going to get here'.

Although he didn't show it, he was exhausted. The reason he sat back down wasn't to observe the battlefield, he was merely too exhausted to fight. Similar to a sprinter, James used all his strength from the start.

James looked down at his watch and set a timer for 20 minutes, but the most he can wish for is that not all soldiers die.

Ten minutes had passed and the soldiers continue to push back the beasts, but they also noticed the casualties have increased as well. There were comrades bodies littering the field, almost all of them had mangled corpses.

James looked back as he heard a boat siren from behind him. To be greeted with the first of many boats lining up, all pointing the cannons at grounded beasts. However, they didn't fire, they continued to wait until the main force was there.

Another ten minutes past and the first sign of a confrontation was seen. The birds in the sky shot all sorts of elements towards the soldiers, either burning them, freezing them or cutting them in half with the wind.

Seeing his soldiers get massacred only further angered James.


The sound of machines firing went off. Looking up people could see hundreds of bullets reign through the sky, cutting straight through the birds. The bullets found it especially easy to break through the wings, causing the birds to fall.

A few birds readied their talons and began descending rapidly, head straight towards either the vehicles or the Warship guns. But those soldiers in control of the Warship guns haven't trained for nothing. They continued to mow down the birds.

James got up, he felt rested enough to continue fighting, and just like before, he bent his knees. But got slightly closer to the ground. He pounced, breaking the ground again, but even more than before. However, he was also a lot faster.

Just as the bird was about to get a vehicle it felt something grab it, before realising it was getting dragged along by a human.

Holding onto the bird James ran next to another bird, before swinging it towards the other bird with full force, both birds necks broke immediately.


The sound of other beasts could be heard, looking around James saw them entering. They were a bunch of lions, they completely ripped apart the soldiers.

Seeing that James pounced towards them, with a fist raised and clenched he punched with his full strength. But those lions noticed immediately.

They quickly dodged to the side, before hitting James with their claws, which put a large scar across his entire body.


James fell to his knees and spew out some blood, looking at himself he saw the massive cut across his body, created by three giant claws.

"Damnit, fire!" James shouted.


The sounds of cannons going off could be heard from the battlefield. Along with the sound came visible streaks in the sky, heading towards the lions.


They all exploded on impact, shredding the lion corpses to bits. But it wasn't over.

James looked towards the entrance and saw more beasts coming through. There were more lions, wolves, scorpions, snakes, spiders, kangaroos, and a variety of other bug type beasts, all crawling their way over.

He could also see all the birds in the sky, every single one of them was getting ready to attack.

"You need some help?" A voice sounded from his communicator.


Birds were beginning to drop from the sky, as jets flew past at the speed of sound. Looking back towards the port he noticed some more boats there. Aircraft carriers.

"Didn't think you would arrive in time, Marshal Jack," James said.

"That's Marshal Jack of the Royal Australian Air Force to you Fleet Admiral James," the voice said back.

James couldn't help but laugh. He and this Marshal Jack had a history together, going all the way back to the academy.

"Hey James, I'm going to get a bigger title than you'll ever be able to get," Jack said.

"Haha, don't kid yourself, I'm going to become a Fleet Admiral," James proudly announced.

"I'll still have the bigger title dumbass," Jack denounced James.

"It seems you're having some trouble, need a hand?" Jack asked although they both knew this was a rhetorical question.

"Yeah, thanks," James got off the ground, panting, holding tightly to his wounds.

Some soldiers came over and grabbed onto James, before forcing him onto a stretcher. There were four soldiers running through the battlefield with their Fleet Admiral in a stretcher, their only mission was to safely get him healed.

The battle continued for a few hours, but the beasts were getting stronger. Jets were beginning to be struck down by birds, and foot soldiers were being slaughtered on the ground.

On the island everyone was returning back to the beach to rest, they had all made significant progress for the past few days they've been here.

But when they got there they noticed the personnel waiting for them in the water. They went up but before they could even get in the water the personnel brought out a loudspeaker.

"The base is being attacked by intelligent beasts, you need to return now!"

Everyone's expression turned grim. Especially Phoebe, she had her family waiting for her at the base. She instantly summoned Faith and was about to jump on but was quickly grabbed and dragged back by Lachlan.

"What are you doing? My family might be killed soon!" Phoebe shouted at Lachlan.

"And you expect to get there fast enough on Faith?" Lachlan asked.

Phoebe shuddered, "What else am I supposed to do?"

"Maybe let the people with fast transportation take care of the journey back," Lachlan said.

Simon and Georgia got the hint and were about to summon their beasts but were interrupted by Lachlan, "Wait, let's use my birds, they were made to be fast".

They nodded.

"Come, my beasts!" Lachlan shouted. The group had tried out a few other things they could say to summon their beasts, Lachlan found this one to be the coolest.

The Rocs were summoned before them. Lachlan jumped up and looked towards them, "Hurry up".

Everyone else jumped on and grabbed onto the feathers tightly.

Seeing them all ready Lachlan looked ahead, "Go!"

The Rocs shot off into the sky, breaking the sound barriers instantly and causing the sand on the beach to rise up.

The personnel looked up and saw a trail of blue light, heading towards the base. They were happy, hopefully, they made it in time.

Too bad this would be their final moment, as a tentacle pierced through the boat, smashing their bodies apart.

That tentacle wrapped around whatever it could and dragged it into the depths of the water, away from the island.

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