The Strongest Beast Tamer

4 Big Accident, New Discovery *

It was the day of the first launch, chaos was still engulfing the world. Lachlan and his family were watching the news to see the launch.

Outside the window, the planet coming to destroy them was already visible. It is a giant red planet, like Mars but many times larger.

The launch was about the begin, everyone was quiet and staring at the tv. On the screen was an enormous rocket with large letters across it spelling ARK. This ark will be the one that will preserve humanity. The countdown was starting, everything was set to go and clear.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 ,1, lift off"

The Ark began its takeoff, smoke engulfing the surrounding area. It began to lift off and soar through the air, everything was going smoothly.



In an extremely large room, there would a few dozen scientists in front of computers. Everything was being confirmed before launch. The tension was incredibly high in this room, there had to absolutely no errors as the fate of humanity lay upon this operation.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 ,1, lift off"

The thrusters were good, no problems, the weather was clear, and the wind was safe. Everything seemed to be perfect. Until errors started to fill the computer screens, the scientists were panicking before they could even do anything the Ark exploded, a fiery cloud lit up the skies.

A man with a large figure that seemed to be in control of the room frowned, "What happened?"

One of the scientist closest to the man stood up, "Sir, it seems that the thrusters were unable to lift the Ark out of the atmosphere in time and overheated, causing the explosion."

"WHY!" The man was angry, lines formed on his forehead as he clenched his hands so tight his nails began to split the skin. The scientists in the room didn't know how to respond, they had already double, no triple checked everything, and nothing was abnormal.


No one was sure who said it but every scientist started scrambling to their computers to see if there had been any changes with the Earth's gravity. Aside from the sounds of typing keyboards, everyone was deadly silent.

A scientist stood up and broke the silence, "Sir, the Earth's gravity has doubled"

"What, how is that possible, I need an explanation now!" The man shouted.

The Ark's destruction was the final snapping point for many individuals, as it meant even the government didn't have the ability to preserve humanity. The police and army gave up protecting anything aside from their family, leaving the chaos within the streets to intensify.

Lachlan's mother sealed up the house with wooden boards, there's no telling what type of people will come to their house and they certainly don't want to find out. Everyone continued to watch the news, something to help them stay sane and connected with the rest of the world.

Jack stood up and went to go peek through the wooden boards, the rest of the family followed. Through the wooden planks appeared a very quiet world, isolated from disturbances. It did make sense, they were on the outskirts of a large town.

It was currently summer as well, the sun was scorching the ground and making it unbearable to even walk on.

Adam looked towards Chloe, "Mon, is it safe to go outside?" he questioned.

"I'm not sure, it looks safe but that's all there is to it, looks" Chloe replied slowly walking back to the couch to continue watching the news.

Jack came over the Adam and patted his shoulder, "Come on Adam, there's no need to go outside. We have food and water that'll last us the five days easily" he said. Jack strolled over to sit next to Chloe and continued to watch the news.

Adam and Lachlan joined not long after. There wasn't much happening on the news, countries with large populations were struggling to keep it under control, China and India were really struggling. Crime and Chaos continued to spread the intensify across the globe.

It had been a few hours, they stopped watching the news and instead switched to Netflix to watch movies. Lachlan was beginning to get bored, he stood up and walked to his bedroom. He laid in bed and got his iPhone before turning it on and going on YouTube, watching different parts of the world go into chaos.

As he continued to watch video after video, he came across one video in particular, that stood out among the rest, titled: Planets are organisms too. He laughed at the idea before letting his curiosity get to him and clicking on the video, it was a fairly normal video and had decent arguments. But that's when Lachlan got the idea to try it out.

Looking outside, Lachlan stared at the dirt, "Analyse"


Name: Earth (Celestial Body)

Age: Old

Species Characteristics: Able to support life

Potential: 1st Grade Potential

Current Condition: Undergoing Evolution


Lachlan didn't know what to do with this new information, it was like a truck just rammed into him with the screens confirmation of the theory, he started at the potential for a while before continuing to read the rest.

He felt his body shiver when he saw the current condition, as it could only mean one thing. Something was forcing the planet to evolve, Lachlan didn't have to think too hard before looking towards the large planet above.



Name: Celestial Evolution Stone

Species Characteristics:

1) Able to force celestial bodies it goes past into a slight evolution, the longer it takes to go past the more the planet evolves.

2)Able to force celestial bodies it collides with into a full evolution, all life and the planet itself will undergo a massive evolve


Lachlan stared directly at the large incoming planet, "Shit".

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