The Strongest Beast Tamer

39 Short Confrontation *

Lachlan walked up the table and pulled out a chair, he didn't sit down though, he introduced himself instead.

"Hello, my names Lachlan, what are your names?"

"Nice to meet you Lachlan, the names Joe". The man looked much older than he really was. He had a chiselled face, black hair, brown/hazel eyes and was wearing some leather clothes. He was sitting down so Lachlan couldn't determine his height.

"Please to meet you Lachlan, I'm Phoebe". Phoebe was the cutest amongst the girls here. She had long blonde hair that went to the bottom of her shoulder blades, blue eyes, a slightly chubby face and was wearing a cute light blue dress. Her voice a little bit higher pitch than most girl voices.

"Hi, the names Georgia". Georgia looked the most mature, like a big shot CEO's secretary. She had short brown hair, black eyes, a sharp chin and was wearing a short black skirt and a white shirt.

"Yo, I'm Zoe". The women looked the most immature of the bunch, it looks like she still has her pyjamas on. She had long brown hair that just reaches her shoulders and green eyes.

"Please to be of your acquaintance Lachlan, I'm Chloe". Chloe had almost silver hair, Lachlan wasn't sure whether it was natural or dyed. She also had blonde eyebrows and green eyes, a combo Lachlan hasn't seen before. Chloe was wearing tracksuit pants and a white shirt.

"You don't need to know my name brat," Simon said.

This shocked Lachlan, it was the first time he's met such an arrogant individual. Lachlan then remembered the superior back at Mount Barker, 'Make this my second time meeting such a person' Lachlan thought.

"You're quite arrogant for a weakling," Lachlan said intimidatingly, releasing his pressure.

Everyone in the room felt it, a few of the soldiers could feel it outside the room and were struggling to breathe.

But the one who felt the pressure the most was Simon, as it was directed at him. He felt a crushing weigh on him, though he found that he could still move and function properly, that pressure meant the boy was strong.

Lachlan disappeared, shocking everyone in the room.

He reappeared behind Simon in milliseconds, holding a knife to his throat.

"I would suggest fixing that attitude, everyone here is strong, couple stronger or equal to you. As for me, well, I would think you can determine that already," Lachlan said.

He sealed his pressure back up and put his knife back, the rest of the people were staring at him with wide open eyes, a few even had their mouths wide open.

Lachlan walked over to his seat and sat down, looking towards the superiors and giving them a nod.

James noticed this quickly and broke the silence, in an attempt to get rid of this awkward situation, "Well, now that you've all introduced yourselves I suppose its time to brief you all on the mission".

Everyone nodded and looked towards the television.

"About 100 kilometres from here is a new island, we have circled it and determined that its size is roughly the same size as Sydney. But that's not all, the gravity on this island is unique, from what we can tell the gravity on the shore is roughly 10x the normal gravity on Earth".

"Do you know why?" Zoe asked.

"Not right now, we have some guesses though. It may be a new type of mineral, a metal that distorts the gravity around it. Unfortunately, the machines we have struggled when we dig, it seems the gravity is much more intense below ground, which is why we guessed it's a mineral. There is also the slight possibility of it being some unique beast, but the chance of that is low".

"So why are you sending us to the island?" Zoe asked.

"Because we want to know what's on there, whether or not it could become a new training ground for the talented, or if we could cultivate it and mine minerals there".

"So you want to conquer it," Simon said.

"Essentially," James responded.

"Why don't to conquer it yourselves? Why get us involved?" Georgia asked.

"Because you are much stronger than any of our soldiers, as such, we hope you cooperate with us and explore the island," James said.

"Sure," Lachlan said.

Everyone stared at him, Simon questioned his decision "You're just going to accept it so easily?"

"Well that's what I came here for, I don't see the point of going back now. In addition, this might be the perfect training ground for me," Lachlan explained.

A few were stunned by his response, sure this could be the perfect training ground, but it could also be his grave. The others that weren't stunned agreed with him, this wasn't the time to be waiting, if they could get ahead of the crowd and become the strongest they could very well take control of the world. Though that isn't what any of them want, as it'll be too troublesome.

"Yeah, I agree with Lachlan," Joe said.

"I second that," Zoe said.

Although Lachlan wasn't sure, it appears that Joe and Zoe may be siblings, though he doesn't really care too much about that.

"Alright, anyway, we leave in half an hour, you'll be riding a boat to the island and don't worry, the boat's going to be escorted by our soldiers. You could all go to the main area, someone will be there with some camping gear for you all to use," James said.

"I have a better suggestion," said Phoebe mysteriously, "Meet at the shore, our ride will be waiting there".

Phoebe quickly left the room before anyone could ask anything, the rest of the group followed along.

Inside the room, only the superiors were left, with James still standing in front of the television.

"Suppose that went pretty good," James said.

Outside everyone left to go to the main area, they wandered around for a bit before quickly realising they were lost.

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