When Lachlan reached the tent he noticed everyone was gathered there. Almost everyone, the group from Coober Pedy decided to would be best to separate here, they don't want to get in the way or anything.

Everyone quickly noticed Lachlan had finally appeared, Alfredo explained what they were doing, "We're currently planning what to do, I'm a bit impatient and want to see my wife and I believe you guys want to see your father. As such, I believe we could try and travel with the military if we could convince them".

Chloe perked up at that, "Couldn't you convince them with your strength, not to mention the boys all have tamed beasts of their own, it should be valid proof of our strength".

"It should be, but I don't think they want unpredictable people coming along with their soldiers. They might think we would get in the way or cause some damage".

"Couldn't we use Lachy's birds to get there?" Chloe asked.

"Possibly, but we are now going through thick vegetation, we can't see anything. Yes, Lachlan's birds are strong, however, if we get knocked off the birds some of us might not survive," Alfredo explained.

His last sentence caused Chloe to freeze up, as she knew he was talking about her. However, she didn't disagree with him, she was the only one without a tamed beast yet and could only accept that.

Alfredo continued, "In addition, we don't know what type of beasts are lurking in the forest. Since we're in Australia, it's bound to be overflowing with spiders and snakes. Sure, we could try and fly high but there could also be tons of birds that might get in our way".

Lachlan decided to join in, "What if I had two of the birds protect us while one carries us?"

"Oh, and how are we going to do that? Although they're big it'll be a bit dangerous for all of us to try and fit on one bird," Alfredo questioned.

"Vehicles!" Lachlan shouted.

Alfredo thought for a bit before understanding what Lachlan meant, "So you mean one bird carries everyone that'll be inside a car while the other two protect".

Lachlan was happy Alfredo understood what he meant and nodded.

"That'll also be a problem. If you guys haven't noticed yet the only vehicles around us are military, they moved all cars and buses out of the area to create more room for everyone".

"So all we need to do is get out of this area. Right?" Chloe said.

Alfredo explained the complexities of the mission, "Not quite. As I'm sure everyone remembers, they have beasts with detection abilities scattered around the walls, the moment they detect us we'll probably be in a bit of trouble. As such, I do believe we can mix both plans".

"How are we going to do that?" Chloe asked.

"Well, if we prove that we're strong enough to protect ourselves we may be able to get their trust, allowing us to get outside the city. Now that's the hard part, getting their trust".

"Fight their strongest fighter!" Jack shouted.

"Indeed that'll work, but who do you think has the highest chance of winning against the militaries strongest," Alfredo said.

"Can't you fight them, Alfredo?" Chloe asked.

"I could, but I'm not confident in my ability to beat them".

Dylan thought about it for a while before interrupting them, "What about me? Although I don't have the same experience as Alfredo I believe I'm stronger, especially with my two tamed beasts".

"Alright boy, since you seem confident let's do this," Alfredo said while patting Dylan's back.

"I could also fight," Lachlan said in a low voice.

"And why would we do that?" Alfredo asked.

"Just like Dylan, I may not be as experienced as Alfredo, but I definitely have stronger stats," Lachlan explained.

Dylan was a bit confused as this was new information to him, "What do you mean?"

Lachlan decided to tell Dylan everything, as it seems they'll be together for a while it'll be better for him to know.

After explaining everything, Lachlan couldn't help but giggle at Dylan's shocked expression. It was the first time he saw Dylan so shocked, after all, it seemed he was calm in every situation that they've been in so far.

"So how high are your stats?" Dylan asked.

Lachlan decided to tell everyone, "In the hundreds".

"How high are my stats?" Dylan asked.

"Between 17 and 44," Lachlan explained.

Everyone was shocked now, as before they didn't understand if Lachlan's stats were high or not, but after hearing what Dylan's was, they now understood.

Alfredo was the first to ask a question, "How are they so high?"

"Well everyone remembers when we were attacked by the fish beasts," Lachlan looked around and everyone nodded, "Well, when the Rocs use that lightning attack and killed all the fish I got a lot of stats from that, hundreds more specifically".

"Huh, so if we all tame the same type of beast we could increase our stats drastically?" Alfredo asked.

"Essentially," Lachlan said.

"Alright, now that we have that planned we just need to meet with soldiers superior," Alfredo explained.

"I could ask Hayley, she might be able to help us," Lachlan said.

"So that's where you were," Chloe said before pinching Lachlan's cheeks, "Only 9 years old and already going to older women".

"It's not that mum, I was just talking to her about her beasts," Lachlan explained.

"Alright, alright," Chloe said before letting go.

Everyone agreed to the plan and packed everything they needed. They walked out of their tent and headed towards Hayley, in hopes that she'll help them.

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