The Strongest Beast Tamer

22 Unique Lizard *

"Just wondering. Are the three lizards you own siblings?" Lachlan asked.

"Nope, I got them all at different times, it would be extremely unlikely for them to be related to one another," explained Ryley.

"What's with the small lizard? Can it fight?" Asked Jack.

'No no no, you see this is Scan and he does exactly what his name implies. He's able to detect anything from an extremely far distance, through either using his hearing, smell and sight, all of which are advanced to the extreme," Ryley said.

Alfredo walked up to Ryley and patted him on his shoulders, "That's a fantastic ability! Can it do anything else?"

"Of course, just watch," Said Ryley. He quickly picked up Scan and put him on his arm, "Scan hide".

The lizard completely vanished, it didn't just change its colour it erased its entire presence.

Ryley looked towards the arm that was just holding Scan, "Okay, you can show yourself again".

The lizard was there, completely fine and looked just like it did before it vanished.

"See, pretty cool right?" Ryley proudly said.

"Hahaha, indeed. It's such a fantastic little lizard," Alfredo said as he placed his head closer to the lizard to inspect it more.

After everyone introduced themselves they all began to prepare for the trip, making themselves comfortable on the birds, putting on some sunscreen, a hat, and some sunglasses.

After 20 minutes everyone was finally prepared, the next stop was Glendambo, it certainly isn't going to be the place we stay the night. However, they will stop to rest for an hour, as although the birds have managed to slightly increase their endurance they still struggle with control.


The birds began to lift off, screeching happily as they did. They shot straight up, giving everyone and the viewpoint of a lifetime.

Lachlan and everyone else didn't expect to have the ability to fly to be such a useful ability. Although it limited Scan's detection as they were now high in the air, it wasn't like anything that was outside of Scan's range could hurt them.

They also got to see the world like they never could before. Although Lachlan and the original group had already experienced flying, that was over a wasteland. Now, however, they started to get closer to sources of water, vegetation was much more abundant.

Even though it was summer the vegetation was extremely vibrant, the evolved tree and bushes were enormous, just like when they exited Alice Springs the overgrowth had ruptured the roads.

They had finally reached Glendambo; the birds were exhausted and panting. They landed at the open space near the toilet, Lachlan had taken out some water bottles and begun to give the birds some water.

"Should we check to see if anyone's here?" Asked Jack.

"There isn't anyone here".

Everyone turned towards the voice and realised it was Ryley, Alfredo walked up to him, "How do you know that?"

"Because Scan can't detect anything within a 10km radius, and anything that can be detected is either too small or large to be human," he explained.

"Alright, well, rest up we leave in an hour, our next stop will be Port Augusta, we'll stay there for the night," Alfredo explained.

Everyone nodded and begun to mind their own business, they all sat down under the shade with some snacks and a water bottle.

Adam was already on the phone, checking the news, although the internet was bad it was enough.

"What's happening Adam?" Alfredo questioned.

"Well, some new things have been discovered. The Earth was tripled in size, some places had expanded and all around the world new islands have been discovered, some of which are massive".

"Huh, wonder which country is going to claim it," said Jack.

"None for a while, it seems America sent some drones to check an island closest to them, the drone disappeared the moment it went into the vegetation, they couldn't track where it was at all. They've also had some satellites inspect the islands, however, it seems there are some disturbances around the island, they believe it to either be new material or special beast".

"A beast that can block a satellite, huh, sounds terrifying," Ryley said.

After hearing that new land has been discovered everyone began thinking about what else there could be.

"I wonder if dragons exist now".

Looking towards the source of the voice they noticed it was Luke, Lachlan and his group had noticed that the group they picked up were always quiet, at least around them they were.

This time it was his brother, Adam that contributed to the conversation, "That would be insane, I wonder if I could tame one, riding a dragon would impress anyone".

"Haha, that should be last on your priorities, Humanity has pretty much started all over again, at least before the incident we had explored a large majority of the land, now we have new land to explore. Not to mention the ocean, we only explored a small percentage of it and now it's only expanded, who knows what's underneath those water," Alfredo said.

"That further proves my theory that dragons exist now," Luke happily said, as if he won the lotto.

"It wasn't even a theory, it was just a random remark," Mia snarked.

"Mia, it's not nice to ruin other's dreams, let the man have this," Hunter consulted.

"Okay," said Mia.

After that everyone went quiet and ate their snacks, rested up, went to the toilet and begun preparing to leave.

Everyone had finished packing up and got on the birds.

"Okay. Lift off!" Lachlan shouted.


And just like before the birds shot straight up, slightly blinding everyone on board as they faced the fun.

It wasn't long until their realised the birds were getting faster, much faster, yet it still had no effect on them, no g-force.

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