While everyone was staring at Lachlan, Adam was whispering to the spider. A bright light went off, similar to when Jack tamed his lizard.

After the light dispersed just like Jack, Adam was on the ground rolling around grabbing onto his back.

Lifting up his shirt everyone understood why. It seemed the tattoo for the Spider Queen chose there, and it was massive, taking up half of the space on his back. It stretched from his shoulders to the centre of the back.

Analysing Adam, Lachlan knew that he had tamed the spider, and was quite glad they got another companion.


Name: Adam Wilson (Human)

Age: 11 (Teenager)

Soul Contracts: 1/5

Compatibility: Arachnids (High), Insects (Low)

Level: 4

STR: 11(+4), AGI: 10(+5), VIT: 10(+6)

INT: 10(+3), PER: 11(+2), WIL: 12(+1)

Weakness: Resistance to mind attacks

Strengths: Strong Poison that injects through the fingernails


Staring at the stats and looking at the strengths for some reason gave Lachlan some relief. After all, he didn't want his brother to start laying eggs that hatch into spiders.

Adam quickly walked over to Lachlan and stood by his side before summoning the spider, "Summon Shadow".

Unlike the other summons we've had so far, Adam's summoning didn't cause his tattoo to emit light. Rather it caused his shadow to expand in front of him before a Spider slowly crawled out of the shadow.

"Analyse," Lachlan muttered.


Name: Shadow (Desert Spider Queen)

Age: Adolescence

Attribute: Darkness

Level: 1

STR: 31, AGI: 35, VIT: 40

INT: 25, PER: 21, WIL: 17

Weakness: Fragile body

Strengths: Strong Poison, able to lay eggs and control hordes of Spider Queen Soldiers


It seemed one of its weakness has disappeared after levelling up its Willpower. Lachlan and Adam were side by side staring back at the rest of the family. While Lachlan knew they wouldn't be a match against Alfredo and Jack, they certainly did feel cool.

"Care to explain yourself boy," Alfredo said in a deep booming voice.

"I made it grow stronger and bigger," Lachlan explained.

Alfredo frowned and asked, "I can see that much. But why and how did you know that it would grow up?"

Deciding that it was time to inform everybody of his unique ability he began explaining, "It's my eyes. I'm not sure how but they give me a bunch of information whenever I say a keyword, analyse. The information it gives is similar to a status screen seen in games, it has your strength, agility, vitality, intelligence, perception, and willpower in numeric form. It also shows what the individual's species is, how old they are, and the strengths and weaknesses".

After hearing what Lachlan said, everyone was stunned, unsure of how they should go about it.

Chloe was the first to break the silence, "How long have you had this ability?" She asked.

"I've had it for just over a year. However, it was different before this whole evolution. It used to only show what the species were, age, special characteristics, and the grade potential. Which I believe is what determined how strong everything got after the evolution," Lachlan explained.

"Wowowo, you keep mentioning evolution, what evolution?" This time it was Alfredo's turn to ask a question.

"You all know of the massive celestial body that was going to crash into Earth, right?" Lachlan asked, to which everyone nodded.

"Well, that wasn't a celestial body that destroys planets but rather forces them to undergo a massive evolution, which is what Earth experienced," Lachlan explained.

Alfredo continued asking, "You mentioned Grade Potential determines how strong beast is going to be. What were humans?"

Lachlan frowned at this question, after all, it was hard to admit that their species, which was on top, was now likely near the bottom, "Humanity had 8 Grade Potential, which is incredibly low. Species such as Sperm Whales, Silverback Gorillas, and Barbary Lions all had 2nd Grade Potential, which seemed to be the highest potential an animal could have".

"Animal?" Alfredo questioned.

"Indeed, animal. The only thing that had a Higher-Grade Potential was the Earth, which had 1st Grade Potential," Lachlan explained.

Everyone was shocked as they were continued to be berated with information which doesn't seem real.

Finally, Chloe asked another question, "Why do you have special eyes and not any of your siblings".

Lachlan hesitated and frowned, unsure whether he should reveal that information. Deciding not to, he instead lied, "I don't know, maybe it has to do with the year I was born on, the location of my birth, I just really don't know".

Although Chloe didn't like that answer, she could only accept it and just say it was fate. Because in her eyes it didn't seem like Lachlan was lying, and if he was he has certainly become a pro.

Chloe walked up to Lachlan and hugged him, muttering words that only the two of them could hear, "It must have been tough, holding in such a secret. But it's okay, although you're different you're still my son and not some monster".

Lachlan felt relief when he heard his mother say that, although he didn't say anything, he nodded, and that nod was all Chloe needed.

"Ahem," Alfredo interrupted this touching moment and began to explain what's going to happen, "Now that that's out of the way, go eat, rest, and use the restroom should you need to. Don't hold it in, I probably won't be stopping if you need to go".

Alfredo walked off to the restroom, the rest of them quickly brought out some snacks to eat. Alfredo came back and joined in, after which Lachlan and Adam went to the bathroom, then Chloe and Jack. This was to prevent anyone without a beast getting hurt.

After their break, everyone got back into the car and they began their journey to Marla, where they'll rest for the night and refuel the car.

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