Assass, the assassin, Hasan Sabah, the old man in the mountain, the legendary assassin, the master is Kirei Yanfeng, and the relationship between the master and the disciple between Tosaka Tosaka and the old man of the church, but Before the start of the Holy Grail War, I was apprentice to Tosaka Tokimin.

Berserker, Berserker, Lancelot, one of the Knights of the King Arthur's Round Table, because he is a Berserker, basically irrational, his master is Ma Tong Yan Ye, one of the three royal families, the second son of the Ma Tong family.

The above are the masters and followers that have been exposed one after another in the past three days.

In addition to this, the second thing was the death of one of the heroes.

On the night after Arthur appeared at the dock, the assassin Hassan sneaked into Tosaka Yeah, seemingly trying to steal something, but was eventually killed by Gilgamesh. The battle was quite dynamic, and all the masters got news.

At present, because of the death of the servant, Hassan’s lord, Yanfeng Qili, has requested the protection of the church and has returned to the church in Winterwood City.

Urrutia said, "At this rate, it doesn't take long before the Holy Grail War is over.

"It's not, it's just a play they did.

Ye Chen shook his head lightly. Daoyanfeng Qili and Toosaka Toshimi were in the same group. Yanfeng Qili deliberately let Ha die so that he could go to the safe area, which is the church. According to the rules of the Holy Grail War, a place like the church is absolutely safe.

Of course, this is only the rule.

It turned out to be so, no wonder... I have observed Yanfeng Qili, this man feels very dangerous to me. It is not the strength of strength, but the calmness no matter what you face.

Ulu suddenly said to Aya, "There is another person, Kirishu Eomiya, the master of Miss Altria. That man is similar, very cold, but more like a killer.

Weimiya Kirishu was originally a killer.

Ye Chen drank tea leisurely.

"What's next, my lord?" asked Uluzuya. "Should we just wait for them to decide the winner? Then at the last moment, we will win the Holy Grail?

Don't worry, wait for Mao Wang.

Ye Chen smiled slightly and said, "However, first go and warn the person in charge over there to use his authority to intervene in the war. This is not what a qualified supervisor should do."

Urrutia nodded immediately, got up and prepared to act.

Come back, there is no need for you to go, I have already sent one of my avatars to act. You and I try not to take action. Gaia's will has been focusing on Fuyuki City, so let's keep a low profile for a few days. "

Thinking of the will to destroy the world when he just crossed, Urutia shuddered suddenly.

08 Winterwood City, southeast, on a hillside.

The temple church’s stronghold in Fuyuki City is located here.

At the moment, inside the lobby.

Yan Feng Li was doing something, behind him, Yan Feng Qi Li stood there blankly.

After a while, after finishing his duties, Yan Feng Lizheng turned around.


Yan Fengli was looking at Ye Chen suspiciously, guessing in his heart the origin of the other party.

He hasn't seen it before, but if you analyze it rationally, it is probably an organization similar to a clock tower.

This kind of organization is not uncommon. Similar organizations exist in the South-East region and Yan Country, but they are not obvious.

Considering his name, then, it is very likely that he is from the mysterious organization of Yan Country.

Are you too broad-minded? What does the Holy Grail War have to do with you?

Ye Chen chuckled and said, "The truth is within the range of the cannon. If you intervene in the Holy Grail War at will, I don't mind sending you to see God.

what did you say?!

Yan Fengli was so angry that an inexplicable person came to the door and wanted to teach him.

"Do you want to go to war with the church?"

"Go to war?

Ye Chen dismissed it and mocked, "When will the little priests' represent the church?

The Templar Church is a huge organization with well-defined departments

Such as "Eighth Secret Relic Association", "Knights of Heretic Interrogation", "Burial Organization", etc.

And the person in front of him is just a priest who belongs to the Eighth Secret Retreat Society, not to mention representing the church, even the church's subordinate organizations are not able to make decisions.

Besides, what about the war?" Ye Chen pouted, "The world's two major organizations, the Magic Association and the Church, do they really think they are the boss after standing on a high place for a long time.

Upon hearing this, Yan Fenglizheng's face became extremely ugly.

This person who appeared suddenly is really a man. He is not someone who has never seen him, but he can talk about churches and associations casually, and he is quite disdainful. This is indeed the first time he has met.

"Then let me see if your strength is worthy of this attitude!

Angrily, Yan Fengli was hiding her right hand behind her back, suddenly throwing it out at him.

Those were three red sword hilts, and the moment they were used, a silver sharp appeared immediately.

The golden light flashed, and three attacks had reached him.

This was a blow aimed at the key, attacking Ye Chen's forehead, Adam's apple and heart respectively.

Ye Chen gave a low laugh, lacking even the interest in dodge, allowing the sword to pierce through himself.


In an instant, three throwing flying swords pierced him and nailed him to the seated chair.

Do you think it is the same as the flying knife just now?

Seeing this, Yan Fengli narrowed her eyes, "The flying knife that Qili threw just now is just an ordinary weapon, but this one is different. This is the'black key'. In terms of swords, the degree of refinement is very low, but This is an exorcism weapon, which is better than attacking power in interfering with the'spirit'.

After a pause, he stepped towards Ye Chen, "I know you can ignore the physical attack. The temptation just now has been confirmed. But since you are from the gods, or suspect it is such a thing, then, the black key attack , You cannot be immune."

Hearing that, Ye Chen with three sword blades stuck in his body, but suddenly smiled.

Fool's thinking. I wonder if you have never heard of a sentence that calls humans to think, and God laughs'.

What? "Yan Fengli paused in his footsteps, and there was a bad feeling that this person was hit by the black key, and he was still fine?!

Don't use your poor common sense to judge me. "

Between the words, Ye Chen's body slammed into a light and faded away.

What gave you the illusion that I am the remnant of the gods?

You are too slow, priest. I am not a remnant, in your words I am the'mystery' itself. "

This world, the more ancient things, the more mysterious.

The era of Gods ended in about the first century AD. Before that, Gods were mysterious, but the mystery was gradually understood by humans, and Gods began to weaken and eventually disappear.

But Ye Chen's words, he is no longer an old question, he is not a product of this world at all, and most people simply cannot understand.

How could this be!

Yan Fengli was shocked in his heart and looked around, trying to find his trace.

Suddenly, someone pressed his shoulder, and the person behind him turned into a figure.

Next moment, puff!

Handle the dark blade of shadow 827, pierce it from behind, and pierce the heart with one blow.

For those who like to start with a pirate, please collect it: ( The literature of the first pirate is updated at the fastest speed.

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