The Strong Who Came Out of the Mental Hospital

Chapter 41: Dean, you are an angel

The entrance of the hospital.

An ambulance stopped there early.

Vice President Li was standing next to the ambulance, and the gray drizzle lightly touched his haggard face. Although he was refreshed on happy occasions, he was disturbed by the two mental patients living in the hospital.

Unpretentiously, he raised his hand to wipe the rain on his face, inadvertently revealing the electronic watch worth hundreds of dollars, exquisite workmanship, and hot market.

A low-key temperament quietly ran out naughty.

"Associate Dean, it's raining outside, you go back first, I will send the person to the mental hospital."

The humble driver cared about the deputy dean, hoping to be recognized by the deputy dean. If he can be recognized, his life will change drastically.

He saw the article posted by the vice president in the circle of friends, sincere and full of noble ideas, inadvertently revealing the signal that vice president Li will soon become the president.

The word "Fu" will also disappear in the long river of history.

He wanted to inadvertently leave a plain but touching rainbow text in the deputy dean's circle of friends.

Thinking of the gap between himself and the deputy dean, he resisted the restlessness in his heart. It was an honor to be able to see the circle of friends of the deputy dean. How could he leave such vulgar words in the circle of friends of the deputy dean? , Not even qualified to like.

"You..." Deputy Dean Li looked at the driver and shook his head, "I need to send them there personally, and see them return to the Qingshan Mental Hospital, so that I can feel at ease."

"You are really a good dean who is dedicated to your duties." The driver said.

As long as the flattery is good, it's not a problem.

He used to be a good man who was upright and could not slap a horse. He has worked in the emergency center for many years. He is skilled in driving and possesses the kind of technology that can press the drain.

But he has been working for ten years and is still a driver.

And the young man who joined the team a few years later than him, relied on his beard and slapped his horse, and Fawning became his boss in just two years.

He is not convinced, I am better than him, I am better than him, and my driving skills are better than him. Why can't I be promoted?

Until one day, when the leader was drunk, he patted his shoulder and said:

"You are very capable and excellent. I think it is in my heart, but I can't do without you. If you leave, where can I find you such an excellent subordinate, so just work hard with me until I retire."

"As for him, he doesn't have any abilities. He just can flatter and flatter me. I'm very comfortable taking pictures. Leaving that post has no effect on me."

"Anyone can leave, but you can't leave."

Since then, he has realized that it is not that I am not good enough, but that being good makes others unable to let go.

Vice President Li was expressionless, but in a good mood, and handed a Baili group to the driver.

The driver took the cigarette flattered, and lighted it carefully as if lighting a peerless treasure, and then slowly took a sip, his eyes rounded, revealing a fascinating color.

"Good smoke, very good taste, attractive color, pure and unmixed, good smoke."

What he smokes is not a cigarette, but an opportunity for flattering.

"Fourteen packs, strong enough, not good smoke."

Vice President Li took a breath and looked at the entrance of the distant hospital with deep eyes. He was expecting the two figures to send them back to the mental hospital, and he felt relieved.

The driver sincerely said: "The dean has saved countless people. It is like a holy angel descending on the world, and the smell of fairy remains between the fingers of the cigarette. It is my honor and a heartfelt feeling that I can smoke the cigarette passed by the dean. "

Vice President Li patted the driver's shoulder, and again inadvertently revealed a low-key and popular electronic watch. He didn't say anything, but the meaning of his eyes was clear.

You are very good.

at this time.

The figure that made him dream about appeared.

Several doctors came over with an emergency stretcher, and they sighed, perhaps only these two special VIP customers can be picked up by Vice President Li in person.

"What's happening here?"

Vice President Li saw Old Man Zhang lying there, and he didn't quite understand. He was fine, so what was he doing?

The doctor said: "There is no way, he has to lie down, otherwise he won't go, so he can only lie down."

Vice President Li's haggard, is he still human?

The doctors in our hospital are desperately trying to save you, save you, and save you alive, we can forgive you for not saying thank you, but you can't always worry about the resources of our hospital.

Forget it!

Forget it!

As long as we can send you away, two emergency stretchers will be given away for free.

Lin Fan had donated hematopoietic stem cells, and the doctor gave him a full-body examination. He was afraid of any problems. No matter how unwelcome, as a doctor, he had to do his best to check.

It's not that we don't want to see you.

It's that you come too often, so frequent that our bodies can't bear it.

Distance produces beauty, and occasional encounters increase feelings.

Meeting frequently, everything will become dull, I hope you can understand.

Lin Fan was lying on the emergency stretcher, looking calmly at the gray sky, raised his arms, and grabbed the rain to the sky. Why did the rain drip from the very high sky on his face not hurt at all.

Does falling from the sky hurt?

This is a question worth pondering.

Zhang Hongmin ran over under the drizzle and learned that Lin Fan was leaving, so he hurried over to see him off. Although the other party was mentally ill, he also saved his daughter anyway.

"Benefactor, thank you, thank you so much. When my daughter is ready, I will take him to see you."

Lin Fan ignored Zhang Hongmin, but looked at the sky, calm inside, only his perception of nature.

The Qigong cultivation method was running, and the energy particles floating in the nature slowly flowed into his body.

"Get in the car and set off."

Deputy Dean Li stepped on the cigarette **** and waved his hand. He couldn't wait. Then he looked at the driver and said, "You take the co-pilot. I will drive today."

The driver said: "It is an honor of my life to be able to learn driving skills from the deputy dean."

Vice President Li did not say much.

His thinking now is very simple.

Even if the sky is broken, the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, and the sky is cracked, it will not stop him from sending the two mental patients back to the Qingshan Mental Hospital.

Force the wave! Force the wave! Force the wave!

The ambulance drove out of the hospital quickly. Vice President Li had good driving skills. A dragon swung its tail and turned and disappeared into the sight of many doctors.

Vice President Li has a heavy responsibility. If a reporter from the news media is here, he will definitely take a photo of the taillight of the car.

Then board the headline page of the next day.

"The vice president of the hospital personally sent the hero home"

The doctors standing still seemed to hear a sound from the car.

"Associate Dean, your car skills are so good, I have never seen such a good car skills."

"Can you teach me?"

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