The strong man who came out of the Hashirama reincarnation

Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong

There is no return towards the cabin.

Instead, I walked toward the direction of Unexpo.


When I walked through the Yuxi Bo, I slammed my head.

"Forgot to ask how many people have a total of Yuxi Wom."

Hey, I feel that I miss it.


This is not annoyed.

On the spot, the intercourse of Chakra suddenly controld Chakra, and communicated the flying thunder style in the fire shadow office, and suddenly had contact.


Hey, the mood is flashing back to the fire in the office.

next moment.

Take the door to take over a book on the desktop.

That is the registration household registration in the village.

Just, the sky is full.

The ,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,


After the number of people was counted, the number of flying thunders was once again protected, and left the fire office.


Re-embedding the way to the Yishabo area area.

Now Yuxi Bo.

Haven't moved to the suburbs of Woody Village.

Still living in the core area.

And also serve as the duties of the Woody Police Guard.

Not long after.

The is coming to the area of ​​the Unecdo.

"To start."

The looked up at the area where the Yishabo family was in the eyes, and the eyes were flashed on the scorpion.


Take a quick double-hand print.

"The image of shadow!"

After the rid of the room, four shadows were suddenly furnished, and there were five people in this respect.

Five people will appear.

Quickly spread around.


Five .

"The big brother said."

"Yuxi Bo family will be alive in the morning and evening."

"I just took this time in advance."

The eyes of the eyes are cold, and the flying thunder is not shown in hand, there is no large-scale tissue.

There is no too powerful ninja in the Yuxi Bo.

Do not need to use water quasi.

The .

Do not leave any space for the enemy.


The body of the column plus four shadows at the same time started at the same time.

Everyone has flying thunder, and the speed is extremely fast.

Now this time Yischo family, there is no people like the spot and Springna.

Lian Yuxi Bud and Yisi Board will not stop.

It's a thousand hands.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The fast glitter is in each household in the Unexpea.

Every time you break the door, you will definitely bring blood.

Rushing in again and again.

The other party called yet.

It was killed by the mortality.

At this time, the right at this moment.

Like the tiger into the flock.

It is simply in Blood Washing Zhihu.

It can be fully called the defeat strike.

Over time.

There are fewer and less people who can breathe in Yishibo family.


With the return of four shadows, the experience they just killed has killed how many Yischo people.

These numbers are added together.

The numbers of the body have passed a simple check.

Like the number registered on the household registration.


The open mouth is faint, and the expression on the face has little change.

He didn't know which young man is Yue Zhiwu Fu Yue.

I don't know if the child is Yuxi wave.

Anyway ...

No one can pass his tuning.

It's okay.

I have long you want to do this.

In his eyes.

Yizhi Bofue is a bomb.

Yuxi Bo belt is a bomb.

Yuxi Bo is a bomb.

If you leave any of the live ports.

Then I have experienced people who have irritated.

It will definitely become the next bomb.

at least.

Among the cognition of the mandrel.

Do you really have someone to witness the night and anger?

At the very least, it is also a kaleidoscope!

and so.

Can't allow such things to happen.

When all numbers are statistically complete.

The mutton is re-printed.

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