The strong man who came out of the Hashirama reincarnation

Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong from Drizo

"Just like I said ..."

"I just know that they are woody ninja, but they are outside the village, the representative is the wooden village."

"Before the founding of the village, the personal injury took the hatred of the family."

"After the village was established, the personal injury took the hatred of the village."

"As long as there is a ninja of different villages in this world."

"As long as there is still war in this world."

"Then the pain will never disappear."

"and so……"

"The teacher said."

"This is not the mistake of the few people, nor is the fault of the family, not the mistake of a village, but the world's fault!"

"This world is wrong."

"I want to correct this mistake!"

The long gates stared at the water door very serious, and every word he said, all shocked the three views of the water door, and heard the water door.

"You said ... this world ... wrong?" The mouth of the water door squatted, and now he can't understand such a thing.


The door nodded and then said: "Everything is going to find the source."

"What source?" Asked in the water.

"There is nothing, there is no reason."

"My parents are dead."

"Even if it is not dead in the hands of the wooden village, it may die in the hands of the ninja in the sandy village, or in the hands of death in the ninja of Yinyin Village."

"In this chaotic world, we live in the rain of the three countries."

"As long as there is war."

"My parents have the dangers of death."

"The root of this problem is not in the ninja in the village, but in this world of old."

"Just imagine."

"If there is only one country in this world, everyone is a person standing on the same position."

"No enemy, only friends."

"There is no war, only peace."

"Then there is no fight, there is no killing."

"Whoever kindrs will die."

"The pain will not happen."

"If hatred will not appear."

"Time will no longer have a rainy zone, will be full of warm sunshine."

"Such a ninja world."

"Is the right world!"

When you say this, your eyes have a deep direction.

This is his ideal.

But not his dream.

His dream is to marry an angel.

Dreams and ideals are not conflict.


The water gates will take a deep breath and stare at the long gate.

He didn't think of it.

This seems to be a small teenager who is still small than him, actually has such a HTC's idea, so that the endurance is unified as a country, let the world are full of peace.


In the heart of the water, it has already set off a stormy waves, which is completely shocked, and I can't believe my ears.

Just now.

It sounds unreal.

However, let the water of the water burned a struggle of flames.

I can't help but want to help the long door.

"Your pattern is above me."

The water gate frankly and said that he felt that he had already standing on a very high eye, and he can think of a lot of problems with the thinking thinking.


After the climbing of the long door.

The water gates found their patterns or small.

I only stay at the horizontal of the wooden village.

Think more about things in the village.

If people in the village are live better.

If the system of the village has become more perfect.

Establish more well diplomacy if processed with other villages.

If you win the war in the future.

and many more……

Come like this.

This is already something that the peers can't do.

The water gates have always feel that their thinking is very exceeded.

But after talking to the long door.

The water gates suddenly found.

In front of this, this should be regarded as a teenager in the village of Mercury.

Actually, I can stand on the standing position of the entire ninja world.

More than he is standing in the perspective of leaf village.

Look at the whole world.

It is found that the roots of hatred between the village and the village.

Find a solution.

Correct the world of this mistake.


The water gate once again sucking a sigh of breath, he just heard the door, the mistake is the world, I thought it was the secondary speech of the second boy, and did not take too much.

It is now thoroughly changed.

According to the words just mentioned in the long gorgeous.

Wrong is not a world.

If there is no problem in this world, everyone is like harmony in the village, then there will be no fight, and there will be no death.

Think of this.

The water door can not help but feel that the long door is very reasonable.

"It's not how high my pattern."

"But I have a very good teacher."

"months ago."

"I am still thinking about how to live."

"I ate this, I don't know where the next meal is."

"Need to be born with stealing."

"What is the pain, revenge, I don't want to think about it."

"At that time, I was just a ninja in the village of the village, I didn't want any intersection with the Ninja in the village."

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