The strong man who came out of the Hashirama reincarnation

Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Cast

"Let me go to him!"

When the door was talking, smashed the eyes slightly, the eyelids blocked the two ripples of the rounded eyes, but he made him all the people.


Wooden village.

In addition to the remaining five Petion outside the beast, all stopped the movements in his hand, all rushing toward the row.

At this moment.

The inter-column is facing the Rovir Paene, and the face is angry with a faint smile.

"Tongling is very annoying."

"First destroy one."

"I will not be annoyed by those whimged things."

Interpretation between the column, the right hand of the benno, Pen En chest, and a fierce Chakra originated from the palm of the column.

"Cutting"! "

The unused sound of the column sounds, echoating in this area.

At present.

The body of Benedon's body is a hedgehog, an out of the spike.

These spikes were born from the palm of the column.

The hole wearing the body of Benedum.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

A crisp sound sounded, which is the sound of a black bar with the ground.

When using the cutting of the cutting, there is a black bar that holds the black rod in the body of the beast Paragon in the body.

Black rods have been dropped to the ground.

There is no WiFi receiving device that did not have a benes, and there is no signal, and it will lose contact with the long gates on the far mountain.

next moment.

There is no state in the beast, the whole body is soft, the head and hands are pulled down, and it is restored to the body.

"The dead is already awkward, should not be disturbed, since I met me, let me send you a trip."

The column is very clear that he killed the body of Benedon, which is Ziyang Flower.

Ziyang Hua will die.

It is now possible to appear here, just phenomena caused by the gradually metamorphosis of the neck.

To some extent.

This is to play with the deceased.

This approach is not approved in the column, when he just fell, immediately mobilized Chakra in the body, showing Chakra in the fire property.

Call call ...


The palm of the column.

The hot flame burned on the body of Ziyang, and the high temperature in an instant is directly baked into flying gray.

Charila in Chakra again in the column.

Controlling a small whirlwind around the body and blows the ashes of Ziyang flowers directly.

"Just burial between the heavens and the earth in the village!"

After all of the column, the pat hand, the look is light, like a very simple thing.

The face is even more relaxed.

This is not only a simple matter.

It's a kind thing!

The column is proud of your own ideological realm!


From above the mountain.

The long gates were again surprised, and the pair of rounds were very big, and the somewhere flashed in the depth of the eyes.

"The long door, what happened again?" Xiaonan's tone is still very concerned.

"The animals are lost." The face of the long door became dignified. He had a premonition that it seems to have suffered the largest opponent.

"Long door, Wumi Village is more subserable than we think, don't we retreat first, then things we will go back to study." Xiaonan proposes.

"No! I have already arrived here, I didn't get nine tails, never go back!" The long door Xun said: "Let me see who's turn is more powerful!"

"I understand." Xiao Southern nodded, did not say anything more, since Shekiki is dead, she will not love smile, for the long-door decision, she is always a speech, doing the long door to do the most support behind him. that person.



All people in the village witnessed the whole process of the death of the animal road, could not help but take a breath, and see the eyes of the column have changed.

Too jealous!

This person is just a devil!

A living a Payne.

It was first used by Sichuan, then fired, and finally became a flying ash.


There is gone between the blink of an eye!

The people in the village were greatly visual impact. They could not help but refund, they saw the just picture, and their hearts have great fear.


too frightening!

Everyone has the same idea in his head.

This man.

Beesian is more terrible!

One time between.

The audience is forced.



After a while.

Five figures appear in front of the column, everyone wearing a black robes embroidered with red clouds.

With the emergence of these five people.

The vision of all people in the wooden village has been attracted to the past, and the face on the face is more downs.

Five people have different forms, but they have a round look.

Counting mysterious man standing in the middle of the street.

Nowadays, six-round rounds are gathered here.

Not counting the little sister who has been burned.


There are more and more small questions in everyone's head, and I don't know what the situation is.

Does the round look are not the eyes of six cactors?

When is this not worth money?

Turn back to your eyes?

This many round-eye older is standing together, making everyone feel very amazed, a blank in the head, can only mechanically look at the upcoming picture, thinking can't keep up, can't do Too deeply thinking.

Five Wen stood in a row, and the five-square round look at the column together.

Where is the most intermediate C bit is Tiandao Payne.

"who are you?"

Tiandao Payne asked his unique low voice, his face did not change, it looked like a machine with no feelings.

This five-double round look, like five cameras.

All viewed pictures are all incorporated into the consciousness of the long gate.

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