The strong man who came out of the Hashirama reincarnation

Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong

The column walks in the woods and walks to the laboratory.

Gently knock on the door.


After the column is knocking, the door is automatically opened, this door is what he gave, he can open it at any time.

The purpose of knocking on the door is not to let the big snake ball or pharmacist open the door, but give them a wake up, people come, don't scare.

Follow it.

The figure of the column walks into the laboratory of the big snake pill, and a wooden man is brought into the in vivo between the column, bringing back the information and information from this time.

"Big snake pill, don't do it"

Directly to the big snake pills directly, expressing the praise of the big snake pill.

Since he left.

Grand Snake Pills Study Clones Cellular Cells.

The 15th test tube left has become 17, and there are 2 more than 2.

According to the previous convention.

Three months cloned 5.

It is now an over-completion task.

"First Migratitu"

After the big snake pills and pharmacists saw the column, the face became changing.

This hasn't come to the day.

How to come in advance

Can't pay

This high-yield low-time task, the big snake pills and pharmacists have almost started 007, and the heads are alive, which is barely to do this.

A sentence between the column is doing well.

Listen in the ear of the two.

It is like taunt.

"You can now, you don't have to do it, you can give it to me."

The alone calculates in your heart.

Now that the cell content in your body is 71, there are 17 trials here.

1 The trial tube is almost 1 column cells.

After absorbing these column cells, you can achieve amazing 88

This will reach 100 as long as the two tasks are completed, thereby completing the resurrection.

I finally be re-made.

The column has been enrolled in this person who is unreasoning, and it is very deeply understood that Yu Zhibo spheres after the resurrection, why should she lick the blood on her hand.

That is the feeling of living

When this is the same, the face of the big snake pills and pharmacists is dark.

It's over finished.

The adults of the initial generation must be dissatisfied with their performance.

Not only coming in advance, but I also stopped this task directly, then they didn't even have the final reality.

To know

In the hearts of the big snake pills and pharmacists, they can live because of the big snake pills can replicate the column cells.

If this is the final opportunity to give a breath, it will be peeled off.

So it is too pitiful.

"From today, you are free."

The column is satisfied with the big snake pills and pharmacist, and these two people are very serious about doing logistics.


I am early.

That is how fast it is.

no way.


This time in the column falls into the ear of the two, it is another one.



Pure land

Is it true or escape?

If the pharmacist is like a dead ash, he still doesn't want to die. He is still young, he is still enough, he has no implementation.

As for the big snake pill.

During this time, I have already thought about the life plan, I must die again to die again, otherwise it will not come out.


"There is another thing."


"After you go out, lead your voice village and join my thousand hand."

"This is very important"

When you rush, he is afraid that you will forget this matter.


The big snake pills and pharmacists paired each other, they all saw the doubts in the eyes of each other.


In the first generation, everyone really wants us to go out.

This is true and false

"Okay, I said that I said that the column cells here, I have all been taken away."

After the column is over, then sitting directly on the ground, slow closing his eyes.

There is a pound of vitality in the column, and the horrible breath fluctuations are spread throughout the laboratory.

At present.

Those column cells in the test tube immediately induced the summons of the column, with a very powerful force to shoot on the test tube, launched an impact to the direction between the column.




One test tube bursts, accompanied by strong impact, which contains the droplets of vitality, flying into the column.

Chapter 139 Hard Tree Man! (Subscribe)

In the eyes of the big snake pills and pharmacists, green column cells, all splash in the column.

Follow it.

These column cells are blended in the body of the column, just like water encounters sponges.

Be right

The alone is like a huge sponge, greedy absorbs the column cells on your body.




On the column, the content of the column cells is increasing in a very fast speed.


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