Chapter 13: Build a Home

Emily gathered her baggage and moved out of the inn with me.

For taking care of us, I gave the inn a decent amount of money.

Walking out from the inn, Emily followed me from behind. Curious onlookers were wondering what would Arc Demon do, still they kept their distance.

Emily asked while we鈥檙e walking

銆屸€︹€o, what kind of house did you buy?銆?br>
銆孴he house I bought is expensive and it鈥檚 not yet finished銆?br>
銆孖 just bought a land鈥? look over there.銆?br>
銆學-wait, just land?銆?br>
Ignoring Emily鈥檚 protests, we arrived at my land that was surrounded by a fence which was added by the people I hired yesterday.
The location is a bit far from the main city and the adventurer鈥檚 guild. The insides of the fence had no grass to be seen.

The dealer knows that I鈥檓 a millionaire, so he tried to overcharge me, but I tried to bargain with the skill 鈥淧rice cut鈥? thus I purchased the land for only one million gold.

Even if it鈥檚 wide, just how much does land cost?

銆孉re we going to build tents here? I鈥檓 not complaining though銆?br>
銆孞ust shut up and sit there patiently.銆?br>
I snapped my fingers and created a barrier.

Other than those I permit, nothing can enter my land.

The barrier would protect everything inside with magic. Now without any distractions, I rubbed my hands and started constructing the image in my mind.

The onlookers expectation would rise. I鈥檓 currently chanting the lost 鈥淐onstruction Magic鈥?br>
After I finished chanting, the outside wall was trembling with noise, 鈥淗ousing materials鈥?like trees, rock, iron, and animal skin came flying together in my land and piled themselves up.

銆學-what鈥檚 this!?銆?br>
Emily, who has been watching was taken aback.

Due to the commotion, the onlookers increased.

The gathered materials automatically processed themselves, like they are being done by a giant invisible hand.

Rock is cut, the wood turned to planks, iron melted and changed its shape, and the skins of animals were tanned.

Building materials being loaded automatically, and the basic part of the building constructed.

銆學-What did you just do!?銆?br>
銆學hat, just some construction magic銆?br>
銆孋onstruction magic????銆€What the hell!?銆€That鈥檚 the first time I鈥檝e heard of it!銆?br>
Witnessing a magic that has never been seen before, Emily panicked a little. I continued speaking.

銆孴he construction magic will do just by itself, the building time is 5 hours, I鈥檒l go out, you don鈥檛 need to ask for my permission to get out銆?br>
銆學-where are you going!? You鈥檙e going to leave this thing alone?銆?br>
銆孌idn鈥檛 I tell you last night? I鈥檓 going to claim someone銆?br>
銆孉h, Fatima, was it? Is she your lover? I鈥檒l stay here and watch this鈥︹€︺€?br>
銆宬, I鈥檓 going out銆?br>
Leaving Emily and the onlookers, I headed to the 鈥淒ragon鈥檚 cage.鈥?

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