White Night looked at the strange phenomenon in front of him.

Get one’s dander up.

But she didn’t move, because if she made a rash move and alarmed others, she would also be in danger.

There was a sound in the headset

It was her team who saw that her position had not moved for half a day and sent a message confirming.

“Boss, you haven’t moved your position for more than three minutes, please check if it’s safe now?”

“Boss, but confirm whether it is safe now…”


It wasn’t until Bai Ye received the third confirmation message that he was stunned, clicked on his watch screen, and pressed a “1”.

Meaning: there is no problem with yourself.

And at this time,

The paper ball jumped over one by one, accurately passing through the gap of the laser laser strafing.

Gradually approaching Zhao Yumeng.

At this time,

Zhao Yumeng is sleeping, for a person who has not slept for several consecutive days, once he unloads that tension, he will completely relax.

At this point there was no consciousness at all.


The paper ball skipped all the laser ranges

And then…

Fang Cai’s paper ball unexpectedly began to swell and grow tall… Eventually it became the likeness of a person.

Looking at the face in front of him, Bai Ye’s brain buzzed, and he almost bit off his tongue.



The appearance of the man inside turned out to be his own face!!!

At this moment, the “White Night”, which turned into his own face, actually showed a smile to himself.


White Night swallowed a mouthful of spit fiercely.

The next second,

She watched as the person pretending to be “herself” came to Zhao Yumeng’s side, took out a thin silk line, and swiped through the gap in the bulletproof device.

Perhaps it was the desire for life, and it seemed to feel something, at this time, Zhao Yumeng trembled and suddenly opened his eyes.


His frightened eyes almost stared out.

But then his tongue spat out.


Suffocate violently.

All thoughts were frozen in at this moment.


All he felt was cold, dark….

Not far away, in the white night, you can faintly smell the faint smell of blood.

First a thin line, and then the blood line is like an ink painting.

Start rendering….

Flow out.

Half of Zhao Yumeng’s neck, along with the trachea and throat bone, was severed.

Zhao Yumeng’s body shook a few times, and then he stopped moving.

Bai Ye looked at this scene with stunned eyes and wanted to go up to unveil the mystery of the other party, but she understood that the most important thing in front of her was not this.

The target is dead, and now all he has to do is to flee quickly.

Only a few seconds of gold!

Otherwise you’ll have to fold here.

Unable to care about anything else, her body was like a flexible fish, swimming in the air and fleeing.

The moment she escaped from the room, her eyes glanced back.

Besides the group of bald monks, where are the shadows of people!

“Jingle Bells…”

The voice of the police | was loud.

Sure enough,

When Zhao Yumeng’s heart stopped beating, the police | report connected to it sounded for the first time.

The white night did not hesitate any longer, quickly absconded to the roof, and then disappeared into the vast night.

Outside the house,

Bodyguards, police |, and the professional medical staff invited by the Zhao family heard the alarm and rushed towards the house.

Push open the door,

The monk chanting inside was looking at the crowd with a confused face.

Don’t understand what’s going on.

“What’s going on inside?” Zhao Wensheng asked them.

The monks with fat heads and big ears looked at each other one by one, asking three questions without knowing.

The bodyguard glanced at the laser laser device and said, “There is no problem with laser laser.” ”

Mother Zhao shouted inside, “Meng Meng? ”

No response.

“Meng Meng, how are you, don’t scare me…”

Still no one squeaked.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes changed suddenly.

Wait for them to turn off the laser laser and come to Zhao Yumeng’s near front.

The doctor pulled open the quilt and snorted all over his body…


Mother Zhao suddenly fainted.


A quarter of an hour later

White Night got into a limousine and lit a fire… The tire hit the ground and slammed out.

When the car ran fifty kilometers, she felt a mobile phone from under the seat.

The other end of the phone was very excited: “Boss, from the inside of the surveillance, there is already a mess over there… Is the target dead? Mission accomplished, right? ”

“The boss is really great!” The voice of another person on the team came out.

White Night didn’t speak, and the muscles on her beautiful face beat a few times.

For a long time

She took a deep breath before she said, “The goal is dead, but I didn’t do it.” ”

The tone is extremely unnatural.

Then, I clearly felt a sudden silence on the other end of the phone.

After a few seconds, the tone of voice on the other end of the phone suddenly increased: “Didn’t the boss finish it?” How could it be…”

“Could it be him, a thousand-faced man?”

They were responded by the silence of the white nights.


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