Above the dark web

As the task was refreshed, some people were surprised to find that the task that had been abandoned in the previous white night had been completed.

Therefore, the task information was posted in the interactive area of the website.

A stone stirs up a thousand layers of waves.

The dark web interactive area, which was usually extremely inactive, suddenly became lively.

“Have you heard that the task that white night did not complete was actually completed by a bronze-level novice?”

“Of course, I know, I also found that task specifically, and it has really been completed, but now it is not a bronze killer, but a silver killer.”

“This time the newcomer king plan has just begun, and there have been such amazing people, and this year seems to be particularly different.”

“It’s really unbelievable that the target of the person who has been heavily protected by the police | party has actually been killed, can you imagine?”

“In other words, no one can believe it, they just don’t know if this guy named Thousand Faces Skin escaped, and if he didn’t escape, it would be a pity!”

“It is estimated that it is hanging, but if you can complete the task that cannot be completed in the white night, you can also be regarded as a character!”


At this time, “Qin Hao” was coming out of a black Internet café and walking towards the hotel.

He had not yet left Qinghe City.

When things first happened, it was easy to cause unnecessary suspicion if you left at this time.

In order to prevent being tracked down, he only quickly handed over his tasks on the Internet, did not go to the forum, so he did not know that he had become famous.

On this mission, he once again added more than four million to another overseas account, which came really fast.

Originally, he still wanted to take out the beggar’s head’s money, but he thought about it anyway.

The body of the beggar leader must have been found, and the property and other clues in his name should have been sorted out, and taking it himself would only increase his own risk.

Not to mention that I am not short of money now, as long as I take on tasks in the future, the money will slowly increase, and the most important thing is how to restore to a normal person.

When he was about to arrive at the hotel, “Qin Hao” bought a pack of cigarettes and drew out one and lit it.

I didn’t smoke it myself, I let the wind smoke.

I do this just to create the impression that I am a normal person.

If a person spends money in a hotel and ends up eating, drinking, playing, having fun, and smoking nothing, he will not be suspected.


Same hotel.

White Night wore a tights and practiced yoga in his room.

Suddenly, her phone screen lit up, and she glanced at the phone, the call was from her own team, but she did not call back immediately, but continued to practice.

A few minutes later, she pulled out another cell phone and dialed it.

“Hey, what’s the matter?” Didn’t you tell me not to contact me again during this time? ”

“Sister Night, the task we gave up before was completed.”

“Huh?” Bai Ye froze for a moment, his eyes widened, “Was it done? When’s the thing? ”

“Less than 12 hours after we abandoned the mission.”

The expression on Bai Ye’s face froze for a moment, and a small mouth opened wide, stunned for a few seconds.

But soon she reacted, scratching her forehead gently, and then clenching it tightly into a fist.

The task that she did not complete was actually completed by a young man who had just debuted, and the taste in her heart could be imagined.

“What’s going on with the other side?”

“I don’t know, so far, he has completed a total of three tasks and has been sent to your secret mailbox.”

When he hung up the phone, White Night used his mobile phone to open the secret mailbox.

Inside jumped out the message from the team sent by the person:

[ID: Thousand Faces of Human Skin… Wang Rende… Liu Cui… Qi Rongguang…].

In addition to the basic information that can be seen on these dark web sites, there are also some video URLs on the Internet, as well as official announcements and many other information.

To say that before, White Night could not look at this level at all, but now it is different, she looked at the bizarre picture that appeared in the video, and her expression changed slightly.



Even weird….

White Night furrowed his brows, watched the video several times in a row, and still couldn’t understand how this was done….

The first time she watched it was so fascinating, until her eyes were completely dark, and she realized that it was already eight o’clock in the evening.

She got up and looked out the window and threw her phone into a jar.

The top of the jar is labeled :

Aqua regia.


After dealing with these, go downstairs for dinner in the white night.

When I got out of the elevator, I happened to run into “Qin Hao” who was preparing to go upstairs.

The eyes of the two people were originally flashed, but then the eyes of the two people intertwined again.

Not because the two people are good-looking, but because they think that the killer is keen on the aura, they can sense a different breath from ordinary people in the moment of their eyes.

Simply put:

The aura of killing and not killing is completely different!

Just like people who have killed pigs for a long time, the aura is also different from ordinary people, which is why when the pig killer stands in the pigsty, the pigs dare not eat.

“You first please!”

The two of them invariably turned sideways, showing a defensive posture to make way for each other.


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