The beggar leader ran out in a panic for a long distance, until he heard no one behind him follow, and then he sat down violently, just relieved.

Suddenly, he felt a cool breeze coming from the back of his neck, as if someone was standing behind her, blowing a cool breeze behind his head.

“We said okay, how did you run?”

A voice suddenly sounded behind him, no… Not behind him, but on his back.

How can it be?

How could he possibly be on his back?

The beggar leader’s eyes widened in horror: “Help… Help…”

The night wind whimpered through the small trees of the park, and the street lamps in the distance, illuminating the empty streets, returned to silence and coldness.


When the beggar leader woke up confused, he found that his head was very dizzy, weak, and the black hole around him, I didn’t have much light, and the wind was whizzing.

“You’re on the bridge now, you’ve drunk more than a bottle of liquor, and in a moment you’ll accidentally fall into the river…”

A voice spoke quietly, with a smooth tone without a hint of fluctuation.

“Good man, sir, please spare me!”

When the beggar leader spoke, his body trembled, and his legs and stomach turned: “Really, I have money, as long as you let me go, I will give you as much as you want.” ”

Qin Hao said coldly, “Your money? Most of them are earned with Qi Rongguang, right? Over the years, officials should have made a lot of money by selling the living utensils of those little beggars| officials…”

The beggar leader’s eyes jerked, “Impossible, you… How do you know? ”

At first, it was precisely to prevent the attention of others that Qi Rongguang set his eyes on the little beggar and found him to cooperate

Except for him and Qi Rongguang, no one else knew about this matter.

“I know, it’s Qi Rongguang, he told you to come, right?” The beggar leader was suddenly very excited, became furious, and scolded: “I know that I can’t believe Qi Rongguang’s dog thing.” ”

The roaring wind was swept into the wind, and Qin Hao’s figure was fixed, he did not expect that the beggar’s head word was actually this brain circuit.

He said quietly and quickly: “Before you die, you can tell me where your money is, and I will help you kill Qi Rongguang.” The beggar’s head clenched his teeth and looked at the figure in front of him, as if he wanted to swallow the other god alive with his eyes.

Finally, the beggar leader said with red eyes and a sinister face: “I told you where the money was hidden, and you must kill him!” ”


“The bank card is placed under the ninth bridge hole of the Zhijiang Road Bridge…”

“Last question, where is the old place where Qi Rongguang asked you to send people?”

The beggar leader was surprised and said honestly, “Ying Yue Villa


After Qin Hao finished listening, he took out the beggar leader’s mobile phone and then let go of his hand.

A few seconds later, a loud “poof” sound came from under the bridge.

A large amount of liquor was poured, and the water under the bridge was turbulent, falling from here, and there was no life.


Death is not a pity!


Today, it is the seventieth birthday of Qi Rongguang’s old father-in-law, Qi Rongguang is fully dressed, and let the driver drive early to the booked restaurant.

As a wise man, he clearly knows that today’s achievements are due to the support of his father-in-law’s family.

Before the old father-in-law did not hand over the power of the group company to himself, no matter how much he hated his current wife, no matter how much he played outside, he had to restrain a little.

And tonight

The seventieth birthday of the old father-in-law is the moment he has been looking forward to.

When I first worked so hard to go to college and go abroad, but what about going abroad, and I was not looked down upon?

Obviously, the results of his own research were signed, he was looked down upon abroad, repeatedly hit a wall, and he could not even afford to buy a house when he returned to China, and the female friends ran away with others.

There is also his own original family, which can’t help but have little help for himself, but makes him look down on him even more.

“Qi Zong!”

The hotel is a mountain resort and the people in charge of reception outside are of high standard, as long as they have met once, you can hand over your name.

Not long after Qi Rongguang arrived at the villa, his mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

He opened it and looked at it, “Mr. Qi, the people arrived early, and I will send you to the old place.” ”

Qi Rongguang was overjoyed, and tonight he had great power in his hands, which was worth celebrating.

In the dark, there were many people staring at Qi Rongguang deadly, it was Gao Yi, Hou Liang, and the Qinghe City Police | Bureau.

“There is no condition in the living room!”

“There is no condition in the corridor!”

“There’s nothing unusual out there…”

“Continue monitoring.”


At the other end, the “beggar leader” looked up at the sign of the ‘Ying Yue Villa’ and walked in.

He never liked to follow the rhythm of others, he knew that Qi Rongguang was attending his father-in-law’s seventieth birthday, but he did not think about how to go to the party scene, but let Qi Rongguang come and die by himself.

“Brother Park, or the old place?” The person in charge of the reception at the door recognized the person in front of him at a glance and said flatteringly.

It seems that this guy has not come to this place less.

The beggar leader nodded, “Still the old place!” ”

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