somebody's welcome appearance

She had read my mind, but she was blocking somebody's way with the best timing. I can't see it, but I feel it exactly. As I've said before, the price of her stat, an organism robot, was completely out of control for me with . According to the explanation, every movement goes through countless complex computations. Anyway, was now a mid-level presence in the [inexorable] world.


Qua Qua Qua Qua Qua Qua Qua Kung!!!



the earth that shakes in its entirety

four men who manage to catch a blow from the hard work I aimed for the moment and broke through Morbus. And at the same time he struck out from the side the body of Wah and his body with Amandel's spear.

Quack, quack, quack!

Two priests pushed back by the shock wave.

But that moment is followed by a offensive from behind. Definitely fast. I swiveled my body in a hurry and triggered a skill, pushing Morbus' body back and colliding with Angrat.

Quack, quack, quack!


[You, you damn capable man, you're a freak...!]

A vision that brightens in an instant with the inferiority of Morbus.

Apparently, the addition of 's has been effective in their own way. Thanks to this, they were staggered by a serious injury and stood up again in combat posture. It's a very resolute attitude for losing a part of his body. Of course, he's on the verge of collapse.

"Good job, Pluto."

[Positive. Pluto did a good job well. Requires further praise from the Master later.]

" come you get more and more personality? I'm getting a little brazen now."

Just like that's perfect!

I'm going to give Lily a shot. They regenerated their extinct body parts in less than 0.1 second. Whoo, thank God. I'm not kidding, just one step late would have really bothered me in many ways. No. Perhaps it is a definite fact that the future is already quite troublesome in many ways, given that somebody's weakness has been detected.

[Pa, what the hell is this?]

[Doesn't that technology...] Is it three parts three? No way...!]

looking at me with a look of amazement

But it was the same for me, too, that was amazing.

What's this? Do these guys know?

Did you use the Do?

opened somebody's mouth

Now his eyes were as cold as they could be.

There seems to be no way to believe it.

The same is true of other empty monarchs.

[Dumbfounded] You use the same skills as the one who's capable?]

[...what the hell is your relationship to? This is hardly a coincidence, is it?]

[Perfect Hill] Are you saying that he's somebody's son? At this rate, I can't overlook it any longer.]

[I don't think we should keep him alive.]

an atmosphere of renewed ferocity

Fields staring at me with cool eyes.

Of course I don't intend to reveal that I am the master of.

However, I was just feeling impatient with the current situation.

The fact that our side... definitely behind the enemy.

It seems absolutely impossible to go to long-term war.

'Oh, my God, if I had had a little more time, I could have made it possible for them to mix their hands. As expected, they are no match for them now.'

I pulled an estimate out of my head as fast as I could.

For now, I think I have a slight advantage in terms of combat power. In other words, if the force of three-fifths was changed to five-fifths, we could deal with both of them at the same time.

In that case, however, Wah and will be completely no-marked. You're not going to beat order or discipline one-on-one again. Besides, the three of us are working together, but we don't have a share. From now on, I'm worried about what I can do to completely subdue them.

This is driving me crazy. You guys are so picky.

My mind is getting more and more complicated in proportion to my deepening worries.

But then.

They open their mouths again.

Now they were clearly questioning my identity.

It seems too coincidental to be a coincidence.

[I'd rather catch him and take a closer look at his brain. Even if he's torn to death after that.]

[I agree.] It's hard to understand the existence of someone capable of using the same skills. And even if it doesn't have anything to do with it, his presence will pose a major threat to it.]

And if you seize the author and torture him into submission, you will be able to save the dead. That man of ability has the power of none other than.]

an eye-catching field at somebody's words

All their eyes are on me at once in a while.

Damn it. That's certainly true. If you're in the country now, you can do this for up to 10 minutes. As it stands, it was simple to bring back the dead. Look at these bastards? Damn it! That's what you're gonna do. Is this it?

[That's certainly a good idea.]

[I guess that's the only way for now.]

[If you bring Hexes back and find out who he is, you'll kill two birds with one stone.]

There is no big problem because blocking the city and the city can also interfere.

a throbbing heart

But I pretended to be calm and snorted.

If you die soon, you will not be discouraged.

"You think your body's gonna get caught so easily by you guys? No, even if you get caught, do you think you'll give in to torture? Aren't you guys looking too optimistic about the situation? What if I bite my tongue and die in a fit of anger?"

It's the first time I've threatened to kill myself.

Wow, this is disgusting. I think I shouldn't have talked.

[Don't worry about that, man of ability] If you accept the power of, you will do everything we want before we even notice it. It's not that difficult. I don't know how I could have tricked you out of your eyes before, but I won't let you do that this time. I'll eat your ass one more time.]


No suicide?

I felt a cold sweat running down my back.

Oh, God damn it, they're smart.

It's certainly true. Damn it. There was such a way.

Even I am helpless if it is contaminated with .

They were now trying to immerse my spirit in the void.

'Damn it.'

I turned my head and looked to the side.

What if I'm obsessed with something, corrupted, and collapsed here? I could have hurt my precious people and millions of people with my own hands. Of course he will be resurrected from death, and he will never be able to deal with me as a field.

What should I do?

What am I supposed to do?

Is there no choice but to take him out?

Should we bring out the Phantom and provoke a dogfight?

Obviously, they're hard to control, but they're...


But then.

I'm hundreds of kilometers away from... I felt something coming fast and my heart was pounding. an eerie sensation From the look on their faces, I don't think I've felt it yet. It was almost certain. This was him. a master of; the one and only strongest enemy who has already lightly defeated me; an [invincible] superlative of the world of goods with thrilling powers.


I feel like my blood is freezing.

My head is dizzy and my breathing is stuffy.

At this rate, it's hard to mix the fields and hands.

In this situation, you're showing up?

'Oh, my God. I can't believe this is the right time.'

My mind is turning white. My thoughts are mixed up. In the process of depriving 's power, he has achieved much greater growth than others. I, too, have only accepted a little of the strength of 's in spite of the expansion of the vessel into the realm of immortality. But he alone absorbed nearly half the transcendent.

In other words, he was reaching an even higher level, which is simply different from me and the field as an immortal. In other words, he is the strongest man in the universe in name and reality. At this moment when he's dead, isn't he the only one in the seven universes that can't be touched?

'...Jegiral, what should I do?'

Despite having been to , was approaching the area much faster than expected. Of course I've also put forward several of these worst-case scenarios. However, there was no other alternative that came to mind but to avoid head-to-head competition. Every time it comes to something, instinct used to warn me first.

Never fight him under any circumstances.

Make sure you avoid head-to-head competition.

It's the only way to survive without encountering it.

It was.

I've actually understood everything for quite a long time.

As long as there exists, our capable men were realizing that they could not 'win' this war. Even if I beat all the others, I knew early on that I couldn't overcome his existence, so I didn't have a chance to win. No, he knew that running away from it was the only answer, so to speak.

But nevertheless.

I chose to fight with somebody after all. This stems from the idea of turning the impossible into the possible. No, no matter who says it's impossible, I myself vowed so. So, amplifying time and strengthening people with abilities. He has struggled in many ways.


I turned my head suddenly and looked around the millions of capable men in the back. I looked at the faces of those who were so precious and the faces of so many beings who believed and followed me one by one and made eye contact. What if I get there soon?No matter how hard this Choi Min-hyuk was, he was not confident of keeping everyone safe. So now I had to decide.

The last choice.

"Lilly. Heathcam. Vichlid. Pluto or."

[...Huh? Huh? Why?]

[Hello, buddy.]

[Did you call me?] My enemy.


all sorts of nicknames full of individuality

For some reason, I burst out laughing by myself.

I have only one nickname. How many nicknames do I have?

I opened my mouth firmly, but softly.

Slowly lift the right arm as usual.

"Please take good care of everyone. Now your turn is completely over."

[Huh? What do you mean? The turn is... over?]

[My enemy, I don't understand the meaning of the word...]

[Choi Min-hyuk?]

Just like that's perfect!

I no longer spoke much of my skills against my friends.

the ability to target all beings with And skill is the ability to pull the target in. For your information, the mirror is the same as the reality, but everything is the opposite, meaning another real world.



A device, a device, a giggiggle!

[Huh? ...Huh?

[What, what is this?]]

"My body suddenly... You're getting sucked in, aren't you?"

[Seo, is that their skill? Ugh! They're not moving!]

"No. I think it's the commander-in-chief's skill."

[General Commander...?]

[What the hell is going on?]]

Empty (12) End.

by world manners

work review

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