Empty monarchs casting embarrassing glances.

The time of the dead, which continues to flow upside down in the meantime.

So the men of ability raised their neckless bodies up from the land of righteousness. Through 's ability, he took exactly as much blood flow, brain water, and flesh that ran through the floor in an instant. He regenerated bones and muscles, correcting the thick blood that had been flowing into the river to the blood vessels of the whole body.


It's falling out!

Larynx! Quaduck!

And about 10 seconds later.

Finally I succeeded in forcibly restoring the time of all the dead men of ability. Hoo. It was really fortunate that we had checked the 100% effect of all the skills in advance just in case such a moment came. Fortunately, had the power to completely reverse the maximum time of regression by 10 minutes.

That is to say, the ability to go far beyond the limits of up to three minutes now, has greatly increased its value in terms of universality as well.

"Huh? Uh-huh? Well, us..."

[What, what? I...] I'm... alive? Huh?]

[I just...] I'm sure he got bled by his insanity and bled his head...]

[What? What the hell is going on?]]

"...Isn't that the commander-in-chief?"

"There's Lily over there!"

[Did they do something?]]

[...what just happened?]]

those capable of bewildered wonder

At the same time, the members of Wa, waving their hands and looking at me with bright faces, seeming to have noticed something. So after nodding my head, I turned my back satisfactorily when I saw him burst into this great cry and hugging somebody in his arms.

For now, I've put out my own urgent payment.

From now on, we had to end the situation properly.

As soon as possible before the damn guy gets here.

Take out all the cards I can take out.

with all one's might

[Jeez... this ridiculous case...]

The revealed a long canine that had never been seen before. No, not only that, but now the others were looking at me with a pretty serious look. The unexpected development clearly shows signs of embarrassment. Moreover, they seemed to be quite angry that the capable had given them a proper blow.

none other than [inexhaustible] themselves

In the entire universe, they are one of the ten fingers.

You never imagined you'd be taken hostage.

[Crrrrrrrrrrrr... What the hell is your identity, a man of ability. Why can you use this kind of force?]

"Well? Is it more strange than that that that our people with abilities use this power?"

[Such a saucy...]

in a fit of anger towards me

This time, he looked around and opened his mouth. This piece of shit gave us hope by stopping at their own expense and at the same time giving us the worst despair for their own purposes.

[Do, I can't believe my eyes. You didn't just say... Is it the power of? It has seen hundreds, or thousands, of similar forces in the past. No other than through the transcendent. But why is it that you, a man of all power, can use it? It's dangerous enough for ordinary creatures to risk their lives just by messing with time. You can control it to the level that reverses it?]

She didn't seem to feel any pain even though I had a piercing abdomen. Nevertheless, only the embarrassment that came from her was clearly felt. Having witnessed something, she was now in a state of extreme confusion. Of course, it was one thing. The eyes of the two priests were shaking unsteadily.

[Just now that was an ability?] That, that can't be true, Arona...! The power of is the power of its own that even the most powerful beings in the universe cannot rule freely. Aren't you mistaken about something wrong? That must be another force of a similar type, isn't it?]

Morbus also expressed his consent.

[I agree. That is the only skill the transcendent could handle freely. There's no way a mere competent person could use such a thing like that. This is one of the most taboo forces in the universe's twelfth order. Besides, 's is not moving so slowly and crudely.]

I'm out of work.


Listening to the conversation of empty monarchs somehow makes me angry.

I feel bad that I'm just a talented person.

My role is worse than Armudor's?

"Oh, yeah? Well, why don't you guys test my power yourself from now on? This 'mild' skill."

Well, these guys don't know that I have something. You don't have a grain of understanding that you're a adversary of. It wasn't strange to have that kind of reaction. In fact, I've never seen a person who can turn back time except for himself and himself.

But I'm pissed at being crude and slow.

What's the difference between transcendentalist and a transcendent?

Did you overcome the shortcomings of my time reversal?

Like they said.

Obviously there were some problems with me.

shortcomings that have not been properly exposed to the surface of the water so far

And it was as follows.

First, the process of turning back time itself takes a few seconds.

Second, the target of once set and the total time cannot be arbitrarily changed along the way.

Third, controlling fast-moving objects continuously consumes a lot of mental energy.

Fourth, if you turn back all the time, even the gains this side has accumulated will be reversed.

Fifth, you can't reverse what doesn't reach your vision.

Sixth, it takes a lot of energy and so on.

somebody darted open his mouth

He seems to have not given up on the conversation yet.

[No, well, that's good anyway. Did you say it was you? ...So what are you going to do now? Tell me in detail how we intend to let go. Do you want to save their lives? If you want to negotiate, this person may advise you directly.

"...what? Real?"

an instantly tempting ear

I didn't know Morbus would come out like this.

Negotiation? Negotiation for somebody?

But after a while, I shook my head from side to side. Never listen to them. It's like the devil's temptation, to say otherwise. Perhaps it was a sugar-coated misconception of trying to save somebody somehow. More than anything else, even if the words were sincerely spewed out, there was no way to allow them to fear their potential. In other words, fighting head-on here was the only answer to our own future.

Who told you that?

Unless you save yourself.

True salvation will never come.

And there's this saying.

Don't negotiate with terrorists.

You're both of you, you bastards.

"You seem to want to persuade me somehow. Don't give me that crap. Would you change your position and let her go? If you open it, a lot of people in the universe will come back to the seventh universe. You want me to take that risk with a verbal promise? Who do you think is a fool?"

[...what, what? You don't even know about him? But as a man of yours who's been in the void lately, there's no way to get to such high-quality information.]

It was true. It was pure luck for us to discover the movements of . Thanks to this, I was able to put pressure on the side's breathing and realize the importance of dealing with the portal. Of course it was a good basis for judgment to select him as the number one target for elimination.

It's not nonsense, and even in one case, we should never have let him go. In other words, this asshole was more of a Joker than I thought. as a pioneer who helped produce and brought something into the world from

So again, killing somebody in the end was like taking the 'future' of the people who occupied the 7th universe. Even if they take over the entire universe, without it, they will not be able to completely cover the entire universe with power. It'll take an astronomical amount of time to jump on two feet and make the situation.

In short, I know.

The various problems that would arise if Hexes died.

That's why you offered a deal to a man of ability.

How dare you be able to truly survive against us? Do you believe that if we don't negotiate with you, we will never be able to reverse this situation...! Will everything you care about die as a living creature, and even if the whole world is ruined and thrown into a fire pit, be able to open its mouth as proudly as it is now? Do you really think we don't even have that much power?]

an explosive amount of living

now seems to be quite angry.

He must have been fooled by my pun.

You said you'd kill somebody if you didn't stop.

Since you refused to negotiate.

I laughed.

"Capacity? Surely you have that kind of power. But we're just gonna... oh, shit!"

Quack, boom!

Having spoken to them and taking advantage of the moment to leap towards somebody at a luminous pace, they have been using a hard-line policy immediately, as if they felt they were not going to negotiate with me. Damn it! The moment I felt so impatient, I went almost at the same time as it and threw two at me like a shot. They are empty shells with heart-wrenching power.


A shell of emptiness that flies with a noise similar to a human scream. God damn it. If it were this powerful, it wouldn't be a bit strange if the whole hundreds of kilometers of land went over to the temple. No, if not here, it was overwhelming enough to destroy the entire planet more than a hundred times.

I'm going crazy. I've seen the exact chemistry between Roachharul and Morbus, and it seems like I've been exchanging signals between those moments that I don't know, that's why somebody threw an empty shell at us, to buy time and to limit my movements.

There are millions of people in the back of us right now. What if we avoid her in a hurry? Millions of people will die and be taken away. In contrast, you can't avoid losing somebody to somebody.

In other words, they must have chosen this complex type of attack on purpose to create confusion. snake-like cunning bastards If I were just an idiot with a high stats, I'd be stuck. Of course I'm not that stupid. I laid my neck against the Lillys and banged my finger right away at the same time as the diameter.

"Lilly! Kill Hexes right now!"

Just like that's perfect!


Empty (10) End.

by world manners

work review

Today is over again. ;ᄉᄉ;

I've been writing all day long for a week!


For your information, I'm going to tell you what's going on.

I'm writing... shivering

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