The Skill Maker

Let's play a game (5)

I opened my mouth again.

with a deliberately sarcastic tone

Of course, this was to induce a situation that could not be missed.

The intention is to hurt the pride of the corps leaders and bring them to the stage.

"What is it you don't understand? ...I'm just saying, "I'm going to visit your home base by myself tomorrow morning." Oh, of course, whatever you do, you're free to set up a trap to kill me. If you want, just prepare a lot until you feel like it. I'm not afraid of anything like that unlike you, Hekate. A bookkeeper's excuse? That's funny."

"You crazy bastard..."

"Oh, promise me one of these instead."

I threw a mocking voice at Hekate's distorted face. And the most important thing here was the act of ignoring and belittling the other side as much as possible. In other words, the leaders of the armed forces overwhelmingly hurt their pride and induced the situation so that they could never be left out.

"When I get to the front of the temple, the commander-in-chief's level will all pop out, not the sound of the army. Oh, if you don't show your face even though you're in the middle of the enemy camp, that means you've run away because you're afraid of the leader of the Federation of Competitors, right? I don't think you're supposed to do something like this, you know, the high-ranking military commanders are scared of, you know, throwing a shit in Armudor's face. I'm telling you just in case, just in case. They're all old-fashioned. Old-fashioned."

somebody's face fluttered with amazement

She now had a totally mesmerized look on her face.

You didn't think I'd suggest a 5-1 fight.

In the middle of the enemy line.

"Choi, Choi Min-hyuk, your...! Ji, do you know what you're talking about? ...Are you really out of your mind?"

I raised my voice even higher.

Those who are staying somewhere on the battlefield.

So that the captain can hear the voices clearly hear the voices.

"Of course, then I will declare again here...! And you too! I propose a 5–1 battle against these leaders of the Corps, the general commander of the Federation of Capabilities...! You can fight one at a time, or you can fight at once. Besides, the location of the battle is the entrance to your home...! Let's make it exactly 7 a.m. tomorrow. What do you think? Cole?"

a roaring roar

somebody's face fluttered with shock

A huge roar that momentarily winds through the battlefield.

Now the soldiers on both sides were in a complete frenzy, intoxicated with excitement.

My insane proclamation was clearly stuck in the ears of 18 million.

Huge cheers cover the entire battlefield.


Oh, wow, wow!


Hekate opens his mouth, twisting the middle of his forehead.

Her face now had a glow of contempt beyond astonishment.

"You crazy bastard...! Now that I see you, you're a real nutcase. How dare you suggest a 5–1 battle against us who are [frustrated] without knowing the subject? ...I'm truly dumbfounded. Do you think we're going to react to the appearance of one of your kind? You're capable enough of dealing with some of the mythical commanders."

"Oh, is that so? Then send them [myths] to try and stop them as much as you can. You're trying to hide behind the skirts of the mythical elite. Oh, yeah. Think whatever you want. Anyway, I'll be there at 7 a.m. tomorrow. And if I can't see you then, I'll think that the army leaders of the army ran away in fear of this Choi Min-hyuk. Oh, that sounds good, too. I'm waiting for you guys to come, and I'm going to beat up the neighborhood?"

a quick take

"... cocksucker who wants to die."

Hekate gnashed his teeth, but he didn't go wild anymore.

Perhaps he realized that it was meaningless to talk to me anymore. And seeing the waves all over the battlefield. Perhaps at this time, other people were angry at my voice and were on the rampage.

Let's see. Whose energy is this?

Oh, I'm sure it's Karma, commander of the 5th Army. The mother of and the woman who pierced my heart. She seemed to be furious at my provocation. Yeah, keep getting so pissed off. Well, the more excited you get, the better. Now that we've proposed a five-to-one battle, we can't undo both, can we? You see?

"Hmph...! Do whatever you want. If you want to die so badly."

"Oh, yeah. See you tomorrow, then?"


He turned his back coldly, retorting only the last word.

No. 11 army commander cutting off links to and disappearing.

And the moment she broke the link to her ability. At last the third body appeared before our eyes. The glacier that Hekate used as his ability.


For your information, the body you were using as an ice cube... Apparently he had a face and body that he had seen somewhere. a giant man with a mass of flesh and a very fat build Plus a greasy face and a flat nose... It's a face that I remember. Who was that? It's hard to recognize the flesh because it's mushy.

But then.

immediately opened one's mouth.

And then I realized the identity of the man.

[Is that...?]

And at the same time, the people around them who are playing back.

Yes. The hecate's ice cube belonged to the Master, one of the clans that belonged to . Anadunat. A man who deserted the other coalition members in the Great Plains and fled to the northeast by himself. I thought Clan went out of business after that and closed the door. Why is he here?

"Oh? That's right. That's for sure. That man must be Anadunat, the master of Clan."

[No way Hekate's third infected body belonged to him...]

[Anadunat] You're the guy who abandoned the castle to live alone and ran away when Jinyoung and Jinyoung, right?]

"That's right."

Does that mean three people were contaminated at the level of mythology? As expected, it's a dangerous force.]



I immediately gave the field an order to remove the and . Maybe he left three of us in the hope that we'd be shocked by the sight of an infected colleague, but it was actually a big misunderstanding. Because there were already 10 skills on this side. In short, Hekate had like a fool to miss the chance to deal with the three beings of [the myth] breed.





x 10

Skill Rating : EX

: Remove all negative debuffes that have the properties of infection within a radius of 1 km upon activation.

The three men who lose their magnetism in a flash and become calm.

If you only used 's, you could fight against 's even a mere child. This was the feat of Choi Min-hyuk's skill. You'll be able to make anything out of it.



The three mythical powers whose infection source has been completely removed.

But the broken flesh and distorted appearance were not coming back. This seemed to be resolved to some extent by the healers clinging to the three and pouring recovery orders. Well, [The Myth] The existence of three talented people in the world is not light. For our part, it was advantageous in many ways to recover three people and accept them with all our might.

After about five minutes.

Finally the infected opened their eyes.


"Dell! Gir! Are you okay? You come to your senses?"

"......what.... What is this... Lee, Ily...Do you know?"

[Sighs!] [Woman] Where am I?]

She was delighted to see the two recovering quickly. It was only one thing that the executives were very pleased with the recovery of their long-lost colleagues. And the rest of the other able men saw the three beings coming to their senses and vented their exclamations of surprise. It seems that he did not know that an unidentified skill called Lee would remove the infection. All of them are surprised at the effectiveness of my skills.

"Oh, my God! It's quite effective..."

[Can't believe fairy puppets are back to normal...] Was this theoretically possible?]

[Scientists say it's impossible, but...] Now that I see it, it wasn't exactly like that.]

"Are you sure this skill was really made by the commander-in-chief? I'm truly surprised."

[Oh, my God...]]

[Analyzing the utility of this skill will probably produce dozens of papers. It's a groundbreaking skill that takes away the temper of all.]

Of course, when I talk about them, I also briefly explain my class. Choi Min-hyuk is not just a simple person, but a person who has the power to create the skills he wants. There were so many different kinds of talents, so everyone went over it because it was my explanation at the other day. The more you look at it, the more amazing the effect of it seems.

Well, it's only natural for me.

He even cured hundreds of millions of people who were infected.

The original class is eternal law.

[Well, I'm really all better.]

[Oh... oh, my God. In such a short time...]

"Mr. Anadunat? Are you all right?"

[But I don't know yet. Move the patients inside for now.]

So the situation gradually calms down.

Since three infected people were taken outside.

Again, people's attention began to pour towards me.

The superpowers who soon begin to stampede beside me. Looks like everyone's got a dog in need of poop... There seemed to be a lot of talk to me about my crazy offer to somebody. Also, I can't help but smile bitterly when I see some people's worried faces.

[Lord Commander, by the way. That's what you said earlier. Are you serious?]

[Surprised] I was really surprised. Can't believe you're proposing a 5–1 battle against the [frustrated] beings...]

"What the hell are you thinking? Why would it be a 5-1 fight?"

[Going to the center of the enemy's attack. Isn't that too risky?]

[Sighs, do you have a chance?] Or do you have another purpose...?]

Competent people who are scrambling to ask questions.

Some even looked slightly angry.

An being in a position to lead all capable men.

You think he's made a reckless decision.

I understood how they felt.

Well, most people still don't know how powerful I am. Oh, of course, even though he knew my ability, he was glaring at me slightly from the side.

Hmmm. Anyway, I pretended not to know and turned my eyes forward. Even with the look on his face that he didn't know I'd do this. Are you done talking?

Lee, the representative of the Holy See, opens his mouth.

In the past I had saved his life.

For that, his voice was serious.

"I'd like to ask you again, Commander-in-Chief. I mean, seriously... Would you like to visit the enemy camp alone tomorrow morning? I wonder why you brought up such a reckless story to someone. Oh, of course, we understand exactly that Minhyuk is so powerful that we can't imagine him. I saw Min-hyuk's fighting on the Great Plains with my own eyes, and I know that Min-hyuk's burning skills are overwhelming. But even so... ...I don't understand why you're trying to take the fatal risk of mixing your hands with the five. There's already a lot of trouble between the soldiers on both sides. The leaders are going head-to-head."

Let's play a round (5) and finish.

by world manners

work review

MINHYUK, you...

The novel has reached the end of the story, and it's a dead end of story!

But that's how Minhyuk really is! Hah!

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