The Skill Maker

The fall of the Overlord (4)

[...well, I see...] Well... I see... I see...]

strung in voice

The remarkable old man was unabashedly completely discouraged.

But Kraud's words continue through the gap.

He was doing as well as I wanted.

It was explaining our position well.

"But the Lord was collecting information under the guise of the 10th Army Commander. And I've known for a long time that the enemy was using ore to do something. That's why the Lord came forward to do the process of sabotaging something."

[...understood] I understand, but... But...]

Begg floats down in a chair as if he's losing strength.

He was now showing signs of complete disheartening. If Kraud's words are true, it is a matter of timing before the issue of information sharing. No. The miscellaneous discussion was meaningless in the face of the reality that was just around the corner anyway. It's only a good thing I learned the truth late.

Of course most people don't feel fortunate at all.

[Going, empty monarchs...] Are you a third force now?]

[Armudor's use of the nature of...]

"I didn't hear me. I really shouldn't have heard this story."

[I didn't know you were in such a complicated situation.]

"Hey, what are you going to do now? Isn't there any good way?"

[...he, I don't know.]


"How to..."

With the atmosphere still so heavy.

This time, wow, he talked to me.

Two eyes with relatively clear light stare at me. It doesn't seem like they've completely lost their fighting spirit, either because they're too much of a class. The two were recovering their reason faster than others, contrary to their earlier embarrassment.

[Crazy, Choi Min-hyuk. You're crazy. I never imagined that you were away for that reason.]

"Because it was something I had no choice but to do."

[Friend, I'd like to ask you one thing about this Heckham. Why didn't you discuss it with us? Wouldn't it be better to talk to us from the start to stop the generals from reviving? No, it wouldn't have been advantageous to write a whole new direction of war and make the first priority attack on the temple.]

The able men listened to somebody.

At first glance, it was an accurate and reasonable rebuttal.

그래서 나는 진지한 모습으로 히스캄에게 답했다.

"아니지. 그건 절대로 아니야. 잘 한번 생각해봐. 만약에 우리들이 방향으로 이어지는 최단 루트를 우선적으로 공략해나가는 모습을 본토쪽 놈들에게 보였다면 어땠을 거 같아...? 놈들은 당연히 우리를 의심했을 것이고, 필연적으로 사원측의 경비는 극한의 수준에 도달했을것이 틀림없잖아? 한마디로 그 경우에는 놈들의 모든 전력이 과 에 집중되서 오히려 사원에 접근하는 게 몇배는 더 힘들었을 거라고. 어때. 내 말이 이해가 가?"

히스캄은 턱수염을 매만졌다.

He opened his mouth again after a moment's thought.

But, as you say, the beings of the have no intention of reviving Armudor completely. Then wouldn't that have been a loophole? If you make good use of that psychological tug-of-war...]

You old man.

I know one, but I don't know two.

Anything is easier said than done.

Word is, I've already won Armudor.

"I just don't want to revive the novice, but it's only one thing on both sides that's trying to restore something to the near end. Which means the boss of power would never have let the people with abilities interfere with the time axis. In the worst-case scenario, even if you come forward and destroy the entire power of the able. Just in time, the generation of empty energy was almost over. I'm sure if we'd moved like that, we'd be fighting the hollows at a time when we didn't even know who they were. Because that's the kind of crazy guy I've been watching."

[...Hmmm. Is it?]

Hiscam coughs.

I added a little more explanation.

"Oh, of course. When I was about to form a coalition and start something, I had almost no information about it. Although it's a resultant story, the crazy judgment of attacking the temple right away didn't even exist on the selection list anyway. Because."


"Because I wasn't good enough to deal with the corps leaders at once."


momentary silence

Questions are soon popping up everywhere.

a curious nuance of language

Did everyone feel what I was saying?

[Hey, buddy. You mean...

[Now you mean you can deal with the chiefs all at once?]

Lily blitzing into his conversation with Heathcam.

superpowers who cast a glaring glance at the sky

And on the faces of those who were half dead... Before I knew it, there was a little bit of life in the air. Perhaps you've caught a glimpse of hope in my words. I guess so. It's because I just said out loud what I've just completed. There's no way they'd miss the odd nuance of the words just now.

For giving only despair and darkness.

Now I'll have to give you a little hope.

Of course not a lot, but as much as possible.

Actually, I don't know.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, I don't know. I haven't tested it properly either, so I can't say for sure, but... Well, we'll find out soon enough. I think the moment to show it is just around the corner. Ah. I thought it was supposed to be at least by the end of the day. The fanatic is moving much faster than I thought."


[What do you mean...?]

The moment when the mysterious voice of a man of two billion power was directed at me.

Yay yay!

Through something hanging in the main barracks...

At last an outside call came in for the leadership.

The magic device emits light.

Can be demanded in an urgent situation. Colorful, responsive with sirens, installed 50 kilometers from the main camp, and the reaction to this meant that the movement of the battalion was detected in the distance. And starting with this, the outside of the barracks is starting to get noisy at the same time.

The superpowers sensed that there was a division.

[What? It's so hectic. What's going on?]

[Sirens...] Besides, it's a red flashlight?]

[Can't believe this...]]

"Is it a study?"

[Automatic alarm sounds clear.]

"I don't think it's just the length of the siren."

a roaring roar

Oh, of course. For your information, I've been fully aware of the whole situation outside since 10 minutes ago. So what should I call this? Should I say I'm stuck in the corner of the room and looking out of the sky? Oh, that's a little different. In my case now, it's not the power of thought, but the case where I'm looking at more than 1,000 miles physically.

Yay yay!

[The enemy passed the alarm magic. Given the slower pace of the advance, it must be a huge army. We can't figure out the exact number of people, but please be prepared for a collision. Please be prepared for the impact that will come. I'll tell you again. Enemies passed the alarm magic. Given the slower pace of advance, the great army is in great numbers...

Gwanghui's gladiator Leolo shook his head.

It's only when you sigh.

The expressions of other talents are also one thing.

Everyone seems to have mixed up.

[Whoa... Holy shit. Everyone, let's move for now. I can't afford to think.]

"This is the time of all things. I'm so lucky."

[I'll deliver it to the entire army. Make the most of your combat readiness.]

[Let's go. It sucks, but I have to go.]

"Let's go, Minhyuk."

[We'll take the lead.]

I opened the central barracks and stepped outside, looking at the faces of the able men. Indeed, talented people shine in times of crisis. But the forehead of most of the leaders was seriously distorted. Well, it's probably the most urgent signal rating that the broadcast is essentially the only one that comes into play when there's the biggest problem, with an invasion from the outside or the survival of the city.

But at this moment, it rang out. I understand that kind of reaction. In addition, the alarm magic, warning siren, and magic voice amplifiers are serious. Now that 's problems have not been solved, there is suddenly so much to think about, that everyone's face will be dark. We've already been distracted by new information, and the invasion of the enemy has begun.

Well, I had the taste of observing some of the broad-minded people in this situation. Let's see. Gwanghwi's gladiator, Holy Holiness Clan's old man who exerts the power of death. If she can't sleep, she seems to have a lot of mental discipline. Oh, my God. Is she just sleepy? I can't believe you're dozing off in this situation. It's just crazy. You are crazy.

But then.

Just in time, he showed himself in front of "The Myth" and "Defeated" class Ranger.

[Ah! Second, General Commander?] Uh, when did you get back?]

"Chung! I didn't know you were back!"

"Yesterday night. Haha. Long time no see. My dear Aronia."

[MINHYUK, LENA] We've got a problem. Enemies are now rushing in from the northwest...! Did you just hear the siren go off six times? The color of the warning signal at grade 6 speed is red, i.e. the highest rating. I sent you an urgent recon, but I still don't know the exact number of our enemies.]

I nodded at the faithful report.

[Shinhwa] Like a rated Ranger, she was quite experienced and fast. In fact, you can tell from the fact that Lena used Aronia and Cezanne very carefully. But, well, I think I can answer her question.

I opened my mouth.

"Now, then, Aronia. Write down what I'm saying on paper from now on."

[What? What?]

"Write it down on the paper. Paper. I'll tell you something important."

[Ah! All right, General Commander Choi Min-hyuk!]

Hurry up and take out a pen and a note.

So I coughed a couple of times and then opened my mouth.

My eyes were already glaring out of the sky.

"The enemy's forces are about 16 million to plus or minus 500,000. I'm not sure, but I think about 4 million is left for the staff's defense. And as the number of troops is in number, they're rushing in a vast and chaotic range. Most of the troops are below [horror] the line. But the level of commanders is above [confusion] level. Well, I see a few [Death] and [The Myth]."

[Choo, 16 million people are coming...?]

Aronia opened her mouth and continued to write on paper without being surprised.

"And the commander-in-chief... I see three people in the enemy camp. The 5th Army Commander, the 6th Army Commander, and the 8th Army Commander. Oh! You must have noticed I was watching. We've hit the wall with karma. Well, that's enough, I'll look on the other side."

I began with the composition of the enemy's forces and recited the key points in a row, and the Rangers were tongue-tied at the description of the battlefield in so much detail. Judging from their facial expressions, they seem to be worried about losing their entire livelihood. Hang on to your worries. There aren't as many talented people as I thought.

Oh, shall we make a skill and spray it on the Ranger? No, I don't want to spray my skills. In this case, I should make an item with ability. Even if you don't use skills, it's easy to create skills or simple items. We can cancel the order for the ability that is appropriately constrained by the item.

That's when I was looking at the battlefield with Chenlian.

Something... very strange suddenly caught my eye.

Hundreds of giant, weird-looking blood-stained monsters.

No. What is this? I've never seen a monster before.

What? Was there such a thing on the side of Armudor?

When I mentioned it, the leadership camp got a little noisy again.

[Blood monster?] I've never heard of such a thing.]


"No, I don't think that's what Minhyuk explained..."

[You'd better go out to the battlefield and see for yourself for now.]

"I'm ready to go."

I patted my chin and continued to scan the red monster with Chollian. Something looks bad and feels bad. I can't check my ability because I don't have eyes. Oh, shit. I'm gonna have to make something. He's a hot guy without any restrictions. Since I've been focusing on combat lately, I feel like I'm losing some of the efficiency of my assistant's skills. This Choi Min-hyuk is supposed to be all-around.


But then.

Suddenly a swarm of footsteps came from behind.

Looking back, they are some of the most capable men in the world.

A member of the Blue Alliance who saved my life.

As a representative, he bows and opens his mouth.

"Oh, my God! Long time no see, Minhyuk. How have you been?"

"I've been well. No, I'm not doing well, but I'm doing fine."

"I've already been to the front line. I was traveling to to deliver detailed information on the part of Temple Rescreed. Including the information about the Blood Monster that Minhyuk was talking about."

tempting ears

What? I'm getting the information from the wrong place.

Did you get anything from the front line?

"Do you have any information? It's about a red, big monster."

"Maybe it's right. They're definitely what they are. She'll tell you the details here."

[Nice to meet you for the first time, General Commander Choi Min-hyuk. Lena Scarlett.]

a muscular woman with a bent back

At first glance, he seems to be a tanker focused on the muscle line.

have a strong impression

[My name is...] A while ago, I went into the temple. I've secured information about it.]

The fall of the Overlord (4) is over.

by world manners

work review


Have a good night, everyone.

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