The Skill Maker

The fall of the Overlord (2)

[Oh, my God... no mana consumption, and it's an instant trial technique?]

"Well, that's all a semi-permanent skill..."

[No. What the hell's going on here?]

[Is my eyes wrong now?]]

"Mi, Minhyuk?"

[What are these skills...]

I didn't answer the embarrassment of the capable.

After just a skilful sip of water, I rubbed my palm with a napkin. all the glances directed at me Currently, the faces of the top-notch players were clearly curious.

But nevertheless.

I just picked up the fork calmly.

As if not to disturb this meal.

Of course, that's not the case in my head.

Now I was thinking.

'Well. What do you think? Is it really time to reveal everything?'

For your information, there was not a single suspicious presence at the top of the coalition right now. Since that unity event that took place last time, there have been only those who can really be trusted in the Union of Capabilities, trying their best to win the war. So I'm worried as well. Now that we're here, shall we reveal everything? Actually, I think we're in our prime.


Besides, look over this table.

Among these many kinds of dishes, one of them is secretly mixed with the base. Huh? What are you talking about all of a sudden? Well, of course, that means someone who has made me cook here is trying to curry favor with her, which is, to sum up the situation, the kind of story that top-notch people are trying to please themselves. This means that Choi Min-hyuk has an overwhelming share of the coalition.

By the way, I think I know who the killer is.

I patted D. M. Mars on the shoulder out of nowhere.

For your information, this apple dish was the work of a mythical good-natured man. As I looked into his thoughts, he knew early on that I liked apples. He seemed to have no idea that he only liked apples, but he didn't like apple dishes.

"Excuse me, Mars. I don't like this apple dish."


"I like apples, but I don't really like apple dishes. Wouldn't an apple be more perfect than an apple itself?"

[What? Yes...] Ah, yes. Is that so?]

deeply embarrassed D. M-Mars.

A troubled middle-aged man's face is quite cute.

He gives a slight scolding to the eyes if he notices something.

I just shrugged.

'That's the case. I'm a big shot now. I didn't expect [myths] a day will come when talented people in the world try to curry favor with me. If people on Earth knew about this, what would they say?'

I suddenly remembered the first time I was dragged into this town. [Confused] Considering the inconvenience of hunting all kinds of monsters and gathering materials to make a skill... ...and half the stats were less than 100. Oh, my God. Now I've reached this area and I can't believe I can't believe it. It's a new feeling.


Sadly, I personally think there is no answer but to make an apple dish. Because no apple dish can go beyond the essential taste of apples. Rather, miscellaneous spices ruin the excellent and perfect food called apples. Think about it. The feeling of having to fill a person's stomach with an apple dish that tastes worse than apples. I'd rather starve than do that.

I put the apple dish aside and tasted the other dishes. Oh, of course, other foods were quite good for being suddenly decorated in the middle of the battlefield. Grilled whole of is also very delicious, and the mushroom dish cooked with is excellent. Of course, it was a bit burdensome for breakfast because it was greasy overall.

While I am enjoying my meal so leisurely.

In the meantime, the able men kept peeping around the bay, waiting for my meal to be over. top-notch people who argue with each other Maybe I'm a bit annoyed because I'm eating rice, holding a clue. But what can we do? The best guy doesn't open his mouth. How can a centipede do anything?

[I can't believe my eyes. I'm not saying this for no reason, but these are really amazing skills.]

"This will allow us to specify the movements of the commanders. Besides, we'll be able to figure out how the enemy's commanders move. I think it's going to have a lot of strategic utility."

[It's amazing that they're scoped. This level of skill is amazing even if it's applied to a target.]

"Seo, you don't think these skills... Did the commander-in-chief just make it up? I don't think so.


"It seemed to me that it had suddenly sprung up in the air."

[So did I.]

[Amazing. With these skills, I'm sure we can completely reverse the current situation.]

"What's more surprising is that all of them are satisfied with the three-phase conditions."

Three conditions that must be mentioned every time a skill is valued.

As I have said before, good skills must have all of these conditions. First, less energy will be consumed for activation. Second, waiting time for reuse will be short. Thirdly, it would be a highly valuable technology.

That is, the less energy consumed, the shorter the waiting time for reuse. The higher the value of a technology, the closer it is to . Conversely, the more energy consumed, the longer the waiting time for reuse, and the lower the value of technology, the more inclined it is.


As soon as I finished eating, I threw my fork lightly on the tableware.

those who can all trust and depend on one another

those struggling to win the war

The ones who have been in the same boat with us in one mind.

Yes, I think it's better to reveal everything rather than hide it, too, if you think about it carefully. At this rate, it would be better to share this heavy burden with everyone. In addition, the sharing of information was essential for the conclusion of the war. Especially after the removal of Armudor, it was a must-see point.

I finally made up my mind.

To reveal everything to the capable.

About the darkness of the Kandulas planetary system.

"Well, then, everybody. I'm going to give you a detailed explanation of what these skills you've just looked at. No, I'll go further and reveal all this information to you. What I've been doing so far. In detail what's going on behind the scenes."

The absolutes with their eyes slightly raised.

The reactions of curious people.

And I winked at Lena and Crowd.

The two nodded whether they understood my idea.


[Are you finally talking about special missions?]]

[...every piece of information Minhyuk knows. I'm looking forward to it.]

a murmur that dies down

Dozens of eyes gushing towards this side.

I breathed a deep sigh.

How should I say this? I feel sorry for the young faces who have high expectations. Well, from now on, the truth I'm spitting out is never going to be a light weight. No. Once you know the story about something, you'd rather go back to when you didn't know anything. Because that's how I feel.

"Well, let's get started. Please listen carefully, everyone."

At a time when the Heidel reinforcements from the headquarters were using the Department and the to delay as much as possible, the 2,500 troops led by the commander were clearing their way at stormy speed.

fanatics of the Third Corps who believe in They even took down dozens of cities and towns without fear. This had become too big to ignore. Most of all, it was unclear when he would raid the back of the head of the competent camp if he ignored it.

"This Cerdiana will take care of it herself. Everybody back off."

On this large hill overlooking the whole of the dossier, was singing an 11-circle magic spell, emptying the whole of the ideas that came to mind now. The queen of fish, who can invoke everything in a poem at once. The fact that she is memorizing such a cumbersome long, long funeral service was the kind of magic she uses this time, boasting a tremendous level of difficulty.



The gale that swirled around Cerdiana.

The waves of great mana that shake heaven and earth.

[Defeating] The competent men gulped down their dryness at the sight of their commanders.

In particular, the creatures of righteousness were completely speechless watching the Queen's drinking. A number of mana arrangements that intertwine and enter over a mana arrangement. The tens of mana arrangements that are entangled and crushed again on top of it. And there's hundreds of mana arrays that get tangled up and tangled up there.

I can't believe this situation with my own eyes.

I couldn't even imagine what magic Serdiana was trying to use. There are only 15 mana arrangements needed to test a nine-circle Hellfire. At least 400 mana sequences were intertwined and tangled in her current spell.

Even going to all the drinking parties was a disaster.

"...AKan tellas de ogo, an to la, noo stop vie oelsa do markin... Nakan tellas De Sore, Rown danat rota, boros karos vie ken as pilo an turm delas, so nas parka betan kein..."

a continuous funeral service

A pillar of light that slowly begins to pour down from the sky as clouds divide. The able men vented their admiration at the amazing sight. But it wasn't really that part. The pillars of light were concentrated towards the city, which was precisely located below the hill. A little more precisely, to the 125,000 fanatics in Sorodin.

[What is this?]


[Is this a reflection of us?]]

[What is this? What the hell is going on?]

Not drinking, not scaring women, but fanatics rushing out of the building. Now they were looking up at the sky, covering their faces with dumb faces. I've been through all sorts of things in my life, but I've never seen anything like this. I can't believe the light from heaven shines on all my colleagues all over the city. What kind of harmony is this?

[Jeez, what's this?]]

[He's following me in the building]]

[ it magic?]

[Is Mr. Armudor showing us a miracle?]

[I don't understand]]

at such a time when the questions of the fanatics were growing

Finally, Cerdiana's eyes were lifted up.

Full of coldness and anger. Like that.

Yeongchang had already reached the last passage.

"Toss ro kam die vie r. din ke danat. e gorr."

The fall of the Overload (2) is over.

by world manners

work review

Ugh, that's a lot of work.

Tired! Tired! Tired! Tired! Tired!


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