The Skill Maker

Baek So-young (5)

The superpowers fell and distorted their faces.

I never imagined that this next temple would be the moment when all the enemy forces gathered. In just a week, fanatics gathered from a few surrounding areas to create a military presence of more than 20 million people. Is this the difference between fighting in the front yard of the enemy? Is this the power of beings who follow the transcendent like shadows?

Are they believers of the most powerful beings in the universe?

[Gee, seriously...] That's ridiculous.]

"...that doesn't make any sense. 20 million hearts."

"Isn't that a mistake? You want me to believe that?"

All the fanatics said they could potentially become soldiers.

I didn't know it would work this way as a battlefield variable.

The overwhelming scale of changing even favorable terrain to unfavorable terrain.

The worst line of defense, literally stacked with layers of phosphorus barriers.

It's too much for the five commanders.

Oh, my God. There's no such thing as this.

"Clear information! 20 million people?"

The scout bowed deeply.

Now he was biting his molar as if he were angry. Due to the nature of the mainland, we could not observe enemy lines until we attacked the plains. It worked one way or another, and as many as 5,000 scouts were wiped out by the crowds of entries. To extract just a few of this amount of information.

I'm really upset.

I'm so angry.

"...I'm sure. We've personally confirmed that it's not Inna. Most of all, the calculation was clear as we toured the enemy villages in the surrounding area."

"Damn it! I can't believe it. 20 million? 20 million people around one temple? Does this make sense?"

At somebody's words, the chivalry opened his mouth.

He brought up a story now that everyone would be most curious about.

It's about the maintenance of the troops.

"More than that, I wonder how the enemy is going to maintain that much force. Most of the ordinary fanatics who are not combatants are below [horror] the line of goods. That is, you need a certain level of food. And even if they were in the [horror] category, they wouldn't be able to continue fighting without any supplies, without any rest or rest."

Many troops are moving at once.

That means you will inevitably need a large quantity of supplies that follow it. This is the biggest reason why more than two million troops are so hard to move in a single war. In fact, it was extremely rare for most wars across the entire universe to exceed two million heads. And in that respect, the point was so accurate.

But nevertheless. Because the tide of the war had to be a little different. This was due to the fact that most of the beings in can survive for more than half a year without food. In fact, according to the analysis of scholars from their origins, [horror] breeders can survive for about seven months without eating food or drinking water for about 3.5 months.

In other words, this is the biggest reason why large-scale troops can be mobilized in the war of the Kandulas planetary system.

But even so.

The 20 million troops just don't make any sense. If these information were true, it meant that the enemy had special skills to support it. I can't imagine what it is right now.

[Sighs...] I agree with Toros. It's not strange to have 20 million troops in one large area. Above all, the Kandulas planetary system has a wide variety of water sources throughout the Earth. In that case, there won't be any problem. But if 20 million people are gathered in a local area like now, the story will be different. In other words, this is a behavior that is beyond common sense. If this is the case, of course, the enemy must face water procurement.]

Mrs. Lumina expressed her consent with a sleepy look at the words of Toros.

She has been suffering from chronic fatigue recently because of her habit of sleeping 23 hours a day. Only [The Myths] able to stop the soldiers if they come in at night. Naturally, in recent years [mythology] talented people have been working hard day and night as if they were petty soldiers.

Likewise, Lumina, who is overwhelmingly sleepier than any other mythical woman, had to spend her days like hell.

Even Lena and the bookkeepers are silent.

with the leadership in contemplation for a long time

This time Clan opened his mouth.

[The Blackbeard thinks hard] Even if it's [EX], wouldn't it be a single, artificially constructed building? Will they be able to keep their 20 million troops intact for a long time? As time goes by, they will not be able to overcome their predicament, so they will have to take care of themselves. Therefore, we just need to make a big detour to the temple, cut off their supply routes, and use tactics to pressure the surrounding areas. In this case, the enemy will not be able to survive long-term war and will eventually face self-destruction. In other words, this time, we can lead the current war to a very long-term war.

The strongholds on the side of Armudor, located on the mainland, are divided into a total of 10 grades by combat forces. Total thermal phases of [EX], [SSS], [SS], [S], [A], [B], [C], [D], [E], [E], and [F]. And most temples, unlike villages and cities, are considered to be above the [S] level, which is one of the few [EX]-level temples with a rating of [EX].

It is the most powerful base of the Armudor forces.

a fortress called impregnable among sheer impregnancy

a vast piece of land that seems to combine five or six cities

A place called the shield of the transcendent.


But the black radish laughed at the enemy's forces.

[EX] I'm sure it won't work if it breaks down from the inside.

A strong iron wall is only a worn-out piece of metal when it rusts inside.

But then.

This time, he stood on the other side of the street and stepped forward.

He listened to the three men's stories and shook his head slowly. Unlike , , , and , they were gathered in a part of .

[No, I don't think it's a good idea to assume the situation. This is where it is. In other words, no matter what happens, you can't say it's completely impossible. In fact, looking back at the wars of the past, they've been attacking us, eating venomous monster meat. In some cases, they've even cut open their stomachs to get water, or eaten their guts. In short, the mainlanders had their own secret to getting rid of the poison.]

a sinking crowd

If what he says is true, it can happen again this time.

Assh, Candulas is a fertile land.

There was also a way for enemies to get something from nature.

D. M. Mars continued to speak.

[So, again, you'd better say the enemy has enough water and food to move 20 million troops. And even if it's localized, the temples are five or six times the size of any city, which means that they must have moved this great force because they have their own way of securing military supplies.]

agitated leaders

top-notch people who have this and that conversation

He also continued to exchange opinions with book publishers.

This issue really needed the most analysis ever.

It could have been the worst war in space history.

But then.

shook one's head and stepped forward.

He pointed his finger on the map and refuted D.M.Mars.

He strongly expressed his opinion that the situation should be led to a long-term war.

[No, I don't think so. Certainly there's a lake right next to the temple, but even so, if 20 million people use water every day, it'll run out in an instant. Even making water by magic would be ridiculously insufficient to procure 20 million doses. The enemy did a remarkably stupid thing for a short-term battle. It's just him.]

The provincial government also stepped forward.

She also raised her arms and expressed her opinion.

Her idea of unifying a world was quite coherent.

"I also think you and your wife are right. The commanders are extremely wary of us reaching out to the mainland using a fort on the main street. In other words, he must be planning to use 20 million troops to extinguish the immediate fire. Perhaps rather than having a long-term war in mind, he must be preparing for a very short-term battle to sort things out within a month. If all the fighting ends in a second, it doesn't matter how much."


[Another disagreement]]

When she came forward, the atmosphere of the leadership was precisely divided into two sides. The two sides need to prepare for long-term and short-term showdowns. To cut off the enemy's supply routes, to see if they can win the war with a head-on. Like that. It was even one thing for the top four bookkeepers who had never been divided.

"It's difficult. Let's summarize the main points of both opinions."

"I agree. This problem is very, very difficult."

"There are a lot of cases to think about to come to a conclusion."


As a result

to say that it may be better to induce and induce Wah and each of them argued that they had better come up with a strategy. And the rest of the top-notch people who watched the four major book publishers' arguments were forced to express their extreme surprise at this unexpected situation.

I didn't know there would be a moment when the world's top four book publishers were divided.

Especially, I can't believe the day when the two of us, called the two top, are divided exactly. This was really completely unimaginable. It was the worst challenge ever. The key points thus outlined were:

0. Enemies have been acting since a week ago.

1. Now they have succeeded in uniting 20 million troops into the temple.

2. This must be a shot of remorse for a short-term showdown.

3. The purpose of the enemies is to prevent any more capable men from invading the mainland.

4. Nothing has been revealed as to whether the enemy has enough supplies to operate 20 million troops.

Crowd had been watching the core of the war for a long time before he slowly rose from his seat. His expression was rather heavy, causing a considerable level of tension to the beholder. It's the first time I've seen him make this face.

"Now that I've cleared up the situation, everything is clear. In other words, it would be fair to say that the enemy is moving with the determination to end the Second World War here. [EX] grade base with five military commanders and the strongest defense. a newly added force of 20 million Your analysis that we're preparing for a very short-term showdown makes great sense. But at this rate, one thing is clear."

a sedentary silence

a breathless air

People didn't know what Crowd was going to say.

But Warden noticed what Kraud was going to say.

There is only one reason for disagreement.

This is because this situation is not established.

"At this rate, we will certainly lose this war."

Baek So-young (5) Done.

by world manners

work review

Fate sharp.

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