The Skill Maker

Black Evil (9).

according to Berkus' own expectations

The moment that intervened in the seven universes at once, he would fall into a deep, dark sleep like death in a short period of time.

And this is a kind of side effect read through , caused by the massive amount of karma that Armudor wields. In other words, when using universal power, the transcendent could only be self-sustaining for a moment. Of course, he knew that very well.

However, Berkus decided to "take advantage" of this golden opportunity perfectly and "remove" him.

Oh, for your information, it wasn't just you who joined the plan.

A miner who followed him from far ancient times, Morbus, a former commander of Armudor's No. 2, and Roque Harul, commander of the No. 3 corps. On top of that, two billion people who desperately want to go further and stop the dominance of the people and save the universe.

Even Arona and Angrat were part of the empty plan. Already, the power of emptiness could be considered to be quite large in space.

a priest of order

a priest of discipline

For your information, it was these two men who had proposed the treatment of Armudor first.

The two beings who realized that they could not stop Armudor by themselves, and that they had finally decided to take extraordinary measures to protect the universe and the universe. That was the act of joining hands with the side to which he belonged. A deformed act that at first glance seems crazy. In a way, it's an act of hitting with somebody's power.

But nevertheless, these two beings have given Berkus their "name" and a pledge of oath. It meant that if you join hands with them and help them get rid of them, you will help them grow in the future.

In other words, they were considering becoming a much greater threat than they were.

[We do not revere you for being different. But the self-proclaimed Creator is more dangerous than the void. If he is left alone, all the fate of the universe will end. the fall of the true meaning You'll fall into the dark ages. So, Berkus, I'd like to hold your hand.]

[Amudor causes distortion. He is the most dangerous being in the history of space. But our strength doesn't reach him already. We tried every possible means but failed to reconcile his fate. I don't like it anymore, but... I have no choice but to join hands with emptiness.]

I can't believe you're more afraid of Armudor.

I don't like it. I really don't like this one.

But nevertheless, Berks accepted Arona and Angrat as colleagues of the group.

Of course, it wasn't that I didn't doubt their intentions from the beginning.

Two [bold] beings born with the task of balancing the universe, because it was hard to believe they would help the empty forces, including themselves. They were the order of the universe, the discipline of the universe.

But nevertheless.

The two really swallowed something in exchange for their vows.

He accepted that his mind was contaminated.

The madmen. That is, these priests were true to the very end.

A strong will to pay any terrible price to defeat Armudor. Of course, in the end, it was like choosing evil to get rid of the worst. But what do you think? It was just good luck for Berkus. We had to use whatever we could.

Berkus smiled a deep smile.

Well, if this is the case, the plan will be a little more flexible.

He gathered six empty monarchs and opened his mouth.

[The first plan I made. It was to take a deep sleep and attack both his body and spirit with just the best of his power. The success rate is below 50 percent. But I had decided to challenge him. But in fact, it was a pretty risky way. Because I couldn't guarantee that I could get rid of the transcendent in this way.]


Arona and Angrat just nodded.

They know best how powerful Armudor is.

Even if the six men of power attack the sleeping Armudor, they cannot guarantee that they will defeat him. This Berkus judgment was correct. He kept talking.

[But what? You two have come up on the new side...] It's better done. I can be much more careful in the treatment of Armudor. That's very nice. Just in time, there's something you guys have to do. Then let's announce our new plan from now on.]

Berkus confided his plan to the empty monarchs.

Wow, the power of two beings.

a groundbreaking idea to make full use of it

And these were the powers of repentance that were possible to completely twist the planet itself as it was used.

In other words, to sum up the details of the new plan by Berkus, in a situation where Armudor is in deep sleep in exchange for his involvement in outer space, if Arona and Angrat twist the entire time axis of the planetary system itself, they could plunge the transcendent into the cracks of time and space.

1. Makes Armudor use his pan-space transition skills and puts him to sleep.

2. Use the power of Arona and Angrat to twist the time axis of the planetary system while he is asleep.

3. Armudor's sleep will not wake up.

4. Be fully prepared to deal with Armudor in that time.

is too powerful to be .

Thus, Werkers thought that there would be no way to remove him from his sleep anywhere in the present universe. Therefore, through the union of the two priests, the two priests were to avoid head-to-head competition and choose a safe second best option. The transcendent is literally the transcendent. It exists above all balance and order. Even with this arrangement, it's not perfect.

If we succeed in putting him to sleep, things will get better. We can divert the power of Armudor, who is cursed and is in eternal sleep, little by little. No matter how hard he may be, he won't be able to do anything with his empty body and mind. All you have to do is get rid of the Armudor by then.]

It's a great plan.

Arona and Angrat judged that it was good to borrow the power of emptiness.

The Elimination of Armudor, which failed even in the world.

But the empty forces were wiser than that.

[... Sounds like a good strategy. But will it work out as you wish?]

At Arona's question, Berkus nodded.

[Of course. In fact, this plan is fully operational if several conditions are met. It would be a bit difficult if we were in the [frustrated] situation like now, but if we reach the stage above, the story will change again.]

[Steps above] What the hell are you talking about?

[This Angrat wants to hear your detailed explanation.]

Berkus explained about .

A huge device that can draw the power of emptiness from the collision of all beings in the whole universe. And using this, they were able to step up to a higher area, an area of [uncertainty] than [fear].

What if all those six immortal beings come together?

What if empty monarchs become immortal items that lightly weigh on even the presence of the unbounded?

Naturally, it was never impossible to make phosphorus an empty shell.

Arona, the priest of order, admired.

The Berkus accident is deep in its depth.

He could really get rid of Armudor.

[Amazing idea. That's a pretty ingenious idea. to join forces with somebody to reach the realm of [uncertainty]]

But it would be impossible to keep Armudor on the timeline for a long time. Can we gather enough before that? I am concerned about that as this angrat.

Berkus laughed bitterly at the words of the two priests.

Of course, the way was very close.

In his own trap that Armudor will dig.

To the universe before he calls in and to his close friends.

[I can collect them. We can use the people who are capable of coming from seven universes.]

[...those who can?]

[They're the ones?]

[How do you use them?]]

a curious burst of voices at the same time

Berkus responded calmly to the questions of the empty monarchs.

[Yes, if they successfully converge into the seventh universe, the amount of emptiness that can now be created will be quite different from what it used to be: an enormous amount of power will quickly converge into something that cannot be compared with what has been collected.]

The two priests of order and discipline tilted their heads.

Berkus' explanation was entirely incomprehensible.

[...why is that? If there's a device that's going to collect 'em all over the universe anyway, isn't the total amount of voids that are scattered but lumped together?]

[No. It's totally different. Collisions between and don't generate a lot of energy. But what if the superlatives hit one spot? In other words, the clash between the capable and the commander of the corps will create an enormous amount of emptiness. If you let the capable live without killing them, it will inevitably create a huge amount of emptiness. And we just have to use this power to go beyond [the realm of] [of] the realm, and to be reborn as the existence of [inexorable] items.]


The empty forces were silenced by Berkus' plan.

I can't believe you can use the junk of the plan like that.

Accidents are qualitatively different from others.

How can I not look up to him like this?

But there was still another problem.

Morbus opened his mouth.

[Mr. Berkus, but there is no guarantee that it will work out as we wish. Even if it's more than the [A]ank drawn from the universe, it's probably not enough to deal with the commanders of the army. Perhaps they are wiped out in a flash by the difference in power. Therefore, to generate enough empty energy...]

Berkus shook his head.

With a meaningful smile.

[We're gonna help you not to be like that.]


After hearing all the plans of Berkus, his colleagues in the void were forced to nod their heads at the amazing idea. A plan to make the war longer by balancing the forces of both sides as well as possible. The story is about creating confusion in the war by taking advantage of the fact that he holds the position of the First Army Commander in Armudor. And to this end, a fantastic story about passing on the theory of 'em.

[Morbus's theory of truth and criticality...] Well, that's amazing.]

[Certainly, at this rate of yours, the mythical breeders will be able to survive a little bit against [the fear of] them.]

[But I'm afraid this isn't enough.]

Berkus laughed thickly.

Of course, there was another way to help people with abilities.

Akasik Records of the Seventh World, which have already fallen under Armudor's grasp.

It was to use the system of.

[Let's give them a chance to be stronger than they are now. To spread across the planetary system in large quantities, which can use its authority to help them grow. I'd like to reinforce them directly, but it's a very annoying task and I'm afraid they'll find out what they really mean. I'll quit.]

[Hooray? Is it like a game?] In a way that rewards you if you accomplish your purpose...]

[That's right.

a truly revolutionary idea

In other words, the story is to transform the planet system itself into a single stage device.

But it was definitely the best strategy if it went as one wishes.

It was the best arrangement ever.

The blueprint was clearly emerging in my head.

[No matter how much it is, it will be impossible to overcome the six-year-old of our [invincible] class's pincer attack with all our strength stolen. In other words, in the near future we will be able to cut off Armudor's breathing with our own hands. A true era of is opening. Think about it. What a glorious future this is.

[What a wonderful idea.]

[Amazed with sincerity.]

[Laughing] [Laughing]! This maniac, Hexse, will trust and follow you.]

Can we finally get rid of the Armudor?

This will save the fate of the universe.]

Empty monarchs with a smile of remorse.

Everything was certainly in their favour.

It's possible. It's really possible at this rate.

Now the universe belongs to

The miner Hex opened his mouth.

[When are you going to take out the power of Armudor? But in this twisted state, it is impossible to touch his body. He'll sleep in a double room in the temple. And most of all, if the timing goes wrong, there's no chance that other commanders will notice.]

Berkus nodded.

[In the process of re-restoring, the government intends to moderate its speed to divert the power of the person to the outside world. We'll have to wake him up to a near-distant level, but we'll have to take that little risk. And it doesn't matter. Once again, if we accept the forces we have taken from Armudor, then we can all jump from the realm of immortality to the very best. Even if Armudor wakes up, I can't help it.]

[Ha-ha. I'm just excited to hear it. It's really perfect.]

The rock-hair rule that shakes the body of a rock-hair rule.

Berkus smiled at the appearance of the monarchs.

They followed Armudor like that.

But they were poisoned by the emptiness and became like that.

It's funny.

[Because I don't like the variable ones that much. Most of all, if we're more powerful by taking away the power of Armudor, it's easy to destroy the body and spirit of an empty scarecrow one by one. I'm looking forward to it. the day of one's destiny]


[Perfect indeed, Mr. Berkus...!]

And before long.

Time flies at last.

The moment that empty monarchs dreamed of came.

The end of the black evil (9).

by world manners

work review

Minhyuk and Pluto will appear again in the next episode!

I know you want to see Minhyuk, but...

It's the beginning of the year. We'll have to settle the mess...!

Please enjoy the story slowly!

The end of the novel is not far away!

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