The Skill Maker

Black Evil (2)

Such a long, honey-like rest.

at the height of a languid afternoon

The people who are capable of course. Suddenly it could be noticed that the outside of the camp was beginning to become extremely noisy. With the appearance of as many as six men. And out of the blue characters were dressed in pretty familiar costumes. Except for the fact that your clothes are reddish.

It was a dress peculiar to the fields.

Besides, he looks like he's wearing a feather ornament.

Maybe he is from.

"Are they Heidel's Ranger? What could it be? Which direction are you guys from? Why are you so hurt?"

The six Ranger members who showed up.

And their clothes were dyed red and parts of their bodies were cut off.

Serious enough that no one seems to be serious.

Also, their faces looked so urgent and tired.

"I'm from the south. Where are all the commanders? ...Please call an emergency meeting right now. It's urgent."

"Okay, get in touch right away. Where's 'em? Come quickly and heal these men..."

a black-and-white word

a renewed union of capable men

Soon after, they began to move towards , helped by a look of exhaustion. The men followed them and began to heal the wound quickly, but the severed arm was not restored. In the meantime, one even fainted and collapsed on the move.

"Cure him right away...! Use psychic magic!"

The surrounding air that begins to freeze coldly.

Competent men who were speechless at the sight of the Rangers being carried off with their severed arms and legs.

What happened to them?

The able men sighed at the misery.

Anyway, one thing was clear.

Something unusual has happened.

Soon the sirens began to ring.

Yay yay yay...!

[Call an emergency meeting] an emergency meeting We have injured people from the side. Everyone, please gather at the . I'll tell you again. an emergency meeting Call an emergency meeting. On the Heidel side... ]

As a result

A peaceful afternoon ends in a moment.

A sudden call was made.

With a bloody premonition.

Commander of the 12th Corps.

He was beginning his day at the temple as usual. One hour later, he has to supervise the restoration work of . Therefore, he had to suppress the burning fire all over his body before that.

New bandages made by extracting silk from silkworms every day. This was due to the glorious wound that Nim gave him. It was his new routine. a priceless task Of course, his body had been messed up with the gruesome burns and gills that were idling. Nevertheless, Dozle always loved this pain. I pleaded for this pain.

Because this pain is a link between you and Armudor and yourself. As long as this fire is not extinguished and burns forever, you are always connected to yourself. This sweet pain, which gives you strength and courage to live, has allowed you to control the power of fire in addition to your existing ability.

How can I not respect Mr. Armudor?

[Chrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... I'll do my best for you today. Please keep an eye on me, Mr. Armudor. I shall soon liberate you from the shackles of eternity...! This Dozle you have created will liberate you from the curse of the hour-shaft...!

Now, the time left until the restoration of the temporal axis is only a month.

Also, as she said, I would soon be able to talk to her soon. Even though your body is sealed in the temporal axis, your mind is already slowly waking up.

What a great being is this?

Isn't this the real thing?

Long live Armudor! Long live Armudor! Long live Armudor!

The three cheers Dozle stood in front of the mirror after wrapping all the bandages around his body.

Then he began to wear a shabby robe slowly on his body, which he usually enjoys wearing. Flames coming out of their bodies only respond to themselves and to the will of Armudor. In other words, I didn't have to worry about burning other things for no reason. For your information, he cared about himself and gave it to me.

[Laughing... Shall we get started today?] Please wait, Mr. Armudor.]

But at that moment.

Dozle noticed something out of the blue.

a feeble, indistinguishable voice

Something like that began to come into my ears.

Like a fantasy.

[...d... ..and...]




Dozle wiped the flames burning from his body for a moment.

Then he immediately raised his hearing to the limit. I'm sure. A strange noise was coming in. Nevertheless, I couldn't understand it. No matter how much I concentrated, I couldn't understand what an unidentified feeble sound was. Is it just a hallucination? But it's coming this far?


Dozle could tell which direction it was coming from.

So then Dozle stood up and began to walk somewhere, following the direction of the sound, as if possessed by a ghost. After leaving the stone chamber and climbing the stairs, walk along the aisle.

Toward the darkness of the Magna Cargos Temple.

[Quest has been updated.]

[Quest Objectives: Eliminate the Karma of Malice]

[Quest Type: Attack Squadron Rating]

[Quest Reward: Pre-Stat +50, Power Trust, Random [Immortal] Item Box.]

I neither hesitated nor wasted my time.

Immediately after the Berksus quest was given, he immediately began to move to catch. In addition, she has completed her own thorough preparations with Pluto Na. And to explain the process, we were able to divide it into five stages:

1. Move with the to the area where I was found.

2. Check the surrounding situation and terrain, and analyze the behavioral data related to him in detail.

3. Calculate the route he will pass, and specify the scope of his activities.

4. Reduce the sense of incompatibility as much as possible so that the flow of surrounding areas is not abnormal.

5. Use skills and back to carry out an ambush unnoticed.

Fell off me.

In other words, to call it by a different name.

I moved with my own discretion to catch him.

Because he may not be able to see who he is. In the worst case scenario, there's a chance you could run away from me. In other words, I needed to pay the utmost attention to all the processes. In a word, the strategy was devised by focusing only on secretly attacking him without attracting the attention of the opponent as much as possible.

[Okay. Now all we have to do is wait.]

a huge tree fifty meters high

I looked down from it down at the bottom of the forest and gave a smile of remorse.

Huh? Why bother thinking of an ambush?

Oh, of course, I'd like to go find something first. To do so, his range of activities was so wide and the monsters were making a fuss. In the end, it might not be a very good judgment for me to go around and track him myself.

Above all, the skills related to the province are useless to him. In other words, it was no different from finding Kim's ghost in the middle of Seoul, depending on what I thought.

He even used the to create his own skills to track him down, but the 'assigning' of him as a target was logically nearly impossible.

'It would have been a lot easier if it had been targeted. But it doesn't matter. I've done this kind of thing once or twice.'

I shook my head with a deep sigh.

Perhaps because he has no fixed name, no distinct entity, and nothing but karma and the energy of emptiness. That seemed to be the cause of the skill targeting failure.

In addition, he did not have a definite body, so there was no clear form. In a word, she was a heterogeneous opponent who could transform her body freely. The idea of holding such a ghost in the binding force of a tracking skill is completely wrong.

But even so.

There's a record that he's been wandering around here in recent months collecting empty energy. If you connect the three temples to three lines and draw a triangle, you will surely find him inside. That's why I'm staying here now.

My goodness.

[Frustrated] I can't believe there's still something impossible after I've become a capable man.

Finding needles on the sand is like dog gum in the current country.

Finding the ghost of a needle in the sand is a bit.

In other words, the evil of emptiness that has fallen away from me was the most heterogeneous and bizarre product of emptiness that I have ever seen.

[Where the hell are you?] Come back to Daddy now. It's your goddamn son.]

a sky tinged with red sunset

at the end of the day and the sun at the foot of the mountain

I jumped down from the tree with a deep sigh.

The first day's ambush was a failure.

According to the data, the rarely moves during the night.

I don't know the exact reason, ie Today's harvest was a total bummer.

'It's more than I thought. Well, it's too much to expect results in half a day, right?'

I breathed a small sigh, packing my hunting gear into my bag.

It's been a long time since I've done this.

I can't believe I'm the one, not the one. Another person who escaped from my body, who is united with negative emotions. Then my fate will be ruined. Of course, it all happened because of the damn kahamas attacking Lena.


I recall memories of the time when I lost Lena and Cerdiana.

A self who cried out in anger and lost his reason.

a self-defeated figure completely swallowed up by

But I soon went crazy and recovered my senses after killing it, and by my own will, I had completely ripped off parts of the karma contaminated with the body. Sadly, I was out of my mind at the time, so I missed him.

Black Evil (2) End.

by world manners

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Have a good night, everyone. ^ᄉᄉ

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