The Skill Maker

The third force (3)

the dense body of a woman agitated by hot pleasures

a red room drenched with sweat and moan

Women who shake their whole bodies and spew their love out of their legs.


[Haaang! Hugh! Haahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Throw it away...! Ha! Ha! I'm gone...!]

[Laughing] [Laughs!] [Laughs] [L Je, Jeba...! Jeba... Heh! Heh, G-ma-a-an... [Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!]

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Kk! That... Stop!"


Ttuk ttuk ttuk ttak ttuk ttuk.

a thrill trickling down the thigh

women whose eyes are twisting and shivering and repeatedly fain

Amadeus was now enjoying an uncanny sexual intercourse. No, it had an unusual look that was completely different from normal sex. Army Commander No. 6 had 40 long dowels made of tongue on the brains and lower limbs of some twenty capable women now. with dozens of faces bursting with laughter

[Laughing out loud] You bastards...! It's a sight to see you cry like a female. ...So who told you to be so mischievous towards him? How dare you try to kill this great body...! What a bunch of crap! What a bunch of them!]

"Hee, heik! Yo... Yoseo...Undersea...! Yoseo... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

[Laughing] [Laughing] Haaang! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!]

"Hi! Hahaha..."


again like a fountain of sorrows

Skilled women who lose consciousness with their tongues sticking out.

But sexual intercourse close to torture has continued since, and Amadeus' tongue, which is directly connected to women's brains, has made it possible.

It stimulates the central nervous system of pleasure directly through tentacles while stuffing the brain with substances such as feeble medicine. In this case, the target life forms are thousands of times more sensitive to the body, making it into an uncontrollable ecstatic. A male vomits all the semen of the testicles, dies with all his affection, and a female becomes overwhelmed with pleasure to the point of losing her reason. And the reason I'm doing this... There was quite a clear presence.

Anger at those capable of setting themselves up.

insanity that comes from being trapped and nearly killed.

the instinct of species preservation that comes after death

No. No.

This may be a little different from ethnic instinct.

In Amadeus' case, there's no need to leave the gene to posterity.

This is how he was using women of ability.

What a bunch of bastards! What a bunch of them...! They're all this excited and struggling like a rascal! Maybe this Amadeus is the only one who truly deals with waste-weighted worms like you?]

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Hue...!"

"Hee-ik! Buy, buy... Lose... haha! Jeh, Jeba...! Heek! Heek!"

[Wow...! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo...!]

The moment when women's excitement reached its limit, body fluid spilled, and their eyes were squashed.

Amadeus... I moved my tongue just as it was.

in a single moment He pulled the bodies of more than 20 women into his body and began to absorb them all. Like forcing the clay of life into the clay of Amadeus.

Hurry up!

Quaddeuk! Quazizik!



"Kuck! Turn it off... Argh! Argh!"

Women with muscles, bones, and flesh completely crushed.

beings crumpled with red blood spouting

At the end of the pleasure the women gave a piercing shriek, with their whole body tangled at their own discretion. She was drawn into Amadeus' body with a terminal distorted by pain and pleasure. Yes. Now Amadeus was reclaiming the number of lost lives with his exclusive skill. by completely absorbing the other's existence itself and sharing it as one's own

wriggle wiggle.

Boom boom.

The faces of women who start to rise from all over the body.

That's how Amadeus' body had women's abilities absorbed.

beings who are still in tears, distorted by pain and pleasure. But some of the superior beings, who quickly regained their senses, were screaming with pain and fear. When they realized this horrible reality, they were crying out curses. Can't believe he's part of the monster. I can't accept this hopeless, gloomy reality.

"Oh, Amadeus...! You crazy bastard! Me, why me...! Why me...?!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm gonna kill you! Get me out! Let me go! Jeh, please! Please!"

"Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! This isn't...! This isn't! Why should I be part of this monster...? Why am I the only one...?

[Chihehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe! That's a very, very good reaction...! This is a very, very good reaction...!]

Despair is sweet.

I can feel the anger of the talented.

Yeah, you're in a lot of pain, you bastards.

You will live for me for the rest of your life.

To serve Amadeus with one's own strength.

[You guys have pretty good abilities and ethnicities, don't you? Whoo hoo hoo! With this ability, did you only rise to the rank of [fear] item, [disaster] item? They're really hopeless garbage. But don't worry now! Relax! Because by being part of this Amadeus, you've become [frustrated]!]

"Shut up...! Turn it off! Shut up!"

"I'm gonna kill you...! I'll kill you for sure!"

The bizarre scene of exchanging curses with one's body.

But he smiled contentingly fresh.

That's what they say, but they're already feeling it by now. How elegant and good this body is. How perfect. And I assure you, in just a few hours, no one will rebel and conform to fate. That's why the technology is good.

All the time.

Because everyone is happy.

"Oh, my God. How does this... [Frustrated] go up?"

"This is Amadeus' knowledge?"

"Is this what I was lacking?"

"I don't need this! Get my body back! Get my body back!"

There you go.

Already, they were opening up a new world by becoming one with themselves. To acquire the whole knowledge of [a great deal of] . It is by no means a minor incident. A new realization of vast knowledge, pan-space knowledge, that lightly surpasses a decent existence. It's never just dog death. In a way, it can be a prize, not just a punishment. That's exactly what Iran is.

This has finally brought back 230 lives. We still need 1600 more to get back to normal, but... Well, I'm sure it'll be okay right now. I will never forgive you if we meet again next time...! In particular, Leolo Neumann will tear this Amadeus apart, even if it's all he has.]

2.2 million beings who have passed through the river of blood.

They were now clashing glasses of wine and holding a joyful toast.

enjoying the victory of all-out war

"Wahahahaha! Drink up, everyone! Hurry up and drink!"

"Crrr! A drink after battle is the best."

"You fanatics...! What a sight! Did you see the faces of those bastards when they were dying? I feel relieved."

"I agree. There's no such thing as a great victory. For the killing of two heads of the clans was great, and they also killed the clique in a tremendous way. Most of all, it's a divine move to sort things out with only 130,000 damages."

The able men talked about the war and drank a lot of alcohol and food. Taking away the existence of living creatures is a bit of stress even for those who are used to fighting. Therefore, people with abilities have always had this time after doing "one thing." It's just a matter of mind anyway, and no one was particularly drunk with alcohol.

"Well! By the way. Didn't you hear that the children of Byul-Dong made such a great contribution? It's amazing."

[At the point of attacking more than two million enemies in the rear, I'm done. It's absolutely impossible unless you're ready to die?]

[Because I've taken the commanders off the battlefield. You've made a tremendous contribution.

a 30,000-thousand-thousand star band led by

And the least capable men who followed him to attack the enemy's rear.

Their valor was now almost a legend.

Of course, very few knew the hidden truth of the battle in the rear.

"They're pretty stupid, too, aren't they? I can't believe as many as two people went behind to stop 30,000. If it weren't for that, it would have been much harder to break through the plain head-on. What are you thinking?"

[I mean.]

"Is this the next target area? If we take this place down, the entire base of the abominable will be destroyed."

[It won't be easy. I heard you have so many teeth this time.]

"That's how much the commanders of the corps are so eager to stop it. It's kind of scary to have five guys in one place, but... Won't something else work out?"

Commander of the Fifth Corps.

Commander of the 6th Corps.

Commander of the Eighth Army.

Commander of the 9th Corps.

Hekate, commander of the 11th Army.

At a rough estimate, the number of top-notch quality workers needed to stop the five was 13 times 5, or 65. Besides, we're gonna need more men to deal with the 5th Army Commander. It was clear that the situation was quite troublesome to attack the region as it is.

Well, there's someone on this side, too.

It's true that the number of talented individuals in [the myth] has decreased significantly due to the clash between the blue and red sides.

"More than that, this war, the first commander of the Army, is not moving? ...Well, thank God for us."

I, commander of the 2nd Corps, do not appear in front of the 3rd Corps.]

"But the number they killed alone is over three million, right?"

"Ah battle?"

"Damn it. On second thought it was pretty awful."

[The meat tastes bad. Don't even bring that up.]

at such a time when the talk of talented people was going on


The upper floors were welcoming out-of-the-box visitors.

who never expected to be able to draw cooperation.

[K' ros a gona cross. Nora's Armoodorr co. hen natass. too pero.]

[Collaboration] The mighty. The war against Armudor.]

[We Brucculles do it, too. Let me join you in this war.]

[The Madak race also calls for participation. an important matter Cooperation is essential to eliminate Armudor.]

[Turok also supports. Please review it positively. positive review.]

Unlike people with abilities who are excited outside.

The top brass who missed the heads of the corps... In fact, he was in quite a heavy mood.

a golden opportunity that may never come again

I missed the timing to kill the corps leaders. To be honest, this could be seen as a bigger blunder than a situation in which something is not gained. Of course, I couldn't blame the best people for this.

They did their best, too.

This was simply a matter of the enemy's lack of information about .

Besides, Amadeus has thousands of lives.

But in the meantime.

The leaders were brightened with unexpected reinforcements.

a total of thirteen native tribes of Kandulas

Because they have revealed that they will join the battle.

, , , , , , , , , and the planets .

the head of Bruckul, a dragon-legged family

I opened this mouth.

We have been under the oppression of the commanders of armies for a long time. But despite a number of violent protests, it was only on our side that suffered repeated damage. Resistance was impossible. That's why I've been hiding for years. But.]


I believe this is the best opportunity. Please accept our thirteen species as colleagues.]

The bookkeepers looked at each other's faces.

Indeed, if they join forces, the tiger will be like a winged tiger. However, even so, all 13 species could not be trusted as they were. If one or two of the dogs were spies of the commanders of the armed forces, they could have been deprived of their information in the worst-case scenario.

Crowd carefully opened his mouth.

"I can't give you a definite answer. However, we would like to give you the most positive answer possible. I'll tell you the detailed results after the meeting."

[Please, we are no longer...] There's nowhere to back off.]

the glistening eyes of the dragon-jok leader

Crowd felt the truth from him.

The desperate heart to rescue the species from the swamp.

"We have a keen understanding of your plight. In fact, we found that about three-quarters of the indigenous species in the were destroyed by Armudor in the past. Nevertheless, you have taken courage to come to us like this. Once again, I would like to express my respect to the leaders of each race."

As a result

The superpowers once again went through a crucial meeting on the agenda. They want to accept other tribes and fight together, and not increase unnecessary factors that may cause variables. And the outcome of the meeting was too easy. This is because nearly 90 percent of the top-notch talent welcomed the participation of 13 species.

Of course, Lena and Cerdiana agreed.

'Minhyuk will be back soon. Besides, it's not a big risk if there's a mix of traitors among them. Minhyuk's will be able to tell. It'll be the best chance ever. Most of all, 13 species are scattered all over the mainland.'

Use all the elements that can be used.

Even large variables are used by allies.

In order to win the war, we have no choice but to strike the best form of artillery.

It should be all the more so now that the commanders of the corps have been lost in vain like sand between their fingers.

"Lena unni. Can I sleep with you tonight?"

"Oh, Ariel? When did you come?"


"We're here, Master Lena."

"It's bitter, but shouldn't we have a drink at times like this? Haha, I brought some snacks, too."

"Jakal, wipe your saliva."

[Oh, I'm hungry. Master! Isn't there something delicious? Don't you raise cows or something?]

[Hahahaha! I'm craving alcohol for a long time now, too!]

The executives who burst into the barracks, throwing words at each other.

Lena smiled slightly at everyone.

Fortunately, there was no damage to Clan One in the all-out war. It must have been because of the overwhelming unilateral offensive against the enemy. It's hard to say it's a big achievement since we failed to get rid of the commanders.

'Is the time-shaft restoration going well?I miss Minhyuk.'

Lena drew her knees together and sighed unconsciously.

Somehow I felt... the solitude in the crowd.

The third force (3) end.

by world manners

work review

Don't worry, everyone!

From the next episode, Minhyuk's story will continue!

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