The Skill Maker

I'm not going to defend (3).

wriggle wiggle.

the bulging back of Amadeus

And a moment later. There was a face of a man who had just been absorbed.

With a broad, smiling face, not a painfully dead face.

Yes. A man eaten by Amadeus was revived.

From his body.

With people speechless at the miraculous scene.

Even the man was very happy about this job.

[Oh!] [Sighs! What a thrill...] To be able to live as one with the great apostle...! Go, thank you, Amadeus! Thank you very much, Amadeus!]

I heard about the power of Amadeus.

It is also true that he thought he was killed in a moment.

But it wasn't at all connected to his memory.

The technique of this was a blessing itself.

He was no longer homeless.

As part of a corps leader who shares the same spirit and body.

[Congratulations, you'll be able to live an extra thousand years as part of my soul and fuel. Please enjoy yourself taking over the karma of the entire universe with a comfortable mind there.]

[Go, thank you!] Thank you very much! Thank you! Thank you!]

Clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap! Clap clap clap clap!

The citizens applauded the tearful scene.

The scene of a man being sucked into Amadeus was terrible.

However, it is the honor of losing to be one body with the commander of the army.

I envy you. I really envy you.

In fact, he was happy.

"Ah... I envy you so much."

[I want to be part of Amadeus, too.]

"How merciful is he?"

"He doesn't discriminate against people. He has a beautiful soul."

Rumor has it that Amadeus' skills share feelings, feelings, and spirit. The absorbed side must have felt as if he had become the commander of the corps. Moreover, with a lifespan of only 150 years, he was now able to live a total of 1,150 years as a reward for his choice. Of course I envy you.

Even if he lost his body.

"Well, please, Amadeus!"

Please allow me to be one with Amadeus!]

"I envy you. I'd like to ask you, too!"

"Please, Sadi!"

"Ah. How does it feel to be a corps commander?"

We would like to be one with Amadeus to meet you, Armudor!]

Armadeus, commander of the Sixth Corps, nodded slowly.

Surely there are many faithful in this city right now.

I like it. There is room for moderation.

He shouted with his arms wide open.

[Okay, I'm in a good mood right now, so I'll give you a special chance. Exactly 1,000 people from now on...! Only 1,000 people will be allowed to join me.

Those who burst into happy exclamations at the commander's words.

A few fanatics who dip their foreheads in tears on the floor.

A fanatic. A real fanatic. But it pleased him.

[Well, then, shall we get started right away?] Shii yi yi... Small!]

those who rush at the end of a word

It was a rather bizarre scene.


"Bee, get out of the way! I'm first!"

[No! I'm the dust!]

[Oh, I want to be one with Amadeus!]]


a frantic crowd

Citizens who burst red liquid and are sucked into the corps leader's body. But Amadeus stood comfortably open with his arms as if there was not even a single flutter in the face of the rabble. Now his body continued to suck others in like an infinite black hole. His muscles, bones, and flesh were intertwined and lumped together.

[Huck! Huck! Huck...!]

"Oh, it hurts! Argh!"

"Heehee! Huck!"

A sea of red blood centered around Amadeus.

Citizens reddening the city's square in hopes of symbiosis.

People wanted to be a commander-in-chief.

I wanted to taste its strength, its body, its power and its pleasures.

He wanted to serve Armudor closer.

quasitic position

Quad-de-deuk! Quad-deuk!

Hurry up! Thick!

a continuum of sounds in which the mother's bones are purged

those who want to devote their whole bodies to becoming amadeus

When time passed and the total number of people reached 1,000.

At last Amadeus gently defeated the people.

With such a gracious smile.

[That's enough.]


The existence of a thousand people has all become one.

Amadeus itself.


Chai-ik! Chia-chia-chia-chia-chia!


A thousand small faces protruding from all over Amadeus' body.

A grotesque figure reminiscent of a lump with an eye, nose, and mouth.

It opened its mouth and thanked the commander of the 6th Corps.

[Go, thank you!] Amadeus!]

[Oh! This is Amadeus' body! How can you be so beautiful and strong? I can't believe it's really my body.1]

[It's a thrill...!] I feel so good! I'm ecstatic! I can't believe this world existed.]

[Snu, I see eyes!] I thought I'd be blind for the rest of my life! I can finally see your eyes!]

[I can't believe I'm part of the commander-in-chief...] Hahaha! Hahaha!]

Go, thank you. Sado of Armudor...!]

The other amadeus beings.

The citizens so chosen shed tears of excitement and emotion.

Of course, the 6th Army Commander, who felt their emotions, shed tears.

He stroked himself and opened his mouth.

[Hahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!] They are all very good...! Very very good loyalty and faith. This body is an apostle of the great Armudor, but respect does not flow from bottom to top. This Amadeus will live a life with respect for each and every one of you. For the everlasting glory of Armudor...!]

"Forscrem Demindion! Forscrem Armoodorr!"

a city in tears

Even those who have not become one with Amadeus.

All those who became one, they let go of their heads and cried.

It was like a scene from a brilliant myth.

But then.

The messenger of the tribe showed up.

with a look full of embarrassment and fear

[Ah, Amadeus!] Oh, my God! It's an assault! Yes, the mighty have come in!]

The No. 6 corps commander stood up, jumping from his seat, instead of shedding tears.

The color of the face changes in a flash.

Wait a minute. What do you mean?

Are the powers coming in?

Where the hell?

The faces that stood out on Amadeus' body disappear in a flash.

[Tell me more details] Where, how, how, how many of those with abilities have come in?]

[Northeast of Estvalde...!] So the area north of it seems to be their target! Currently, nearly 2 million talented people are moving northward at tremendous speed, divided into 10 different categories! In addition, there are many talented people in the top four categories.]

Upon hearing the report, the six pupils fell and distorted.

How dare you turn your foot on Armudor's territory? Moreover, the situation was surprisingly tough if the top four items were the main players. No matter how confident you are, it is not easy to deal with those who are above the middle class of the mythical class. Most of all, most of his skills were specialized in distance.

[ it the Yellow River Mountains?] Two million? Oh, my God. You're such an unpredictable bunch of bugs. I can't believe you stormed in there. No, how was that possible?]

Amadeus gnawed his teeth.

How on earth did the able men get over it without any sound? It must be home to more than 100,000 birds from the past. It would be too much for two million men to pass through that hideous place. I couldn't quite understand that part.

Of course, such questions were quickly resolved with the advent of the next "warrior."

"Beau, I report to you, sir! I just got a call from Commander No. 5 heading to the area. Right now, the Hwangcheon Mountain Range's monsters and monsters' corps appear all over the Gigantium region...! They're making a fuss about the new occupation! Also, the number seems to be close to 100,000!"


The phoenixes of the Yellow River Mountains appeared?

How far is it between the Yellow River Mountains?

You've come to the battlefield of the 5th Corps after that long distance?

No way.

Oh, no.

Then what?

[... Oh, my God!] Is that true?]

Amadeus twisted his face, recalling one possibility.

's monsters are attacking the 5th Corps in the Gitium. And the bastards have been attacking the mainland.

In other words, it looked as if the monsters had deliberately opened their way to the capable. And based on him, I can instantly imagine a complex connection between the two powers. Maybe... ...there's a creature on the other side that can rule the monster. The creature that moves the most annoying monsters.

'Is that a class?

Amadeus bit his lips.

I've seen them in the past.

cumbersome writers who control powerful monsters at will.

But I thought you killed almost everything in the last Great War.

There must have been someone left.

A real exhaust enough to control the monsters.

[Whoa... how could there be such a mistake?] Damn it! I don't like it. I don't like this one!]

Amadeus bit his lower lip.

I'm so angry with myself. It was so upsetting to the enemy that he had been so easily invaded the mainland, and so much so as to his own territory, the east. But even if that is the case, you shouldn't move too much. If you run into 7,80 talented individuals alone, you'll have to do a lot of damage on this side, too. At least the two corps must gather to determine the superiority from the other side.

Moreover, if we analyze the situation, it seems like they are even giving up their defense and crawling up to the mainland desperately. No matter how trivial each of the capable men was, they were realizing from past wars how annoying their armies were. It's not that they were deprived of six areas for no reason.

Amadeus managed to get his breath together.

I'm angry. This situation is so upsetting.

But it's not the time to be angry.

You have to ask for help for now.

[Okay, please contact the other commanders right now. And please sing for us. We need their power.]

"Ma, you mean the Marshalls? All right, sir."

Corps leaders.

They heard this incredible information from where they stayed.

A sudden invasion of the mainland that was unexpected by the capable.

And that it originated from.

"What? Invasion of the mainland? Is that true? Yeez! How dare you play with this Belferna?"

He tore the paper that the messenger had brought to pieces.

I didn't expect this kind of information to flow into your ears.

Doesn't this mean that talented people have been screwing up on themselves?

That's perfect.


It gives me the hump.

I'm so sick that I'm going crazy.

I can't believe such a funny thing is happening on the other side while he's playing tag with monsters. It's as if only he was bullied. I had to go now. Even now, he had to go and tear down the people who made a fool of himself.

"Yes, we'll see. I'm angry right now! I'm angry right now! I'm angry right now!"

Belferna howled hotly.

With rage... stamping his feet.

dong dong dong dong

[Bursting worms crossed the Yellow River Mountains?]That's a masterpiece.]

Erin Corps Commander Velox breathed a deep sigh.

It is the temple of the great Armudor. I can't believe I've been hit back by a bunch of talented people from the start. Amadeus's stupidity was truly ridiculous and infuriating. What is the point of neglecting the defense of the mainland to do such a thing? If the enemy had invaded his territory, he would have stopped them at lightning speed.

How dare you disgrace God's face.

[Can't do it.] The bilimantes are put on hold for a while. I'll change the route from now on. Let's go to Estvalde.]

"Oh, I see, Lord Veloc! Did you hear that? Lord Velocs has commanded! We're going to Estvalde from now on!"



as such

The Eighth Army commander changed his destination.

To help Amadeus.

[Very well, there must be some people on the other side as well. Don't tell me you've given up defending the Resistance. You must be pretty pissed off by now.]

Amon, too, was angry at Amadeus's stupidity.

But he was more conscious of the scheming of the people with abilities behind the incident. The current situation is when we need to look at a more grand picture. In many ways, it was a natural step to support someone if they were really united in many ways. No matter how [fearful] you may be, it's hard to deal with the dozens of talented people in the mythical world.

I couldn't let the enemies destroy the temples on the mainland.

I don't want to incur Armudor's wrath.

[Can't do it.] Get him up for support him. Turn the army around.]

[Balloon thunder! Bypass!]


Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Amon began to move his million demon bottles.

Not in the direction of the original destination, but in the direction.

Then again, the same time.

Not all the corps chiefs were thinking they should help Amadeus.

Dozle, commander of the 12th Corps, took over the information and giggled and burst into laughter.

information received by the messenger of the side

It was just ridiculous as I read it. It wouldn't be cool to hear that this side invaded Estvalde. What, you were attacked? Besides, the fortresses are dangerous?

[Laughing...] [Laughing] You idiot. What are you going to do when he wakes up? You're so stupid, anyway. It's ridiculous to see such a bad head after swallowing so many things.]

I'm not going to defend. (3) The end.

by world manners

work review

Thank you so much to everyone who recommended the pre-written comment!

Have a good night, everyone!

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