The Skill Maker

Magna Cargos (3)

a thumping and pounding heart

a sense of tension that squeezes one's chest

The current time is 3 a.m.

I woke up feeling my palms wet with sweat.

No, the truth is I haven't even gotten a good night's sleep.

I just went to the washroom and washed my face.

My reflection in the mirror.

And the idea of overlapping Armudor.

The existence of the goods was waking up.

The time axis is recovering, and the world is once again put to the test.

an overwhelming monster of control over everything at will It is one that touches the ultimate realm that has brought more than 100 million people in all dimensions of the universe into the Kandulas planet system in a single moment.

Certainly it was no wonder that the Armudor would call himself. If you understand much more than God, and if you are the one who can make the impossible possible, what would it be if it were not a true transcendent?

For your information.

When the Clans were all scattered and returned to their respective rooms.

I opened my mouth to Belga for the last time before parting.

"Belga. Do you remember the way to the temple? Can you mark your location on a map of the planetary system?"

A man who shakes his head.

But his words were quite hopeful.

"...can't show details. Not only was it very deep in the mainland, but it took almost a month to get there. In addition, I remember that the way was quite complicated as well. However, I have consistently marked the path to the temple using my teacher's help, so if I go back step by step, I'll be able to go there again. Unless, of course, they remain intact."

"Okay, good. That's enough."

a section of the corps leaders

The situation had to be stopped at all costs.

What's more, the current situation is literally at odds.

Of course Belga said she could afford months.

Considering the distance from here to there, I had to move at any moment.

However, it is impossible to move the entire army.

If Belga, who has more than 200 agility, took a month to build an army and move, it would take at least two or three months to get to the temple. Moreover, the mainlanders have not been able to stay still. When the army starts to move, they're definitely moving on their side. In severe cases, it could be a great war for as many years.

As expected, that won't stop the time axis.

It's only a few months before Armudor wakes up.

No, rather, if the military moves to leak information about the time axis, the temple's boundaries will be tens of times stricter. It would be much safer and faster to move in small numbers here. In other words, it was the best way to move your body yourself because you can use teleport skills and various skills.

'Is it in the middle of the enemy where the corps leaders are staying? Is it really possible to do it alone?'

If you're a man of the same [mythology] quality.

It's hard to take a man of ability down there.

Besides, I can't easily overpower a commander-in-chief. He had to be prepared in case of a collision with his opponent. They were confirmed to be smarter and cunning than I had imagined at first. I made it clear through You can't let your guard down any more.


a leaky sigh

But not necessarily bad tension.

Thinking that the collision with them has reached the brink again makes my brain dizzy. Frankly speaking, the thrill of fighting the kahamas was still deeply imprinted on my central nerves.

Lena and Cerdiana were the worst mistakes in the world.

But apart from that, the pleasure of the moment brought by the battle was real. Just thinking about fighting them again makes my heart pound. Frankly speaking, I think I have some fight addiction symptoms. And this feeling has been felt for quite a long time.

the act of confronting a mighty enemy with all one's might

To subdue the overwhelming power and prove that I have more superiority.

I have long achieved my desire to achieve through these things.

And that sentiment is already... It was completely solidified as part of my mental world. Perhaps in the coming quarrel I will find such a thing unknowingly. Why? Because I'm Choi Min-hyuk. People don't change easily. No matter how hard you try to change it, it doesn't change easily.


Now I'll try my best not to lose any more valuable people. We will find ways to crush the enemy more thoroughly and stop them from breathing so as not to make a single mistake. I don't intend to change myself in particular. But you can get better results by eliminating slack.

Yes. I'll do that this time.

I will crush the strength of the enemy by a thoroughly calculated force.

Perfectly. Most definitely.

'It would be best if we didn't bump into it.'

Good things are good anyway.

What's good is good.


I think I've been sighing a little more lately.

After washing my face, I could no longer sleep.

I opened the door and followed the stairs downstairs.

a vast hall of mansions

It's the first time I've been here at this time.

a gain in talent

A fairly magnificent and splendid view that enters the gaze as you open the door.

Hundreds of high-quality liquor bottles in specially custom-made cupboards.

I picked one of them and sat down at the table. The super luxury liquor of the planet Candullas that Crowd has specially prepared for me. They had prices ranging from at least a few hundred thousand kruns to tens of millions of kruns a bottle.

However, I don't have eyes that distinguish between good and bad alcohol.

I don't know if it's an apple.

I slowly tilted the glass to myself.

I didn't know I'd be drinking this here at dawn.

Kraud didn't predict this, did he?

Click. Click.

liquor flowing hotly into the throat

The sweet scent of wood that feels in the mouth and nose.

I don't know how much it costs, but I know it's definitely expensive.

I heard that drinkers value the scent of alcohol so much.

I think I know.

Click. Click.


The heat that spreads along the whole body.

a violent drunkenness that instantly paralyzes reason

But I don't feel like getting drunk no matter how much I drink today. No, I might get drunk, but I don't feel like I'm going to get drunk. Alcohol can only be easily drunk when it's in the mood to get drunk. Especially for people with abilities like us.

Is going to the temple alone the answer? Or...'

The answer was unknown.

But the skill creator, I have all sorts of ways.

Find the best water. an overwhelming measure of crushing one's opponent

When I was still thinking.

an iron fist

a gain in talent

The door to the living room opened and someone appeared cautiously.

You can tell without turning your head. I'm used to the sound of footsteps.

Two beings slowly coming to my side by side.

It was Lena and Cerdiana.

I turned my head slowly.

"Why are you two here together at this hour? Have you done anything together so far?"

"Huh? Master?"

Two people looking at me with a curious look.

The two women were finally decided to live in this mansion with me from today.

Actually, I've already packed a lot of things I bought two days ago. Of course in their own rooms the way they want, but I didn't know they'd be here at 3:00 in the morning.

"Master, aren't you sleeping yet?"

"Hoot. What is it? Minhyuk, you can't sleep either?"

Two people coming to me with a soft smile.

Anyway, I smiled gladly at the unexpected appearance.

In addition, they are both dressed in sky-high white and pink underwear.

Instinctively, the heart beats and beats.

Because I'm a man.

"Are you drinking alone?

Two women sitting on the couch on both sides of me, gently clinging to their bodies.

Of course, these two are always so beautiful.

a gentle and warm look at this side I felt my heart, which had been shaken by conflicting feelings of anxiety and anticipation, was purged in a flash. It's warm. The body temperature of the two beloved lovers is transmitted calmly along their arms.

Touched. Touched.

And anguish.


His body, which had not been heated by alcohol, is hot and hot in an instant.

As expected, they make me drunk.

Wow! That's a good expression.

"What are you thinking by yourself at this dawn? Is it because of the Armudor story we heard today?"

I sneered and laughed at Lena's words.

Frankly speaking, I couldn't sleep coolly tonight.

An issue is an issue. I had to decide ahead of time.

I'm the decision maker.

Lena, who is quick-witted, knows how I feel.

"Ha ha. Well, yes. I'd like to deny it, but I can't. But not just me, but Lena and Cerdiana are still awake, so... I think it's just one thing."

Lena with her tongue out.

Cute. Lena is so pretty.

I can't believe he's going to be a mother soon.

Lena says it's been about four months.

It doesn't show anything on the outside.

"...Yes? Whoo-hoo. To be honest, we can't fall asleep either. I've heard such a great story."

"So do I. That he might be freed from the temporal axis..."

Cerdiana with a rather unpleasant expression.

According to her story in the past, one of her mother's executives stole something and ran away to Armudor. Naturally, the queen, who had taken away the holy thing, could have had good feelings for Armudor. In addition, I heard that a long time ago, in the conquest war of Armudor, many tribes that did not follow him suffered great damage.

Of course, the fishermen.

But then.

Only then did I notice that Cerdiana's body was shaking thinly, bringing up the story of Armudor. The feeling that now dominates the queen seemed to be not only unpleasant. Not particularly obvious because of the noble queen's pride, but she seemed to have a feeling of fear for Armudor.

Magna Cargos (3) Done.

by world manners

work review

Lena and Cerdiana appear?


Thank you so much to everyone who recommended the previous work!

Have a good night, everyone!

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